Fried Foods’ Effects May Be Greater In People With Obesity Genes

People with certain genes may be more susceptible to the fattening effects of fried food, a new study suggests.

In the research, people whose genes put them at high risk for obesity saw bigger changes in their body mass index (BMI) from eating fried food than people with a lower genetic risk for obesity.

For example, among women in the study with a high genetic risk for obesity, those who ate fried food four times a week had an average BMI that was 1 point higher compared to those who ate fried food less than once a week. That point amounts to about 6 pounds (2.7 kilograms) for a 5-foot-3 inch (1.5 meters) person. In contrast, among women with a lower genetic risk for obesity, those who ate fried food frequently had a BMI that was just 0.5 points higher than those who rarely ate fried food

The results suggest that some genes may “amplify the adverse effects of fried food consumption on body weight,” said study researcher Lu Qi, an assistant professor in the Department of Nutrition at Harvard School of Public Health.

The findings underscore the importance of eating less fried foods to prevent obesity, particularly for people who are genetically predisposed to weight gain, the researchers said.

Previously, this same group of researchers found that people’s genes affect the obesity risk they face from drinking soda.

Fried food and obesity

Previous studies have shown eating fried food increases people’s risk of obesity. However, these studies did not look at how this risk might vary depending on a person’s genes.

In the new study, researchers analyzed information from more than 37,000 men and women who took part in three large studies in the 1980s and 1990s. Every four years, participants answered questions about their food and beverage intake.

The subjects also had their genomes analyzed for the presence of any of 32 genetic markers linked to obesity. Each person received a score — based on the number and type of genetic markers the individual had — that reflected the subject’s genetic predisposition to obesity, or an obesity risk score.

Not surprisingly, those who ate fried food more frequently tended to have higher BMIs than those who ate fried food less often. But this link was strongest among those with the highest obesity-risk scores.

The people with the highest obesity-risk scores and also the most fried food consumption had the highest BMIs overall.

Fried food all right for some?

The findings held even after the researchers took into account other lifestyle factors that might affect obesity risk, such as consumption of soda and other sugar-sweetened beverages, and how much time people spent watching TV or exercising.

Still, the researchers noted that the study found only an association, and cannot prove that fried food causes obesity among people with certain genes. It’s possible that other unhealthy habits not taken into account in the study were responsible for the link.

The findings do not mean that people with a low genetic risk for obesity can overindulge in fried food, Qi said. He noted that, in the study, frequent consumption of fried food was tied to an increased risk of obesity, even for people with a low genetic risk of obesity.

In addition, fried food consumption is linked with other adverse health effects, such as an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, Qi said.

The findings support recommendations that encourage healthy eating for everyone, Qi said. In the future, it may be possible to tailor diet recommendations for people based on their genes, he said.

Source: Huffington Post

Three reasons why fast food is bad for you

Most people now flock to fast food every day due to hectic schedules in the fast-paced world, which is really unhealthy and dangerous for your health. Below are three reasons why eating fast food is bad:

Obesity: Junk food is a major contributor to obesity, which increases the risk for cardiovascular disease, diabetes and other chronic health problems. According to studies, kids who eat junk food regularly as part of their diet consume more fat, carbohydrates and processed sugar and less fiber leading to weight gain than those who do not eat fast food on a regular basis.

Bad cholesterol level: Since most of the fast foods contain high levels of saturated fat, eating these foods regularly can up the levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) in the blood. High levels of cholesterol can cause heart attack and stroke.These foods also contain trans fat, which is the worst type of fat. Trans fat is linked to increased levels of bad cholesterol in the blood.

Sodium: Many fast foods contain high levels of sodium, which can cause high blood pressure, obesity, osteoporosis, etc. We need to eat certain amount of salt every day but overconsumption is harmful for the body. Experts have linked bowel cancer to overconsumption of salt.

Source: Zee news

One Week of Junk Food May Be Enough to Damage Your Memory


Everyone knows that junk food is bad for the waistline, but new research suggests it can damage memory, too.
Australian researchers found that even a short term diet of junk food can have a detrimental effect on the brain’s cognitive ability.
The study suggests that obesity can trigger rapid changes in the brain.

Scientists from the University of New South Wales (UNSW) showed for the first time that rats fed a diet high in fat and sugar had impaired memory after just a week.

Interestingly, the results were similarly poor for the rats fed a healthy diet that had been given sugar water to drink, according to the study, which was published in the journal Brain, Behaviour and Immunity.

The animals found it more difficult to recognise specific places after their junk food diet and showed a lesser ability to notice when an object shifted to a new location.
The mice also had inflammation of the hippocampal region of the brain, which is associated with spatial memory.

‘We know that obesity causes inflammation in the body, but we didn’t realise until recently that it also causes changes in the brain,’ said Professor Margaret Morris from UNSW Medicine, who co-authored the study.

‘What is so surprising about this research is the speed with which the deterioration of the cognition occurred,’ she said.
‘Our preliminary data also suggests that the damage is not reversed when the rats are switched back to a healthy diet, which is very concerning.’

Some aspects of the animals’ memories were spared, regardless of their diets.
All the animals were equally able to recognise objects after eating either the healthy, healthy with sugar or ‘cafeteria’ diets, the latter of which was high in fat and sugar, including cake, chips and biscuits.
The change in the animals’ memory appeared even before the mice eating junk food gained any weight.
Ongoing work will attempt to establish how to stop the inflammation in the brain of animals with the unhealthy diets, which could unlock secrets relating to humans who eat unhealthily.
‘We suspect that these findings may be relevant to people,’ said Professor Morris.
‘While nutrition affects the brain at every age, it is critical as we get older and may be important in preventing cognitive decline. An elderly person with poor diet may be more likely to have problems.’

The research builds on previous work that has implications for obesity.
‘Given that high energy foods can impair the function of the hippocampus, if you eat a lot of them it may contribute to weight gain, by interfering with your episodic memory,’ Professor Morris said.
‘People might be less aware of their internal cues like hunger pangs and knowing when they have had enough,’ she said.

Source: mail online