Pumpkin seeds cure many diseases

Pumpkin seeds cure many diseases

Pumpkin seeds contain anti-stress, reduce anxiety, antibacterial and even prevent cancer.

Before processing pumpkins for meals, desserts or decorating, remember to retain its seeds. Do not throw away pumpkin seeds just by how you throw a lot of nutrients and the inherent benefits of it there.

1. The nutrients and vitamins
Pumpkin seeds are a great source of nutrition, providing all the nutrients such as manganese, magnesium, iron, copper, tryptophan, zinc, phosphorus, and many other minerals and vitamins.

2. Tryptophan – an essential amino acid in protein
Composition tryptophan in pumpkin seeds helps fight depression. Once in the body, tryptophan is converted into serotonin and niacin are helpful hormone, helps combat negative feelings.

3. Glutamate
This is a necessary component to create GABA – an anti-neuron nervous tension, helps reduce anxiety and cases involving other stress.

4. Zinc
This mineral helps strengthen the immune system and prevent osteoporosis.

5. Phytosterol
This substance works to reduce LDL cholesterol (the bad actors) and increase HDL (good body). Phytosterols are also effective in preventing certain cancers.

6. Rich in antioxidants
Pumpkin seeds contain a lot of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and phenolic antioxidants. It also contains vitamin E in many forms. The researchers also found in nuts contain the antioxidant minerals such as manganese, zinc, such as ferulic, protocatechuic, caffeic, vanillic, sinapic and syringic acid, hydroxybenzoiccoumaric.

7. Antibacterial properties
According to experts, the pumpkin seed extract and seed oil have been known for a long time because of their antibacterial benefits. Many studies have pointed out the role of a single protein in pumpkin seeds have antibacterial properties. The Lingnan in pumpkin seeds include lariciresinol, medioresinol, and pinoresinol also proven antimicrobial properties and especially anti-virus. Thus in folk, people often eat pumpkin seeds have eliminated the effects of helminths.

8. Diabetics Support
Several studies have demonstrated that the pumpkin seed extracts can improve insulin adjustment process and protecting the kidneys. County is especially good for diabetics.

9. Prevent Cancer
Because pumpkin seeds rich in antioxidants should be able to slow down the deterioration of cells, reduce the risk of cancer. Many works have focused on scientific research in the Lingnan nuts have discovered it has the potential to reduce the risk of breast cancer and prostate.

10. Hyperplasia Treat benign prostatic
Oil and pumpkin seed extract is used in the treatment of prostate cancer. Many studies have shown that nutrients in pumpkin seeds and its extracts have the effect of treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia properties. These compounds include lignans, phytosterols, zinc and other nutrients.

11. Protein
Besides the beneficial antioxidants and other nutrients as above, pumpkin seeds are also an excellent source of protein. Approximately 30 grams of pumpkin seeds contains 9.4 grams of protein.


Source: secretly healthy

Five surprising health benefits of Pumpkin!


Many of us don’t know the wondrous health benefits of pumpkin. In fact, this big orange orb is jam-packed with nutrients and is one of nature’s nutritional powerhouses. Pumpkin is considered as a storehouse of many anti-oxidant vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin E. It is also a rich source of minerals like copper, calcium, potassium and phosphorus.

Here are the five reasons why you should indulge in this ‘superfood’ pumpkin.

Good for eyes: Eating pumpkin can help protect the eyes from cataracts and degeneration due to its vitamin A content.

Good for skin: Pumpkin is good for the skin. It is packed with skin-protecting beta-carotenes that can boost your beauty routine. Pumpkin can help diminish fine lines and wrinkles because of its rich content of essential fatty acids. The vitamin C in pumpkin helps the skin to maintain its beautiful glow and elasticity, while the alpha -carotene found in this healthy food cuts back the aging process.

Helps loose weight: Pumpkin contains no saturated fats or cholesterol and is very low in calorie. Rich in dietary fiber, the vegetable is a great food for cholesterol controlling and weight loss programs.

Good for teeth and bone: Pumpkin is also good for bones and teeth health due to its rich magnesium content in the pulp and the seeds. So have pumpkin to avoid tooth decay and cavities.

Fight diseases: Pumpkin has lots of disease-fighting properties. Having this vegetable can help prevent heart disease, hypertension, arthritis, etc. It is also believed to protect from age-related muscular disease (ARMD) in the old age.

Source: Zee news

Foods with Zinc can fight Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes is an escalating issue in the United States, and there are no signs of this health ailment diminishing. According to the American Diabetes Association, 23.6 million adults and children have diabetes in the U.S. That is 7.8% of the population according to the latest data formed from 2007, and 1.6 million new cases are diagnosed each year. Luckily, there are many natural remedies that may aid in suppressing the negative effects of diabetes. Many of these remedies may completely cure or prevent diabetes when used properly.

Research shows that zinc, an essential trace element responsible for more than 300 enzyme functions, can aid in normalizing the negative effects of diabetes mellitus. According to the study, zinc has been shown to mitigate the harmful effects of diabetes by improving glycemic control in type I and type II diabetes. Many of the enzyme systems in which zinc is a necessity for are involved with the metabolism of blood sugar, and therefore make zinc a natural catalyst for insulin secretion.

The pancreas is an endocrine gland responsible for producing hormones like glucagon, somatostatin, and–you guessed it–insulin. The beta cells that secrete insulin in your pancreas are also highly stored with zinc. Without the high concentrations of zinc, the beta cells suffer. Luckily, beta cells are equipped with their own special transporter called ‘zinc transporter 80, which makes it easy for the beta cells to store the zinc. However, it is known that any metamorphosis of the genes in the zinc transporter 8 causes type 2 diabetes. It is also now known that antibodies against the zinc transporter are present in type 1 diabetic patients, which means that these antibodies are associated with type 1 diabetes.

It is no wonder why zinc is as popular as it is for supplementation. In addition to mending the difficulties brought on by diabetes, zinc also serves to maintain a healthy immune system, controls hair loss, halts impotence, improves brain function, prevents loss of taste or smell, and much more. Although supplementation is a viable option to obtain the amount of zinc that you need, it is not the only option thanks to the abundant amount of foods rich in zinc that are available to the general public. To reap the many benefits of zinc, one could include any of the following foods into their diet:

Wheat Germ
Sesame Flour and Tahini
Low Fat Roast Beef
Roasted Pumpkin and Squash Seeds
Dried Water Melon Seeds
Cocoa Powder and Chocolate
Chickpeas (including hummus and falafel)
Crab, Dungeness
Kiwi Fruit
Lima Beans

Source: Information center