Turmeric the Root of Life


Turmeric-Curcuma longa
The root of turmeric (Curcuma longa) which for centuries has been an ingredient of the Indian curry also has medicinal properties.
The main ingredient is curcumin and because of that spice has a strong yellow color . Contains vitamin B6 , B3 , folic acid and minerals .

Curcumin, stimulates the flow of bile, which helps in the breakdown of fats. Curcumin is a cure against inflammation and therefore reduces the pain associated with arthritis.
It has been proven that curcumin recommended as therapy for diabetes .

But recently in this spice has been found one until now undiscovered molecule called CNB- 001, which has incredible power over the brain, and in the recovery of the human body . The action of this molecule is not preventive but curative.

As one of the most important properties of turmeric still its diverse anticancer activity, particularly in the treatment of ovarian cancer and breast cancer.

Researchers, however, have expanded the list of healing powers of turmeric proving that helps in the prevention of colon and prostate cancer and helps in the treatment of leukemia, especially at children.


15 good reasons for adding turmeric in your daily menu:

  • – Has antiseptic and antibacterial properties , it is useful for disinfecting wounds and burns ;
  • – Excellent in the prevention of prostate cancer, at the existing prevents further development ;
  • – Inhibits the growth of breast cancer ;
  • – Turmeric is a natural prevention of melanoma; at the current kills cancer cells and prevents its further development ;
  • – Reduces the risk of childhood leukemia;
  • – Cleanse the liver in a natural way ;
  • – May slow or prevent the development of Alzheimer’s disease ( destroys accumulated amyloidosis in the brain ) ;
  • – Prevents the growth of metastases in many cancers ;
  • – Natural remedy against pain ;
  • – Regulates metabolism and helps in weight loss ;
  • – In China has been used as a cure for depression for a long time ;
  • – Cure for arthritis ;
  • – Protects against cancer of the thyroid gland ;
  • – Accelerates wound healing and quickly restores the injured skin ;
  • – Assists in the treatment of psoriasis and other inflammatory skin diseases .


  • – Pregnant women should consult with an expert before using turmeric .
  • – A study on animals has shown that turmeric reduces fertility . If a woman is trying to conceive or had problems with fertility , you should consult with an expert before using turmeric .
  • – If a person has a blood clot disorders, before use of turmeric should consult with a specialist.
  • – Children and people over the age of 65 years should use lighter products . Do not give to children under the age of two years .

Source: secretly healthy

7 Spices for super health benefits!

How often do we sprinkle cinnamon powder into the porridge or add a dash of oregano to pizza to pamper our taste buds! It may come as a surprise to many that our favorite herbs and spices not only add a twist of color, flavor and taste to our breakfasts, lunches, and dinners but also pack a nutritional punch.

From keeping our heart healthy and arteries clear to easing pain and warding off cancer, spices used extensively in cooking carry infinite health benefits and contribute towards a healthy life.

spices that not only turn bland dishes into mouth watering delicacies but contribute towards a healthy life.

1. Ginger: This gnarly looking tree root is a good source of magnesium, potassium, copper and vitamin B. The underground stem gives specific flavour to food and has many medicinal uses. It works wonders in alleviating nausea, motion sickness, helps treat upset stomachs, gas and bloating, is beneficial for coping with sore throats and colds. In addition, it is good for arthritis, hinders the growth of certain cancer cells, boosts immunity and promotes sweating.

2. Garlic: Some profess to love garlic while others hate it! Whatever may be the case, there is no denying that garlic is good for you! It has antibacterial, anti-fungal and antiviral properties. Research has established that garlic improves cardiovascular health and helps the body metabolize iron. Just incorporate the spice in your daily diet whether in sauces, pizzas, roasted in veggies or finely chopped in regular meals.

3. Cinnamon: We love cinnamon, the common kitchen spice prized for its unique aroma in pie, rolls, raisin bread, stirred in coffee and sprinkled on yoghurt because it brings out the flavors of the food it is paired with. However, few know that cinnamon tames nausea and stomach ulcers, is a proven anti-inflammatory, keeps arteries healthy increases metabolic rate, helps alleviate arthritis pain, regulates blood sugar and lowers cholesterol. Moreover, it is a natural food preservative.

4. Saffron: The “golden spice” is truly a wonder herb. Prized for adding color and a unique aroma to a dish, this expensive and exotic spice is known to treat nearly 90 ailments. Saffron is a purifier and has a cooling effect. It works wonders as therapy for kidney, bladder and liver disorders. It is heart healthy, and is known to lower blood cholesterol and triglycerides. Saffron is touted as an enhancer of skin tone.

5. Turmeric: This bright orange-yellow spice has some solid gold health benefits. Turmeric paste speeds healing process of injuries and provides pain relief of arthritis. Turmeric can relieve colds, respiratory problems, improve liver function and help to digest fats quickly. Curcumin, a compound in turmeric contains anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. The spice is also being investigated for its potential benefits in Alzheimer’s disease, managing heart disease and inhibiting cancerous cell growth.

6. Chilies: Believe it or not but chilies which create sensations of heat also help trigger the body’s natural cooling system. Research has established that capsaicin, a pungent compound found in hot chilies, revs up the body’s metabolism and may help burn fat. Capsaicin may also lower risk of ulcers and shield the heart by keeping “bad” LDL cholesterol from turning into a more lethal, artery-clogging form. Moreover, chilies improve circulation, clear congestion, fight inflammation, enhance immunity, aid in weight loss and lower the risk of diabetes.

7. Cardamom: Enriched with dietary fiber, iron, magnesium, zinc, calcium, Vitamin C and potassium, cardamom flushes out toxins from the body, perks up kidney, bladder and digestive function as well as circulation. Commonly known as choti elaichi, this spice alleviates gas and symptoms of asthma, stimulates appetite, aid acid reflux while the fragrant seeds rectify foul breath.

source: the med guru

Get rid of unwanted facial hair — naturally!

Facial hair – especially hair on the upper lip – can be very embarrassing. On a daily basis a number of women search for that one elusive method to get rid of unwanted hair permanently, but all the methods of depilation present today have a number of side effects and not to mention can be quite painful. So if you are looking to get rid of that annoying hair, here is a simple and painless natural remedy for you – Kuppaimeni leaves.

Kuppaimeni leaves also known as the Indian Nettle is a great way to get rid of unwanted hair. The leaves are anthelmintic, expectorant, emetic, anodyne, hypnotic, antimicrobial , antiparasitic and wound healing properties, this leaf is also the perfect remedy for unwanted hair. The leaf has properties that permeate the skin and gradually thins the hair that grows out, causing them to fall out. Eventually this hair stops growing leading to a hair free upper lip

Here is how you can get rid of the unwanted hair:

Take a few leaves of the plant, wash them well and grind them. Now, add a teaspoon of fresh turmeric (kasturi manjal) to the mix. Mix this well and apply the paste on the area where you would like to get rid of hair, leave it on for a few hours and wash it off later. This tip is best done just before you go to bed, where you can remove the pack the next morning.

Remember that this remedy works over time and you must continue to apply the paste everyday for it to completely get rid of all the hair.

Where you can find kuppaimeni leaves:

The plant is easy to buy and maintain. A number of herbal plant sellers are available who can deliver the plant right to your doorstep. If you cannot find the fresh leaves, powdered leaves are also available at natural medicine stores.

Source: Health

Home remedies for asthma

For effective control and remedy of asthma; one needs to ascertain the allergen or irritant which triggers such an attack. Thus controlling the conditions which account for asthma will indirectly lead to fewer attacks of asthma.

For people susceptible to asthma on account of pollen, dust and pets need to ensure their protection against the causal factors. It is imperative that they go for air conditioning of their rooms and cars to prevent exposure to the sources of irritation.
It is imperative that they stay away from carpets, draperies and toys which accumulate dust. The ones allergic to animal furs need to ensure that pets are not allowed in vicinity of living rooms.
Besides avoiding the likely allergens, certain dietary means have been found beneficial for those prone to asthmatic attacks. For instance powdered turmeric added to milk keeps such attacks away; if consumed daily on empty stomach.
Five to six cloves boiled in half a glass of water with a spoon full of honey serve as an excellent decoction against asthma; if taken twice a day.
Crushed cloves of garlic may be boiled in six tea spoons of milk for regular consumption of the same by an asthma prone person.

Regular exposure to fresh air and sun light free from pollutants contributed by factories and means of transport is also important in order to counter the attacks of asthma.
One of the naturally effective home remedies include a decoction including tea spoon full measures of raw honey, ginger powder and ground black pepper.
Dried grapes soaked in water and then in cold milk may be had on an empty stomach in order to counter asthmatic attacks. Consumption of grapes serves to strengthen lungs and flush the toxic contents of human body.
Dried figs also serve to flush out the phlegm content of the respiratory tract.
Equal measures of honey and olive oil may be added to warm milk. The consumption of the resulting milk along with a few cloves of garlic before breakfast acts as an antidote to asthmatic attacks.
Half a glass measure of boiled fenugreek juice along with tea spoons measure of ginger juice is also an excellent natural remedy. It serves to decongest and detoxify the lungs.
Regular consumption of fennel seeds also has a similar purpose to serve.
Herbal tea with ground ginger and a dash of lime juice is also effective. Patients susceptible to asthmatic attacks may choose the same over milk tea to be consumed twice a day. Herbal tea based on licorice root is extremely beneficial..
Turmeric and honey taken separately early in the morning keeps you away from the painful bouts of asthmatic attacks.
Crushed gooseberry in a table spoon of honey also serves as a natural remedial medicine

Soup made out of radish, honey and lemon juice may be made by blending the mentioned ingredients. Regular consumption of at least ten grams the same mixture is beneficial for asthma patients. Both the medicinally enriched natural ingredients will serve to excrete mucus and detoxify the respiratory tract.
Broth made out of leaves of drumstick is equally helpful for patients afflicted with asthma.
Juice of bitter gourd added to honey and paste of basil also ranks amongst the numerous natural options. Spoon full of the same serves to defend yourself from asthmatic attacks.
Dried pomegranates and raisins boiled in milk also serve to be an effective remedial measure.
Dried and powdered seeds of safflower acts as a natural expectorant if consumed with a spoon full measure of honey.
In case one finds himself in the grip of an attack warm mustard oil with a bit of crushed camphor should be massaged on the victim’s back and chest to make way for ease in breathing.
Inhaling of steam from water boiled in ‘ajwain’ seeds will also prove to be relieving.
Inhaling steam from water enriched with herbal oil of ‘juniper’ may be another relieving option.
Inhaling the smell of honey is also said to be similarly beneficial.
Apart from adopting a dietary regimen insisting on fruits, vegetable and honey; patients susceptible to breathing spasms on account of asthma should be cautious about his weight. Special medical advice and care should be taken as to the use of humidifiers and inhalers if the bouts of attack are frequent.
Source: pro kerala