With winter, comes a hoard of various skin problems. Not only does the skin of your body become dry and rough, your scalp and hair also suffer from problems like dandruff, dryness, hair fall and itchiness.
It is also a difficult season for the ones who face the problem of corns, calluses and cracked feet. Rubbing lotions and creams is just not enough. You need to follow a routine winter care regime religiously to keep your skin flawless and your hair healthy and lusturous. TOI gives you a tip to toe winter care guide to follow to get all that and more.
Oils for your face
Sounds tricky, eh? Contrary to popular belief, oils are essential for every skin type and more so during winters. Their anti-aging properties help tighten the skin and they moisturize more effectively than any other cream. People with oily skin can try tea-tree, sweet almond and grape seed oil in winter to moisturize their skin before going to bed instead of a night cream. And for people with dry skin, olive oil does the magic. Take a few drops and dab!
Bath salts to scrub your body
During winters, it is always advisable to use bath salts instead of your regular scrubs. Not only do they exfoliate dead cells, they provide the skin with a glow and make it smooth and healthy. Sprinkle a handful in your bath tub and enjoy the relaxing effects. It cures your sore feet, tired body and even relieves you from a back pain. Pick aromatic bath salts to extract the maximum benefits as the enigmatic smell will also ease your senses and mind. The best thing about bath salts is that they don’t steal moisture from the skin. Instead, the oil content in it moisturizes and hydrates the skin and improves it’s quality. So, the next time a winter chill makes you tired, you know what to rely on.
Moisturizer for your lips
Since the skin on the lips are thinner than any other part of the body, they get chapped and dry easily. During winters, it is very important to look after your lips throughout the day to avoid them from looking scaled. Carry a lip butter with you all the time. Prefer a roll on to a jar. Apply the balm every hour to keep your lips moisturised. Scrub them with lemon and sugar every alternate day to get rid of dead cells.
Hands get dry after even a simple wash with water, let alone using soap or a handwash making them look white and dry. Select a handcream that has milk as its content. Apply after every single wash to keep them soft, supple and healthy. At night, massage them with coconut or olive oil mixed with a almond oil. Avoid using a soap on your hands. It is always preferable to go for mild handwash lotions.
Wear gloves
One of the easiest ways to protect your hands from drying and facing the brunt of the weather is to wear gloves. Specially at night, when you are riding a bike or are simply out. Though the ones made of wool are the best when it comes to protection from harsh winds, light cotton gloves are also fine if the former make you palms sweaty. Do not apply any cream or oil before slipping your hands the gloves. Do it once you take them out.
Hot oil hair massage
There is absolutely no substitute for a hot oil massage for your scalp and hair in winters. It is not only a treatment that results in shiny, bouncy hair after a wash, but also gives back your hair its lost moisture. Always go for a mix of oils to get the maximum benefit. Mix oils like castor, almond, olive and coconut and warm it a little before applying it to the scalp. Make it a habit to oil your hair before every wash to keep the moisture locked.
Soak your feet in warm water
Cracked feet we hear? Add a few drops of your favourite body wash or shampoo to a bucket of lukewarm water. You can also add a few drop of lemon or lavender oil to it. Soak your feet in it, pick up your favourite book, plug your ear plugs and relax. Let the water heal your tired feet. This, if used as therapy every day, helps in healing cracked feet. The only addition to the process is using a scrubber to get rid of the dead cells. After you are done soaking, treat your feet to some cream and wear soft woollen socks.
Honey for hair and body
One of the most helpful natural product that rescues you from dryness is none other than honey. Mix it with mashed bananas and olive oil to make a gooey paste. Apply the mixture on your hair. Keep it on for 30-45 minutes before washing off with a mild shampoo. This mask works wonder for your dry hair and scalp, especially during these cold months. For your face, mix honey with a few drops of rose water and lemon juice and rub the mixture to get a glowing and moisturized skin.
Fruit facials
Are you one of those who cannot imagine life without facials? Going for fairness facials strips off moisture from your face leaving it dry and pale. Fruits facials is the reply to that grumpy look on your face now. As a matter of fact, you can do it at home. Mash fruits like avocado, apples, oranges, grapes, papaya, banana together and make thick mask. Leave it on your face for 20 minutes, at least, and wash off with cold water to get a skin your girlfriends will be envious of.
This small gift of nature is a boon in disguise during winter. Its moisturizing effects on the skin as well as hair is amazing. Separate the egg white from its yolk in a bowl and beat the whites till they become frothy. Now apply on your face and leave it on till dry. Then, wash off with cold water. Smooth and shiny skin is what you will get. Mix egg whites with yogurt and apply the mask to your hair. This mixture works as an excellent conditioner for your hair.
Source: Times of India