How to improve your dental health!

A beautiful smile is a gift endowed by nature that one must always cherish. But are you afraid that your smile will no longer draw the desired attention it once gained?

Here’s how to improve your overall teeth health.

In case you lose a whole tooth:

Science has made it possible to re-fix your tooth, the only thing expected of you is to save it the proper way. You can hold it back at the same place till you get immediate medical help or you can preserve it by wrapping it in a plastic pouch. Another way to save it is by keeping it immersed in milk while you rush to your dentist.

For sparkling white teeth:

Who doesn’t want a sparking set of teeth! If daily brushing doesn’t do the trick then feel free to try any of these tips.

  • Dip you toothbrush into a bowl of organic apple cider vinegar and brush as usual.
  • The same goes with baking soda, as you can take a pinch of baking soda and brush your teeth with it.
  • But beware of overusing any of the above mentioned products as using it on a daily basis can strip the enamel coating off your teeth. Therefore, it’s safe to use baking soda or organic apple cider only once a week.

Apart from the above mentioned tips one must make sure not to indulge in drinking any dark coloured colas as they contain chromogens and acids which are the major culprits for your teeth stains.

  • Use a straw to drink smoothies, colas and other juices to save your teeth from the harmful effects of acidic presence in the drink.
  • Smoking cigarette can wreak havoc on your teeth, so if your conscious of your smile then its time you chuck the habit.

To soothe your sore throat:

  • Gargle with ‘organic apple cider vinegar’ to soothe your sore throat. It is considered the best option for mouth’s health due to its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties.
  • Salt water gargle is another age-old remedy for sore throat.
  • Taking Lozenges every 3-4 hours can be soothing as it keeps the mouth moist by producing saliva which further minimises the parched feeling.
  • To keep the cavity-causing plaque off your teeth:
  • Saliva is nature’s teeth-cleaning agent, it has all the necessary properties required to keep your teeth clean enough.

Hence the question arises, why to brush if saliva is enough?

Our mouth produces least amount of saliva at night, therefore, if something sticks to your teeth during dinner and you go off to sleep without brushing then it comes under germ attack. And if you make it a habit of not brushing your teeth at night due to laziness (known to be the famous reason world-wide) then with the passing of time, it will lead to yellowing of the teeth, stains and plaque build-up.
By the time you brush your teeth in the morning, the germ attack might already have had ruined your breath and teeth health.

Selecting a mouthwash:

While shopping for a mouthwash, one must make sure it’s alcohol-free. Too much alcohol content in the mouthwash can backfire by drying out the saliva producing glands and tissues in your mouth leading to bacteria production.

To clean your tongue the best way:

Your tongue is a host for plaque causing bacteria, therefore it is imperative to clean your tongue on a daily basis.

People usually prefer cleaning their tongue with a toothbrush. Though it is the most preferred way, one should be cautious enough not to brush too hard as it can damage the taste buds.

It’s better to choose your tongue cleaners carefully. A tongue scrapper or a brush specifically designed to clean the tongue is a far better option than a regular toothbrush!

Natural ways to improve your teeth health:

  • Glass of milk a day can surely keep the dentist away!
  • Rinse your mouth after 15 minutes of every meal
  • Munch on celery and raw carrots!
  • Major myth broken!
  • Myth- Apples are good for teeth!
  • Truth- Apples contain a good amount of sugar which has the potential to degrade your teeth’s quality by raising the acid levels in the mouth.

Therefore, rinse your mouth immediately after eating an apple, or drink some water.

Source: zee news

Oral cancer claims one life every six hours in India

Oral cancer claims one life every six hours in India

One person dies every six hours due to oral cancer in the country, signalling an alarming rise in the incidence of the disease, according to a top orthodontist.

The situation could be still graver as many cases of the disease went unreported, Secretary-General of the Indian Dental Association Dr Ashok Dhoble told PTI from Mumbai.

“Cases of the disease and deaths resulting from it in rural areas and among the poorer sections of society are hardly registered,” he noted.

He pointed out that with the high prevalence of smokers and widespread use of other chewable tobacco products, India has seen a steep growth in the number of oral cancer patients in the past decade.

In fact, Dr Dhoble said, oral cancer approximated to 40 per cent of all cancer-related disease in the country with the Northeastern states mostly affected.

“All Northeastern states are badly affected by the disease. The states like West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat and Tamil Nadu are also affected,” he said, adding every third person in these states used tobacco-related products.

Talking about measures to curb the prevalence of the deadly disease, he said that nothing short of a total ban on the use of tobacco was the only way.

“There is no other way to curb oral cancer… You have to ban tobacco in its every form,” Dr Dhoble said, pointing out that it was the nicotine present in the tobacco which made it addictive and difficult to kick the habit.

“Our government also understands the problem… But the huge number of people employed with the tobacco industry is the problem… The government has to provide them with an alternative livelihood and then ban tobacco totally,” he said.

He said a dentist was the first person to diagnose it since oral cancer was not just limited to teeth, but mouth, tongue and integral part of pharynx and gums as well.

The orthodontist explained that oral cancer was 100 per cent curable only if it was reported in the first stage. But once it slips into the second stage, the patient is left with a life span of just five years.

“I will advise people to visit a dentist and not to ignore even if there is a slight problem in the mouth… But above all they have to give up using tobacco in every form. That’s the best medicine,” Dr Dhoble said Stressing the need to educate people on the disease, he said that the Indian Dental Association, which will hold the FDI Annual World Dental Congress in Delhi in September, had been conducting awareness camps and counselling people for the last five years.

Source; hindustan times

Uganda: Prevent Dental Diseases With Good Hygiene, Diet

Prevent Dental Diseases With Good Hygiene Diet

Taking good care of your teeth is a good way to avoid toothaches, expensive trips to the dentist and tooth loss.

But poor oral hygiene, health and care can affect the health of your whole body. For some, it has caused oral cancers and others, bad breath. Sarah Nassozi’s journey through tooth decay is a tale to tell. Over the years, two premolars on her left side of the mouth became brown and their enamels (hard outer layer of the teeth) started chipping off.

Then once, while having dinner, food got stuck in a hole between her teeth, large enough for the tip of her tongue to reach. This was the beginning of her nightmare. Soon, her teeth hurt so bad that it brought her fever.

“I was hospitalized and could not eat anything for three days until my tooth was gouged out,” she recalls.

Nevertheless, the teeth trauma did not end at that. Two years after removing her first tooth as an adult, Nassozi, 26, is back at Mulago hospital’s dental unit, removing yet another decaying tooth. Although tooth decay or cavities are largely preventable, Dr Isaac Okullo, dean of the Makerere University school of Health Sciences, says they remain the most common chronic disease of those who present with tooth problems.

They are commonly among children aged six to 11 years and adolescents aged 12 to 19 years.

“When sugar sticks onto or between teeth, it holds bacteria which break down foods and produce acid that destroys tooth enamel. This causes tooth decay,” Okullo says.

He advises people not to eat sugary foods in between meals because it is unlikely that one will clean his or her mouth. Snacking should also be limited.

Additionally, excessive intake of soft and energy drinks such as sodas and red bull respectively should be avoided as these contain acids and artificial sugars which are harmful to the teeth.

Preventing gum disease

Associated with the sugar and bacteria action on teeth, is gum disease. It occurs when the gums holding the teeth are affected by dental plaque: a colorless substance that sticks on the teeth which will hold bacteria and sugars to the teeth. Dr Okullo says if this plaque is left unchecked, it causes redness and inflammation of the gums. As a result of this irritation, the gums can begin to pull away from the teeth and the gaps which have been created become infected.

“If gum disease is not treated quickly, the bone which supports the teeth can be destroyed and teeth can be lost. Gum disease is a major factor in tooth loss as we age,” says Okullo.

Also, some teeth end up being held by the gum around them which means that a small force and take the tooth out. Dr Louis Muwazi, a dental surgeon at Makerere University, says one is at risk of gum disease if he or she is a smoker, has diabetes, crooked teeth as they are harder to clean.

Muwazi says important signs and symptoms for one to look out for in regard to gum disease include gums that are red and tender, gums that have pulled away from your teeth, pus coming from between your teeth and gums and teeth which look longer than before, because of gum recession.

To avoid gum disease, Dr Muwazi advises people to brush their teeth at least twice a day (morning and when going to bed) using fluoride toothpaste in order to remove plaque. If the plaque is not eliminated, it can continue to build up, which will then feed on the food fragments left behind and can cause tooth decay and gum disease.

However, ‘over-brushing’ the teeth may cause gums to bleed.

“It is vital to change your toothbrush every two to three months or sooner if the filaments become worn. When the bristles become weak, they no longer clean properly and may even damage your gums,” Dr Muwazi notes.

Dental visits every six months are recommended for oral examinations and professional cleaning of teeth. Mulago hospital’s dental unit charges Shs 20,000 for teeth cleaning.

Source: all africa

Have a one-year-old baby? Dental care a must



While many parents remain ignorant about how much dental care their little ones need, a new study has found that babies, who are most susceptible to cavities in their early lives, are least likely taken care of even though they need it the most.

The study reveals that less than one per cent of healthy children receive dental care by the recommended age of 12 months and less than two per cent had seen a dentist by the age of 24 months.

Prolonged bottle use, especially at night, and sweetened drinks are suspected risk factors for cavities because the carbohydrates in the beverages promote the growth of the bacteria that causes cavities, said Jonathon Maguire, a paediatrician at St Michael’s Hospital in Canada.

The findings showed that of the 2,505 children around four years of age who were surveyed from 2011-13 for the study, 39 percent had never been to a dentist.

Maguire said that barriers to dental care for families with young children may include financial cost, access to transportation, school absence policies and a belief that dental health may not be important to overall well-being.

He said previous studies had shown that children who receive preventive dental care in the first year of life have less dental disease and are less likely to require restorative or emergency treatment and have lower dental-related health care costs – particularly among high-risk populations.

According to Dr.Maguire, cavities can cause not just pain in children but also contribute to feeding problems, poor nutritional status and behavioural problems.

The study appeared in the journal Pediatrics.

Source: Zee news