Poor sleep affects mood, lifestyle in obese

Scientists have linked inadequate sleep to mood disturbances and lower quality of life in extremely obese people, said a study.

“There was a clear association between the sleep problems such as short sleep duration, and the psychological disorders, and with quality of life,” said G. Neil Thomas, lead supervisor, study methodology lead, and reader in epidemiology at the Department of Public Health, Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the University of Birmingham in Britain.

The study results appear in the December issue of the journal Sleep, reports the Science Daily.

“This study emphasizes the need for physicians to conduct routine screenings for sleep problems among people with severe obesity,” said M. Safwan Badr, president of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine.

“Improving sleep quality, and quantity will provide a physical, mental, and emotional boost for people, who are making the difficult lifestyle changes involved in managing obesity.”

Source: Times of India

“Lifestyle changes makes city dwellers aloof”

With the city dwellers spending a greater time outside the home, either at work, or in traffic or in social networking sites, there is lesser interaction happening with one’s own relatives, said Dr Mahesh R Gowda, consultant physiatrist, Spandana health care.

He was speaking on the sidelines of the national seminar held on Thursday at Jyotinivas autonomous college on “Relationship management- An essential investment fro better living.”

Dr Vijay Nagaswamy, psychiatrist from Chennai who took part in the seminar observed the growth of phenomenal growth of the nation in the last thirty years, “We have seen changes in all spheres; an arranged marriage to the new trend of ‘hook up’ relationships. Increased mobility among the youth has given them greater opportunity to live away from home. There is greater focus on the individual than collective. There is a decrease in frustration tolerance among youth,” said Dr Vijay Nagaswamy.

“Improve interactive skills”

Speaking at the seminar Sr Elizabeth C S, Principal of Jyoti Nivas college said that what is needed for a job seeker is good communication, relationship management skills. “Thirty years ago, a person with excellent technical knowledge would have been hired by companies. But now what is being sought after is the communicative skills of a person and his/her ability to perform as a team player and maintain good relation with people around,” she said.

Source: Times of India