5 reasons why eating olives are a must

Almost everyone loves olives be it on your favourite pizza, sandwich or salad. Not only do they taste good but are loaded with a number of health benefits.

5 reasons why eating olives are a must

Here are a few reasons as to why olives are a must in your diet regularly:

  • -Olives are a rich source of vitamin E and monounsaturated fatty acids, which help reduce risk of heart disease by lowering blood press and LDL cholesterol.
  • -It has anti-inflammatory properties and hence helps in easing pain.
  • -Loaded with fatty acids and antioxidants, olives are an excellent food for your hair and skin.
  • -Eating olives help boost haemoglobin level in the body as it is a rich source of iron.
  • -Eating a cup of olives can help regulate blood pressure.

Source: zee news

See what Foods to Avoid in a Baby First Year

First year in baby’s life is crucial in forming the taste and introduction of solid foods to his diet. That’s why there is some limitation and products you need to avoid in order to indicate a proper development and behavior to your child.

 See what Foods to Avoid in a Baby First Year

We are all doing what’s best for our babies, and feeding them is big part of it. All the experts agree that avoiding some specific foods before baby’s first birthday has a strong influence in later healthy lifestyle and food behavior.

See below what products can cause damages if our babies consume it before first birthday.

Cow’s Milk

It is very healthy product but not for the babies. Cow’s milk contain some minerals and proteins that baby’s. system is not able to digest effectively. Iron, some vitamins and baby feedingother healthy nutrients are not contained in cow’s milk and it need to be replaced with some other substitute.

Walnuts and peanuts
Some foods, especially this kernel nuts are highest on the list of most allergenic foods and definitely are not supposed to be part of baby’s diet. Later (after first birthday) you can give to your child those products one by one in a very small quantity.

Honey is very healthy natural food but babies are not ready for it. Actually honey can cause a contracting botulism from the sweetening ingredients that is possible to have been in contact with bacteria-contaminated soil. This sweeteners like honey and corn syrup can also upset baby’s stomach and cause diarrhea.

Source: healthy food solution

Home remedies for ovarian cysts This will help you out

Here are the top 10 home remedies for ovarian cysts. Also, do consult your doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Home remedies for ovarian cysts

1. Heat
Heat is said to be quite effective in reducing muscle cramps or pain in the abdomen due to ovarian cysts.
Put a heating pad or hot water bottle on your abdomen and lower pelvic area.
Do this for at least 15 minutes.
Follow this remedy whenever you experience pain in the abdomen for quick relief.

2. Castor Oil Pack
Castor oil packs are an age-old remedy for ovarian cysts. Castor oil clears the body of excess tissues and toxins. It also stimulates the lymphatic and circulatory systems, which helps reduce and dissolve ovarian cysts.
Fold a large flannel cloth to make it two or three layers thick. Make sure the folded cloth is large enough to cover your entire abdomen.
Drizzle about two tablespoons of castor oil on the cloth. Fold the cloth in half to saturate and then unfold it.
Lay down with an old towel under you and put the flannel cloth on your abdomen.

Cover the castor oil cloth with plastic and then with an old towel.
Place a hot water bottle over the towel and then cover yourself in a warm blanket.
Leave the castor oil pack on for at least 30 minutes and then remove it.
Repeat the process about three times a week for three months.
To remove oil from the skin after using the castor oil pack, you can wash the treated area with a solution of three tablespoons of baking soda mixed in one quart (four cups) of water.

Note: Do not use castor oil packs during menstruation. If you are trying to conceive then do not use this remedy after ovulation.

3. Epsom Salt Bath
An Epsom salt bath will also greatly help reduce pain and other symptoms associated with ovarian cysts. The high magnesium sulfate content in Epsom salt works as a muscle relaxant that in turn eases pain.
Add one cup of Epsom salt to your bath tub filled with warm water.
Add five to 10 drops of essential oils like lavender, rose or jasmine.
Stir for a few minutes so that the salt dissolves.
Soak your lower body in this water for 20 to 30 minutes.
Follow this remedy once daily.

4. Chamomile Tea

Herbal tea like chamomile tea is also considered a good remedy for treating ovarian cysts and the associated pain and discomfort. The gentle sedative effect of chamomile tea will reduce pain and help you to relax. Also, the warm nature of this tea will also help regulate irregular periods by stimulating blood flow in the pelvic area and uterus.
Mix two teaspoons of dried chamomile in a cup of hot water.
Cover and steep for five minutes.
Strain, add one teaspoon of honey and drink the tea.
You can drink two to three cups of chamomile tea daily until you get rid of the problem.

5. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar can help shrink and dissolve ovarian cysts caused by potassium deficiency. It is high in potassium and recommended by many health experts.
Add one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to a glass of warm water.
Mix in one tablespoon of black strap molasses.
Drink one or two glasses of this solution daily.
Follow this remedy until the cysts disappear completely.
This remedy will also help with the symptoms of excessive menstrual bleeding as well as bloating and cramping throughout periods.

6. Beetroot
Beetroot contains a compound known as betacyanin that boosts the liver’s ability to clear toxins out of your system. Plus, the alkaline nature of beetroot helps balance the acidity in your body. This in turn reduces the severity of many symptoms of ovarian cysts.
Mix one-half cup of freshly extracted beetroot juice with one tablespoon each of aloe vera gel and blackstrap molasses.
Drink this once daily before eating your breakfast.
Follow this remedy daily until your symptoms have reduced.

7. Ginger Juice

Ginger is a strong anti-inflammatory herb that reduces inflammation and relieves pain. Also, ginger increases heat in the body and induces menstruation.
Blend a two-inch piece of ginger, two stalks of celery, half a glass of apple juice and three-fourths of a pineapple in a juicer. Drink this juice once daily until the cysts are gone.
Also, you can drink two to three cups of ginger tea daily.

8. Flaxseed
Flaxseed helps balance the proportion of estrogen to progesterone in your body. This will help reduce the cysts. Plus, flaxseeds are rich in fiber that helps the body eliminate harmful toxins, cholesterol and other waste products processed by the liver.
Mix one tablespoon of ground flaxseed in a glass of warm water. Drink it daily on an empty stomach until you notice improvement in your condition.
You can also add ground flaxseeds to yogurt, smoothies, soups and salads.

9. Almond
Almond is a magnesium-rich food that helps reduce painful cramps associated with ovarian cysts.
Simply eat some dry roasted almonds to relieve the pain and discomfort.
Alternatively, gentle massaging of the abdominal area with almond oil can help ease pain and bloating. For best results, add a few drops of jasmine essential oil to one tablespoon of almond oil and then use it for massage.
You can also add one teaspoon of sweet almond oil to a glass of warm milk and drink it once daily.
Follow any of these remedies until you recover completely.

10. Increase Fluid Intake
When suffering from ovarian cysts, it is essential to increase your fluid intake. Your best option is water. Try to drink alkaline as well as filtered water at regular intervals. You can add a dash of lemon juice to a glass of water before drinking it. Water will flush out harmful toxins from your system and create a haven for healing . This in turn will reduce your pain and alleviate swelling in your abdomen.
Along with water, you can drink coconut water and green vegetable juice. Avoid coffee, soda and alcoholic beverages.
Seek immediate medical attention if you have severe or sharp pelvic pain, fever, dizziness, rapid breathing or vaginal pain with spotty bleeding. These symptoms can indicate a ruptured cyst or an ovarian torsion, which can have serious consequences if not treated timely.

Source: free health tips

Here are 10 amazing home remedies with garlic:

Here are 10 amazing home remedies with garlic

  • 1. For ear pain: use two crushed garlic, boil, strain and apply a few drops warm.
  • 2. To sleep: to sleep; eat salad with garlic at night.
  • 3. Against warts and spots on the skin: Apply the garlic directly onto the skin to clear spots, especially those caused by acne. Its topical use also removes warts.
  • 4. For rheumatism: Rub the peeled garlic over the sore and swollen joints. This choice leads to a rather anti-inflammatory action and reduces pain.
  • 5. To lower blood pressure: People with high blood pressure can take a garlic clove fasting party. To avoid irritating the stomach lining, it is recommended chopping the garlic clove and swallows every bit as if they were pills. You can also prepare a syrup with two heads of peeled garlic. Must be mixed with sugar, and a glass of water. To lower the pressure should take 2 tablespoons a day.
  • 6. To restore virility: Combine the garlic with wheat germ oil and cayenne. You can also rub garlic in the area of the lumbar spine.
  • 7. Against pertussis: Spread garlic in the chest and back to soften the cough and relieve airway. To prevent flu and allergies, garlic mixed with honey and lemon.
  • 8. For muscle aches: Eating garlic tones the muscles. Prepare a paste of a head of garlic and crushed rub it on the affected area. You can also compress and prepare a place for the entire night on the sore area.
  • 9. Smoking cessation: Take a couple of raw garlic on an empty stomach, two with lemon juice before lunch and before dinner the other two.
  • 10. Hair loss: You can prevent it by rubbing the scalp with a mix of 1 teaspoon of garlic juice, 8 oz. of rosemary tea, 1 tablespoon of honey and lemon juice.
  • Nursing women should avoid using garlic as it alters the taste of milk and produces pain in the stomach and intestines infant child. People who suffer from headaches should also avoid using garlic

Ginger – The Amazing Healing Herb

Ginger is a very good antioxidant and has anti-bacterial, antiseptic, sedative and antipyretic effect. Fresh ginger submerged in warm water, deeply penetrates the tissue, brakes down and melts accumulated mucus, initiate circulation, relieves pain, inflammation and swellings, accelerates detoxification it is very useful in the case of muscle inflammation and chronic back pain.

Ginger – The Amazing Healing Herb

Melts fatty deposits

This healing root speeds up the muscle metabolism, lowers cholesterol, helps in secretion of saliva and ingested food starch, reduces bloating and constipation, all of which contributes to weight loss.
If you want to loose weight fast, add to yo meals fresh or dried ginger or drink tea made from this beneficial root.

Improves mental capacities

Ginger relieves headaches and contribute to a better brain function. If it in any way we use it during the day, we will be fresher and will have more strength and energy, and if in the evening we eat hot vegetable soup with an addition of ginger, we will provide our self a good rest and sleep.

Lowers Stress

Ginger is rich in antioxidant, which helps in harmful chemicals removal, that our body produces when we are under worries, and thus affects the reduction of psychological stress. During this depression treatment it also impairs and the digestion process followed by occurrence of nausea, for which ginger is the ideal cure for these problems too.

Fights against colds and flu

If you regularly use ginger, you can easily prevent and fight the flu or colds, as well as the potential complications from these diseases. Ginger will strengthen our immune system, facilitate breathing and relieve headaches. It encourages sweating, so that`s why it`s excellent for lowering high body temperatures.

Cures Arthritis

Since ginger has anti-inflammatory properties, it is highly effective in the treatment of rheumatoid arthiritis, osteoarthritis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal and connective tissue. Some studies show that in the case of arthritis, ginger is even more effective than other conventional drugs and medications.

Cure for cold hands and feet

Herb ginger is a powerful tool for engaging of the circulatory system.
If you suffer from cold hands and feet you should drink tea from this medicinal herb.

Source: only pure nature

Food That Helps In Weight Loss

There is no single eating regimen food that serves as the ideal weight loss diet regardless of what you may hear on TV or read in magazines, but if you know the distinction between which food that helps in weight loss, and which food makes you overweight, you will begin on working for the perfect weight that you always wanted.

Food That Helps In Weight Loss

The challenge is discovering and setting up the right collection and share size of food that helps in weight loss, particularly if you are on the go often. or have a busy lifestyle.

No-calories or Low beverages:

When you are having dessert or cold beverage, it offers you a smooth and moderate impact that continuously catches your level of satisfaction; then again, it offers a radical expand in your body mass.

It is constantly prudent that you ought to drink liquids as much as you could . For that, you might basically rely on having plentiful measure of water. Separated from that you may take a few health drinks that never makes you gain weight .these may include tart lemon pom spritzer, white wine spritzer, root beer and many others, For the most part these drinks are make by lemon juice, and drinking water. If there should be an occurrence of white wine spritzer, you have to include white wine. To have a tart lemon pom spritzer, everything you need to blend ice sprinkle and pomegranate juice in the mixture.

Fruit Desserts

The majority of us feel that without eating a Desserts at the end of meals, the meals appears incomplete. But desserts may have a high risk for increasing fat and cholesterol in our body.you can add, food that helps in weight loss, just by making them with natural fruits, for example honey mixed with grilled white peaches and blackberries, it will unquestionably add no additional calories to your eating regimen and offer you a very healthy natural Fruit dessert.

Eat Water-Rich, High-Fiber Foods :

Consuming healthy food that helps in weight loss, high in fiber and water substance fills your tummy without increasing the calories that’s mean a few pounds less. Fiber not just controls hunger by making your stomach feel full, it has numerous healthy qualities like bringing down cholesterol and keeping bowel movements steady. dried fruit, Whole grains and many vegetables also contain dietary fiber.

food that helps in weight loss with high water content are important because it will keep you hydrated and fill the tummy, makes you to consume less food. if you want to read more about : food that helps you lose weight

Source: top weight loss tricks

Dandruff – Natural Remedies

Dandruff may be the result of a dry scalp, or skin condition is called seborrheic dermatitis. It can also be caused by eczema, psoriasis or fungus called Malassezia. Dandruff shampoos can be quite effective, but sometimes can be quite harmful. Therefore it is better to use natural ways that are quite effective, and will help to rid of dandruff. We recommend 5 natural dandruff remedies:

Dandruff – Natural Remedies

Coconut oil
Coconut oil Before washing your hair put 3 to 5 tablespoons of coconut oil and massage your head. Allow the oil to work 1 hour, then wash your hair with shampoo.

Olive oil
Mix 2 tablespoons olive oil 1 tablespoon almond oil. Carefully apply the well head and massage the roots. Leave on 15 minutes, then wash your hair. You can also prepare olive oil and rosemary oil. In one tablespoon of olive oil put 10 drops of rosemary oil. Carefully apply it on your hair and massage your head and scalp. Apply this lotion at night and leave on overnight and wash your hair in the morning.

Apple cider vinegar
Mix 60 ml water with 60 ml apple cider vinegar, then place the mixture in a spray bottle. Then spray your hair, wrap it in a towel and leave for 15 minutes to 1 hour. Then wash your hair with baby shampoo. Do this treatment 2 times a week.

lemon juice
Drain fresh lemon juice. Take 2 tablespoons juice, apply it on the scalp and head then massage it. In a cup of water put 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and again massage your hair then wash it after one minute. You can do this treatment several times a week to achieve maximum results.

Source: healthy tavern

12 Things About Yoga You Probably Don’t Know

Yoga is a beginner friendly exercise that will give you a sharp mind, positive attitude, and calm demeanor. Don’t feel self-conscious about it, because no one was flexible to start with (that takes practice!). If you’re not already taking a class, I bet you’ll want to after you read these 12 things about yoga.


Surprising Benefits

1. Yoga is a break from your stressful day.

We are surrounded by stressful expectations placed on you by your partner, parent, superior, society, or whoever. No matter how upset these things might make you, remember that you can’t do anything about them. Practicing yoga can help you become a less stressed, present-focused person.

2. Yoga is a remedy for anxiety and depression.

We live in an upsetting world. That devastating break-up that left you emotionally drained. A move to a new town where you don’t know anybody. The sadness that follows losing a family member, friend, or pet. No matter how sad you might feel, remember that you deserve to be happy. Practicing yoga can help you improve your mood and mental functioning.

3. Yoga improves your balance and breathing pattern.

We are chained to our desks. That hunched over back from hours of sitting. A closed-off appearance that expresses a lack of esteem. The panic that follows short, rushed breathing. No matter how self-conscious you might feel now, remember that confidence is a skill that you can learn. Practicing yoga can help you develop balance and a calm breathing pattern.

4. Yoga boosts concentration and productivity.

We live in a distracting world. That feeling of dread that comes when a deadline is drawing near. A list of stuff to do that grows and grows. The loud noisy of the phone that never stops ringing. No matter how busy you might feel, remember that a state of overwhelm could be a signal that you are over-committed or impatient. Practicing yoga can help you focus ongetting stuff done.
Common Misconceptions

5. Yoga requires you to stretch yourself into a pretzel.

You don’t have to be an acrobat to go to yoga class. I couldn’t reach my ankles in a forward fold the first time I tried it. My hips were so tight that I needed to tools like blocks for the bent-over poses. I wasn’t very graceful, so I practiced the balance poses at home with my hand placed on a wall. It doesn’t matter where you are starting from. The important thing is where you are going to.

6. Yoga is a religious practice that demands you to say “om.”

Yoga does have spiritual roots, but that doesn’t mean have to chant to spirit gods or anything like that. Most yoga classes in commercial gyms will focus on athletic poses, while yoga studios might offer classes that include meditation. If you want a class that is more (or less) mindful, just ask your gym or yoga studio for details before signing up.

7. Yoga classes are all created equally.

There are more varieties of yoga than I could possibly list here. Hot yoga classes use humid conditions to encourage flexibility. Power yoga classes use a wide variety of athletic poses to keep things interesting. There are yoga classes for special populations like seniors, children, and expecting mothers. If you can’t find something you like, you’re not looking hard enough.

8. Yoga is the only exercise you need to do.

Yoga is a great way to improve your mind and body, but a balanced fitness routine would also include cardio and strength training. You could improve your heart health by walking your dog at the park, running a few blocks in your neighborhood, or going on a hike. Develop your strength by lifting weights, joining a boot-camp class, or doing push-ups during commercial breaks (hands on a wall or counter if needed).

9. Perform the sunrise salutation every morning.

Sunrise salutations are a feature of vinyasa (flow) yoga. The previous link includes a routine you could do in ten minutes to begin your day feeling relaxed. The video below includes modifications that will make the same routine doable for people of all shapes and sizes.

Source: ideal digest

Austrian has eight kg tumour removed

A 75-year-old Austrian woman is recovering in hospital after having an eight kilogram (18 pounds) tumour removed from her stomach – the largest and heaviest tumour the medical team in Graz has ever seen.

A 75-year-old Austrian woman is recovering in hospital after having an eight kilogram (18 pounds) tumour removed from her stomach

The tumour – which was as heavy as a seven-month-old baby – had been growing inside Maria Krammer’s stomach for several years, without her realising.

It was only when she started experiencing problems with her digestive system and severe pain that she went to the doctor, who recommended a CT scan.

She was diagnosed with the massive tumour last week, and operated on three days later. Gerhard Wolf from the Graz hospital surgery team said that it was an exceptional case. “We’ve removed tumours half this size, but to have concealed something the size of a medicine ball inside your stomach is very unusual,” he said.

A complicating factor was that Krammer’s abdominal organs had been squashed and moved by the tumour. “This was a really big operation, and we had a great sense of responsibility,” Wolf said.

Surgeons at Graz hospital treat around 2,500 patients every year, half of whom are cancer patients who need surgery to remove tumours.

It took two hours to remove Krammer’s tumour. It is now being analysed at the Institute of Pathology, to find out why it grew so large. Doctors believe it is benign.

Krammer is already able to walk around and hopes to be able to leave hospital next week.

Source: The local

Obesity Rates Reach Historic Highs in More States

Adult obesity rates increased in six U.S. states and fell in none last year, and in more states than ever — 20 — at least 30 percent of adults are obese, according to an analysis released on Thursday.

Obesity Rates Reach Historic Highs in More States

The conclusions were reported by the Trust for America’s Health and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and were based on federal government data. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported Thursday that obesity rates ranged from 21.3 percent in Colorado to a high of 35.1 percent in Mississippi and West Virginia.

The highest prevalence of obesity was in the South (30.2 percent) and the Midwest (30.1 percent) followed by the Northeast (26.5 percent) and the West (24.9 percent), the CDC said.

The new numbers suggest the problem may be worsening despite widespread publicity about the nation’s obesity epidemic. From 2011 to 2012, by comparison, the rate of obesity increased in only one state.

The 2013 adult obesity rate exceeds 20 percent in every state, while 42 have rates above 25 percent. For the first time two states, Mississippi and West Virginia, rose above 35 percent. Adult obesity rates increased last year in Alaska, Delaware, Idaho, New Jersey, Tennessee and Wyoming.

Source: nbc news