How meditation helps overcome addictions

Rehabilitation therapies that use meditation are likely to have a higher success rate when it comes to helping trying to overcome addiction. This is the conclusion of a new survey of animal and human studies by a computer scientist who used a computational model of addiction, a literature review and an in silico experiment. The findings of the survey — by computer scientist Yariv Levyof the University of Massachusetts Amherst, neuroscience researcher Jerrold Meyer, and computer scientist Andrew Barto — has been published in the latest issue of the journal Frontiers in Psychiatry. “Our higher-level conclusion is that a treatment based on meditation-like techniques can be helpful as a supplement to help someone get out of addiction. We give scientific and mathematical arguments for this,” said Levy, who was a doctoral student when he undertook the survey.

According to Levy, the survey aimed to use learnings from existing animal and human studies to better understand addiction and seek new approaches to treatment. The researchers explored the allostatic theory, which describes changes in the brain’s reward and anti-reward systems and reward set points as substance misuse progresses. They used two existing computational models, one pharmacological and a more behavioural-cognitive model for the study. The allostatic theory says that when someone takes a drug he or she stresses the reward system and it loses its equilibrium state. “We smoke one cigarette and go out, come back in again, and out with another cigarette, always trying to return to equilibrium,” Levy says. “The reward system tries to change its structure with neural adaptations to get back to equilibrium. But if I continue to smoke, even with such adaptations, I can’t make it back. Equilibrium is broken as long as I continue to smoke.”

As the reward system is stressed, the anti-reward system steps in and says, “I’ll try to help,” and the person enters what is known as an allostatic state. Other brain structures are affected by the addictive substance, impairing the addict’s evaluation of drug use compared to other reinforcers, Levy said. To bind the two theories and test how they could work together in silico, the authors follow three virtual case studies, each representing a different trajectory of allostatic state during escalation of cigarette smoking. “This investigation provides formal arguments encouraging current rehabilitation therapies to include meditation-like practices along with pharmaceutical drugs and behavioural counseling,” the authors wrote.

Source: Oman daily Observer

Stroke: warning signs of this silent killer

Many warning signs may indicate a stroke. Depending on the function of the part of the brain being affected, the person suffering the stroke may become paralyzed, blind or unable to speak.

if you experience any of these major stroke warning signs: act immedicately

Sudden loss of speech
Slurred speech
Sudden loss of vision
Blurry or double vision
Sudden paralysis
Sudden weakness
Sudden dizziness
Sudden, severe headache, often accompanied by neck stiffness and vomiting.

What are the first signs of a stroke?
In severe cases, a person suffering from a stroke may become paralyzed, blind or unable to speak. But in other cases, signs may be more subtle. You should act quickly… call 9-1-1 right away and get the person to an emergency department … at the first signs of a stroke.

Why is fast action so important?
For every minute brain cells are deprived of oxygen during a stroke, brain damage increases. The chances for survival and recovery improve when treatment begins within the first few hours of stroke warning signs – often when a thrombolytic agent or “clot buster” medication is given within the first three hours of the onset of stroke symptoms.

Source: Union Hospital


Scientists identify potential drug to block AIDS

Scientists have identified an existing anti-inflammatory drug that in laboratory tests blocked the death of immune system’s cells which occurs as an HIV infection leads to AIDS.

Researchers are planning a Phase 2 clinical trial to determine if this drug or a similar drug can prevent HIV-infected people from developing AIDS and related conditions.

Scientists at the Gladstone Institutes identified the precise chain of molecular events in the human body that drives the death of most of the immune system’s CD4 T cells as an HIV infection leads to AIDS.

Two separate journal articles, published simultaneously in Nature and Science, detailed the research from the laboratory of Warner C Greene, who directs virology and immunology research at Gladstone, an independent biomedical-research nonprofit based in San Francisco.

His lab’s Science paper revealed how, during an HIV infection, a protein known as IFI16 senses fragments of HIV DNA in abortively infected immune cells.

This triggers the activation of the human enzyme caspase-1 and leads to pyroptosis, a fiery and highly inflammatory form of cell death.

As revealed in Nature paper, this repetitive cycle of abortive infection, cell death, inflammation and recruitment of additional CD4 T cells to the infection “hot zone” ultimately destroys the immune system and causes AIDS.

Nature paper further described laboratory tests in which an existing anti-inflammatory inhibits caspase-1, thereby preventing pyroptosis and breaking the cycle of cell death and inflammation.

“Gladstone has made two important discoveries, first by showing how the body’s own immune response to HIV causes CD4 T cell death via a pathway triggering inflammation, and secondly by identifying the host DNA sensor that detects the viral DNA and triggers this death response,” said Robert F Siliciano, a professor of medicine at Johns Hopkins University, and a Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator.

Once the scientists discovered how CD4 T cells die they began to investigate how the body senses the fragments of HIV’s DNA in the first place, before alerting the enzyme caspase-1 to launch an immune response in the CD4 T cells.

They also identified that reducing the activity of a protein known as IFI16 inhibited pyroptosis.

“This identified IFI16 as the DNA sensor, which then sends signals to caspase-1 and triggers pyroptosis,” said Kathryn M Monroe, the Science paper’s other lead author, who completed the research while a postdoctoral fellow at Gladstone

Source: Times of India

Health Benefits of Tropical Fruits

The tropics is blessed with sunshine all year long along with abundant rainfall and some of the most popular fruits in the world. Read on to find out about their health benefits as well.

Passion fruit

Passion fruit is packed with antioxidants, minerals, vitamins and fibre. It can act as a pain reliever and sedative. It can help with digestion, lowering cholesterol and blood pressure.

Citrus fruit

Vitamin C from citrus fruits along with furocoumarins and limonene help prevent many types of cancers and nutritional deficiencies like scurvy. Citrus fruit juices may reduce the risk of certain kinds of kidney stones.


Banana is a good source of vitamins B6 and C, manganese, potassium and fibre. It can help maintain normal blood pressure and heart function and protect you from ulcers. It also aids in digestion and improve eyesight.


Oleic acid from avocados helps to lower the total cholesterol levels and even increase the high density lipoprotein levels in the body. Moreover avocado also provides a good dose of fibre. Try an avocado dip or guacamole in your burger instead of other fat-loaded dressings.


Cantaloupe is packed with two important antioxidants; vitamin C and vitamin A. The pro-vitamin A in cantaloupe promotes your lung health, protects your vision and vitamin C helps to fight against infection and boosts your immune system.

Kiwi Fruit

Vitamin C from kiwi protects the body from any oxidative damage and phytonutrients from this fruit protects the DNA.


Papaya is an excellent source of vitamin C and vitamin A, E and K. All these antioxidants along with the fiber in papaya surely promote good health and ward off a variety of diseases and conditions.


Bromelain from pineapple offers potential anti-inflammatory and digestive benefits. Pineapple is also a good source of manganese, ascorbic acid and thiamin which play a role in antioxidant defences and energy production.


Mango can lower cholesterol and help fight some cancers. It helps in digestion and elimination. Green mango juice helps cool down the body and prevents sun stroke during summer.

Source: Zee news

5 Great Home Remedies for Toothaches

Here are 5 great home remedies for getting rid of your toothache pain until you can make it to the dentist.
Tooth pain can be one of the most debilitating and horrible pains you will ever have, when you have a pain in the mouth, you really do not want to eat let alone talk, all you want is the pain to just be gone. One funny thing about toothaches is that they always seem to happen on a weekend or a holiday when the dentist offices are closed.

Tooth pain is usually caused by a breakdown in tooth enamel, which then creates a cavities and causes the tooth to begin decaying, thus causing the nerve endings to react which results in the toothache. Tooth pain can also be caused by a loose tooth brought on by gum disease gingivitis.

1. If you have a hole in your tooth, or even if you do not have any decay, getting an Orange flavored baby aspirin and putting it directly around the tooth or in the decayed area and let it dissolves naturally can help relieve the pain. The reason for using baby aspirin is the orange flavor has a better taste than plain aspirin.

2. Another great toothache remedies that works well for getting rid of the pain is cloves; this is a spice most people will have right in there kitchen. Ground cloves works much better. You will want to take a small amount of the ground clove and put it just right next to the tooth and just leave it there, you should start to feel some relief in just a few minutes.

3. Trying using a plain wet Lipton tea bag, the tannins in the tea help to reduce swelling along with giving you some pain relief. You will want to use a cold wet tea bag, I recommend putting the tea bag in some ice water for a few minutes before applying unless your tooth is sensitive to the cold.

4. One of the old tried and true home remedies for toothache pain is warm water with table salt. You will want to take some warm water, not to hot and add about a teaspoon of salt ,let dissolve and gently rinse your mouth and spit it , Use the whole glass of salt water this will help reduce swelling and help kill bacteria in your mouth giving you relief.

5. Whiskey or Brandy is another great homemade toothache pain remedy, simply take a Q tip swab or a cotton ball, and you will then dip this in brandy or whiskey, then place it around the area of the tooth pain and let it sit. Repeat as often as necessary till you can get to the dentist.

Source: Yahoo voices

Science Confirms Turmeric As Effective As 14 Drugs


Turmeric is one the most thoroughly researched plants in existence today. Its medicinal properties and components (primarily curcumin) have been the subject of over 5600 peer-reviewed and published biomedical studies. In fact, our five-year long research project on this sacred plant has revealed over 600 potential preventive and therapeutic applications, as well as 175 distinct beneficial physiological effects.

This entire database of 1,585 ncbi-hyperlinked turmeric abstracts can be downloaded as a PDF at our Downloadable Turmeric Document page, and acquired either as a retail item or with 200 GMI-tokens, for those of you who are already are members and receive them automatically each month.

Given the sheer density of research performed on this remarkable spice, it is no wonder that a growing number of studies have concluded that it compares favorably to a variety of conventional medications, including:

Lipitor/Atorvastatin(cholesterol medication): A 2008 study published in the journal Drugs in R & D found that a standardized preparation of curcuminoids from Turmeric compared favorably to the drug atorvastatin (trade name Lipitor) on endothelial dysfunction, the underlying pathology of the blood vessels that drives atherosclerosis, in association with reductions in inflammation and oxidative stress in type 2 diabetic patients.

Corticosteroids (steroid medications): A 1999 study published in the journal Phytotherapy Research found that the primary polyphenol in turmeric, the saffron colored pigment known as curcumin, compared favorably to steroids in the management of chronic anterior uveitis, an inflammatory eye disease.

A 2008 study published in Critical Care Medicine found that curcumin compared favorably to the corticosteroid drug dexamethasone in the animal model as an alternative therapy for protecting lung transplantation-associated injury by down-regulating inflammatory genes.

An earlier 2003 study published in Cancer Letters found the same drug also compared favorably to dexamethasone in a lung ischaemia-repurfusion injury model.
Prozac/Fluoxetine & Imipramine (antidepressants): A 2011 study published in the journal Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica found that curcumin compared favorably to both drugs in reducing depressive behavior in an animal model.
Aspirin (blood thinner): A 1986 in vitro and ex vivo study published in the journal Arzneimittelforschung found that curcumin has anti-platelet and prostacyclin modulating effects compared to aspirin, indicating it may have value in patients prone to vascular thrombosis and requiring anti-arthritis therapy.
Anti-inflammatory Drugs: A 2004 study published in the journal Oncogene found that curcumin (as well as resveratrol) were effective alternatives to the drugs aspirin, ibuprofen, sulindac, phenylbutazone, naproxen, indomethacin, diclofenac, dexamethasone, celecoxib, and tamoxifen in exerting anti-inflammatory and anti-proliferative activity against tumor cells.
Oxaliplatin (chemotherapy drug): A 2007 study published in the International Journal of Cancer found that curcumin compares favorably with oxaliplatin as an antiproliferative agenet in colorectal cell lines.
Metformin (diabetes drug): A 2009 study published in the journal Biochemitry and Biophysical Research Community explored how curcumin might be valuable in treating diabetes, finding that it activates AMPK (which increases glucose uptake) and suppresses gluconeogenic gene expression (which suppresses glucose production in the liver) in hepatoma cells. Interestingly, they found curcumin to be 500 times to 100,000 times (in the form known as tetrahydrocurcuminoids(THC)) more potent than metformin in activating AMPK and its downstream target acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC).

Another way in which turmeric and its components reveal their remarkable therapeutic properties is in research on drug resistant- and multi-drug resistant cancers. We have two sections on our site dedicated to researching natural and integrative therapies on these topics, and while there are dozens of substances with demonstrable efficacy against these chemotherapy- and radiation-resistant cancers, curcumin tops both lists:

Source: True Activist

13 Evidence-Based Medicinal Properties of Coconut Oil


Fat-burning: Ironic, isn’t it? A saturated fat which can accelerate the loss of midsection fat (the most dangerous kind). Well, there are now two solid, human studies showing just two tablespoons a day (30 ml), in both men and women, is capable of reducing belly fat within 1-3 months.

Brain-Boosting: A now famous study, published in 2006 in the journal Neurobiology of Aging, showed that the administration of medium chain triglycerides (most plentifully found in coconut oil) in 20 subjects with Alzheimer’s disease or mild cognitive impairment, resulted in significant increases in ketone bodies (within only 90 minutes after treatment) associated with measurable cognitive improvement in those with less severe cognitive dysfunction.

Clearing Head Lice: When combined with anise spray, coconut oil was found to be superior to the insecticide permethrin (.43%).

Healing Wounds: Coconut has been used for wound healing since time immemorial. Three of the identified mechanisms behind these healing effects are its ability to accelerate re-epithelialization, improve antioxidant enzyme activity, and stimulate higher collagen cross-linking within the tissue being repaired.

Coconut oil has even been shown to work synergistically with traditional treatments, such as silver sulphadizine, to speed burn wound recovery.

NSAID Alternative: Coconut oil has been demonstrated to have anti-inflammatory, analgesic and fever-reducing properties.

Anti-Ulcer Activity: Interestingly, coconut milk (which includes coconut oil components), has been shown to be as effective as the conventional drug sucralfate as an NSAID-associated anti-ulcer agent.

Anti-Fungal: In 2004, 52 isolates of Candida species were exposed to coconut oil. The most notorious form, Candida albicans, was found to have the highest susceptibility. Researchers remarked: “Coconut oil should be used in the treatment of fungal infections in view of emerging drug-resistant Candida species.”

Testosterone-Booster: Coconut oil was found to reduce oxidative stress in the testes of rats, resulting in significantly higher levels of testosterone.

Reducing Swollen Prostate: Coconut oil has been found to reduce testosterone-induced benign prostate growth in rats.

Improving Blood Lipids: Coconut oil consistently improves the LDL:HDL ratio in the blood of those who consume it. Given this effect, coconut oil can nolonger be dismissed for being ‘that saturated fat which clogs the arteries.’

Fat-Soluble Nutrient Absorption: Coconut oil was recently found to be superior to safflower oil in enhancing tomato carotenoid absorption.

Bone Health: Coconut oil has been shown to reduce oxidative stress within the bone, which may prevent structural damage in osteoporotic bone

Source: Real farmacy

Black Seed – ‘The Remedy For Everything But Death’


This humble, but immensely powerful seed, kills MRSA, heals the chemical weapon poisoned body, stimulates regeneration of the dying beta cells within the diabetic’s pancreas, and yet too few even know it exists.

The seeds of the annual flowering plant, Nigella Sativa, have been prized for their healing properties since time immemorial. While frequently referred to among English-speaking cultures as Roman coriander, black sesame, black cumin, black caraway and onion seed, it is known today primarily as black seed, which is at the very least an accurate description of its physical appearance.

The earliest record of its cultivation and use come from ancient Egypt. Black seed oil, in fact, was found in Egyptian pharoah Tutankhamun’s tomb, dating back to approximately 3,300 years ago.[i] In Arabic cultures, black cumin is known as Habbatul barakah, meaning the “seed of blessing.” It is also believed that the Islamic prophet Mohammed said of it that it is “a remedy for all diseases except death.”

Many of black cumin’s traditionally ascribed health benefits have been thoroughly confirmed in the biomedical literature. In fact, since 1964, there have been 458 published, peer-reviewed studies referencing it.

We have indexed salient research, available to view on our Black Seed (Nigella Sativa) page, on well over 40 health conditions that may be benefited from the use of the herb, including over 20 distinct pharmacological actions it expresses, such as: – Analgesic (Pain-Killing)

– Anti-Bacterial

– Anti-Inflammatory

– Anti-Ulcer

– Anti-Cholinergic

– Anti-Fungal

– Ant-Hypertensive

– Antioxidant

– Antispasmodic

– Antiviral

– Bronchodilator

– Gluconeogenesis Inhibitor (Anti-Diabetic)

– Hepatoprotective (Liver Protecting)

– Hypotensive

– Insulin Sensitizing

– Interferon Inducer

– Leukotriene Antagonist

– Renoprotective (Kidney Protecting)

– Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha Inhibitor

These 22 pharmacological actions are only a subset of a far wider number of beneficial properties intrinsic to the black seed. While it is remarkable that this seed has the ability to positively modulate so many different biological pathways, this is actually a rather common occurrence among traditional plant medicines.

Black seed has been researched for very specific health conditions. Some of the most compelling applications include:

Type 2 Diabetes:

Two grams of black seed a day resulted in reduced fasting glucose, decreased insulin resistance, increased beta-cell function, and reduced glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) in human subjects.

Helicobacter Pylori Infection:

Black seeds possess clinically useful anti-H. pylori activity, comparable to triple eradication therapy.


Black seeds were traditionally known to have anticonvulsive properties. A 2007 study with epileptic children, whose condition was refractory to conventional drug treatment, found that a water extract significantly reduced seizure activity.

Source; Healthy life

Indian doctor awarded by American Society of Haematology


Dr Praveen Kaudlay, a clinical haematology specialist registrar based in the UK, has been awarded with Abstract Achievement Award by the American Society of Haematology for his work as a first author on bone marrow failure condition called as paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria.


The award was presented, along with the paper presentation, at the 55th annual American Society of Haematology conference held in New Orleans, US from December 7 to 10.

Each year, the American Society of Haematology, offers merit-based Abstract Achievement Awards to select individuals to acknowledge the accomplishments of haematologists-in-training. This year’s Abstract Achievement Awards recognize undergraduate students, medical students, graduate students, resident physicians, and post-doctoral fellows who are both first author and presenter of an abstract.

Discussing about his paper with India Medical Times, Dr Kaudlay said, “The work was on bone marrow failure condition called as paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria. We looked at polymorphism in a complement molecule as these patients despite being treated with a drug, Eculizumab, tend to have haemolysis (blood getting destroyed inside the circulation). The study also included testing a molecule that blocks complement C3 in-vitro. The main investigator for this work is Prof Peter Hillmen, based at St James University Hospital at Leeds. I am the first author for the paper. Nearly 3,000 abstracts are submitted from around the world in this high profile conference attended by more than 20,000 delegates from all parts of the world.”


A graduate from Bangalore Medical College, Dr Kaudlay holds an interest in blood disorders and bone marrow failure syndromes and stem cell transplantation, which are quite common in India. He finished his postgraduation in General Medicine from India before going to the UK in 2003.

Talking about his future plans Dr Kaudlay said, “My future plan is to take research work that is of direct interest to India in blood disorders and bone marrow transplantation as Indians have different genetics compared to the Caucasians where most of the research are done. We have a large burden of thalassemia and sickle cell disease whose management needs to be improved. Bone marrow cancers are now being detected more than before needing novel chemotherapy drugs and stem cell transplantation. Indigenous research with Indian subjects needs to be pursued more to have a strong database to apply for treatment modalities.”

“My personal ambition is to develop a bone marrow donation registry which is as robust as in the West as patients of the Indian origin both within and outside India are struggling to find suitable match as lifesaving one marrow transplantation for many malignancies. There is a dire need to work along to develop the registry involving Indian population. The specialty of Haematology needs to be developed further to attract international trials and research in India,” he added.

Source: India medical times:


Multiple vaccines associated with increased infant mortality

As pentavalent vaccine has already created widespread controversy with reports linking increased morbidity and mortality to multiple vaccines in low-income countries, including Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Vietnam and India, a new study published in the journal Vaccine has diametrically opposed to the extensively held conviction that more vaccines administered to infants the better.

The new observational study titled, ‘Co-administration of live measles and yellow fever vaccines and inactivated pentavalent vaccines is associated with increased mortality compared with measles and yellow fever vaccines only’ is a result of randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial conducted during 2007-2011 in the West African country Guinea-Bissau. The study has questioned the belief that vaccination is always a life-saving intervention.

Sayer Ji, “My personal belief about the expanding vaccination schedule, as well as increasing the number of vaccine antigens per vaccine, is we are engaging in unprecedented mass experimentation on our children, as there are simply far too many variables to control and understand now in order to make the determination that they are effective, much less safe. It is likely — and research bears this out — that the ultimate result of employing so vaccines, along with the known dangers of excipients and adjuvants, is increased morbidity and mortality in exposed populations.”

As the finding hold importance when one considers that pentavalent vaccines, with the efforts of the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation (GAVI), aims to reach millions of children in several developing countries, he said, “Global vaccination campaigns are based upon a fundamental error in thinking. You can’t vaccinate away undernourishment, poor living conditions, or lack of water sanitation. Let these charitable programmes and the wealthy nations and corporations put their money where their mouths are and provide ‘first world’ solutions for third world problems.”

“India stands today as the mother to one of the most advanced, while also ancient, medical systems in the world, Ayurveda, and must consider the implications of casting its inheritance to the wind in favour of strictly Western medical interventions, many of which are being aggressively championed for reasons that are as much political and economic as they are humanitarian in nature,” he said.

“The primary suggestion I would give is to not ignore the significant body of peer-reviewed research that now exists showing the unintended, adverse health effects of vaccination which may in some cases far outweigh their purported benefit. Also, these are not strictly academic matters but the lives of our children and future generations are on the line,” Sayer Ji opined.

In the light of the study, Dr Jacob Puliyel, head of paediatrics at St Stephen’s Hospital, New Delhi, told , “I do not think international agencies will do anything till we highlight every death as unacceptable.”

Source; Green med info