Ekpada uttanasana — an asana to improve digestion and tone your tummy

Ekpada uttanasana — an asana to improve digestion and tone your tummy

Ekpada uttanasana also known as the one-leg-raised yoga pose, is one of the best asanas to help tone the muscles of your abdomen and upper thighs. Apart from that it is a great pose for people suffering from asthma, as it opens up the chest – invigorating the entire respiratory system and supplying fresh oxygen to deprived parts of the body. This asana also helps with flexibility, making your hip muscles more flexible and strengthens your lower back. Considering how the pose is done, ekpada uttanasana also helps improve digestion, and massages the organs directly related to your sexual health; ensuring that you have a healthy libido. Moreover, if you suffer from menstrual disorders, this asana is just what the doctor ordered.

Steps to do this asana:

  • Lie down on the floor with your legs stretched out and your hands by your side.
  • Make sure your entire body is relaxed at this stage.
  • Now, stretch out and point the toes of your right leg and tighten the muscles of the entire leg.
  • Next, inhale and raise the leg so that it is perpendicular to your body.Do not jerk up the leg since you may end up injuring your back.
  • Hold this position for about six seconds while holding our breath.
  • To go back to the starting position, slowly exhale and lower your leg simultaneously. Rest for six breaths and then do the same exercise with your left leg.

Source: the health site

Poorvottanasana — get stronger arms and shoulders with this asana

Poorvottanasana or the upward plank pose, this asana strengthens the wrists, arms, shoulders, back and spine and stretches the abdominal organs, spine and hips. It also helps improve one’s respiratory function and helps resolve any problems with digestion. Apart from all this it is also great to restore one’s thyroid functions.

Steps to do this pose: Lie on your back on your yoga mat with your legs together. Now fold your hands at the elbows and place your palms on either side of your shoulders, with the fingers pointing in the opposite direction as your hands. Now, exhale and rise up off the floor using your hands, keep your heels on the floor. Breathe normally in this pose. To return to your original position exhale and rest your buttocks on the mat.

Tip: If you suffer from a wrist or neck injury please avoid doing this condition.

Source: the health site