Petrified at the idea of committing yourself sexually? It’s time to get rid of the “sex fears” and “sex blues” and enjoy the most natural act made by God. Fears of premature ejaculation, a traumatic incident in the past or hesitation towards sex, may be the reason why one fears sexual contact. Shove aside fear of sex, read MedGuru ways for overcoming the fears and spice up your sex life:
No Delay in sexual intercourse
Delaying having sex for a long time can result in an unnatural fear of the act. As time passes the anxiety levels start to pile up and the fear feelings become a natural part of life. Anxiety is a negative emotion that is not productive. It pushes one away from sex and dating the opposite sex. We at MedGuru attempt to make the fear of sex rush away and let the natural course of enjoyment take over.
Cope up with the lack of sexual knowledge
Face the matter of sex, maturely with a positive stance as it has to creep up in life one day or the other. Get prepared mentally for sexual intercourse and believe that the sexual activity will be a positive experience for sure. To make things easier and learn more about the issue you can grab a few books on fun tips for sex and sex education. You can also get prepared by reading medical facts on the issue on the internet.
Stay away from pornography
One needs to approach sexuality with maturity and not by watching pornographic material. Pornography offers a sex version that is extremely unrealistic and will scare one off the real thing. It’s the sex education books that can help or there is one innovative app like the “Explore Women’s Sex” etc. This highlights the details of the anatomy of a female, and similar apps on males are also available. Take it easy and look through carefully, there is no need to learn each detail the same day, pick up a single step at a time and then begin the process or you will end up overwhelming yourself.
Choose a caring partner
Tenderness and emotion is what a human being is about. Having a sexual relation with a person who is tender will reduce the anxiety pangs and give a boost to the confidence. Having a sexual relationship with a caring partner will make the sexual journey more enjoyable as both the partners will be bothered about each other’s needs during the act. Your partner should appreciate that this is your first experience and learn how to take you on the sex path with patience and make it special for you.
Understand that sex is a special connection
Sex is an intimate act that transports both the partners onto an altogether different level. One connects to one’s partner on an emotional, mental and a physical level. It’s the ultimate way of communicating with your partner and the most distressing and relaxing activity that the partners undertake. Tell your partner your fears and share with him or her the right way to deal with it. A loving partner will surely reassure you and lead you on into the act carefully and with love. Ask your partner the preferences and the right way to move on. Understanding the needs of the partner makes the act more enjoyable.
Leave your body insecurities aside
Do not have any insecurity regarding your own body. Remember that your partner may be sharing the same fears and will be behaving strangely because of this. Don’t be too hard on your self esteem by focusing on the flaws. It’s better to think about the connectivity you are going to experience. The most important fact is that the two partners are soon going to be bound together permanently in an emotional bondage. Just go ahead and feel sexy for your partner.
Make the ideal atmosphere
Spread some aromatic flowers on the bed and light a few candles to make the ambiance better. Change the sheets for some soft and satiny ones. It’s the fantasizing that is going to get you through the glorious act so why not fan your imagination by the low soft music and the subtle candle light.
Don’t hurry the act
Now hang on, a sexual encounter is not only penetration. It involves tender and exciting foreplay for a while. Then let the emotions rule and follow the commands of your heart. You can try a sexy massage, some warm hugs, kisses, fondling your partner and then finally get ready for the total commitment act.
Lastly breathe away dollops of air. Remember it’s the breathing that is going to relax your insides and just go with the flow of the moment. Go ahead, give it a try and act out your turbulent sexy emotions.
Source: the medguru