Trichomoniasis – STD from hotel towels: kenya

Trichomoniasis - STD from hotel towel

Trichomoniasis, also called “trich,” is a common sexually transmitted infection (STI) that affects both men and women. Caused by a protozoan parasite called Trichomonas vaginalis, this relatively common STI is the cause of vaginal infections in women and urethral infections in men. Don’t worry, it’s easily curable.

Though STIs such as Trichomoniasis is mostly contracted through sexual contact, did you know the parasites can also survive on infected objects like bed sheets, towels and toilet seats from hotels?

Capital Lifestyle Magazine began looking into this when a male friend was diagnosed by his doctor that he had a yeast infection. As a faithful husband, you can imagine the confusion as to where he could have possibly contracted the STI. As a frequent traveler for work, it soon became apparent that the onset of his genital itching, painful unrination, unusual penile discharge and redness was a result of poorly cleaned hotel towels… .GROSS.

While not all viruses and bacteria are hardy enough to live for extended periods of time on contaminated surfaces such as glass, many of them – including those that can cause STIs – are. Chlamydia as well as all bacteria are pretty resilient when it comes to survival outside the human body, sharing a towel can transfer the bacteria.

Some housekeeping staff maybe cutting corners in their jobs resulting in a blatant disregard for hygienic practices. We all know that some of the principal routes for spread of infections include contact with infected persons or contact with articles of bedding or clothing that have been contaminated by an infected source. If the bedding and towels in your hotel room were contaminated and reused, you could be at risk of contracting a virus or infection.

Symptoms of Trichnomaniasis usually takes from 3 to 28 days to develop. Technically, you could travel to many places before even realizing that there was a problem in one of your hotel rooms.

Trichomoniasis can be treated with oral antibiotics, usually a single dose. It is especially important that both partners be treated – well, in this case only yourself since your partner was an unclean towel that probably looked invitingly white and pristine.

Understandably, hotel management sources condemn these practices and state that these behaviors violate standards and policy for their establishments. However, to minimize your risk of contracting viruses and infections during your travels, it’s advisable to bring your own towel and to avoid sleeping naked in an unfamiliar bed with suspicious bedding.

Source: all africa

The Shocking Number of New STD Cases Each Year


Still consider STDs are something that can’t start to someone like you? Here’s a intolerable existence check: Nearly 20 million new cases of intimately transmitted diseases start each year in a U.S.  That’s over 54,000 new cases per day!

And unfortunately, that series has been augmenting in new years, according to Lynn Barclay, President and CEO of a American Sexual Health Association (ASHA). It could be rising for a series of reasons, including augmenting population, improved contrast methods, and an increasing importance on removing tested. Yet this frightful stat could also meant that we’re not doing adequate to stay informed, protected, and treated.

Here, 3 things we need to do right divided to strengthen your passionate health:

Know What You Should Be Tested For
Unfortunately, there are no customary discipline for how mostly we should be tested for STDs. That’s since your contrast needs count on several factors—like your age, passionate activity, lifestyle choices, attribute status, and story of STDs, says Barclay. That’s because it’s essential to do your investigate and find out what we need to be tested for before we conduct to your doctor’s office.

In a many simple sense, we should be tested for STDs any time you’ve had defenceless sex, before we have sex with a new partner, or if you’re experiencing any symptoms, says Barclay. However, when we get tested and for what infections will change from chairman to person. For instance, if you’ve recently had defenceless sex or mixed passionate partners, we competence need to be tested for chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, and HIV. If we are experiencing any strange symptoms, ask your provider if we should be tested for genital herpes, trichomoniasis, and HPV (genital warts). The fact is that your alloy is bustling and chances are she doesn’t know a sum of your sex life, so it’s your shortcoming to know when to be tested for STDs and that infections we should exam for.

Ask Your Doctor for a Right Tests
You competence wish to lay down for this one: When we ask your provider to “test we for everything,” chances are, you’re not removing tested for everything. Most providers usually exam for chlamydia, gonorrhea, and infrequently syphilis and HIV during a slight test, according to Edward Hook III, M.D., executive of a Division of Infectious Diseases during University of Alabama. Most people aren’t tested for herpes or trichomoniasis unless they ask for it or they benefaction with symptoms, says Barclay. And you’ll typically usually accept an HPV exam if we have an aberrant Pap allegation (find out how this routine competence change formed on new Pap allegation guidelines)

Don’t assume that you’re being tested for all underneath a object when we conduct to a gyno for a Pap smear—even if we ask for “everything.” Your alloy competence know you’re intimately active and sequence a few tests, though they don’t know that we had defenceless sex once or twice in a final year, that a condom pennyless final month, or that we had a uncanny unreasonable a while ago that eventually went away. Make certain to ask your alloy that tests you’re receiving and ask additional ones if we trust you’re during risk, says Barclay.

Use Protection Consistently and Correctly
Here’s a thing about condoms: They are a second best invulnerability opposite STDs after abstinence. Still, many people don’t use them as most as they should. “We have a genuine problem as a republic in that we go into a new attribute regulating condoms and afterwards pause use,” says Barclay. In fact, one new investigate found that many women who start regulating hormonal contraception stop regulating condoms, and even when they get off a pill, some women don’t lapse to unchanging condom use.

Even if you’re in a committed, monogamous relationship, Barclay suggests regulating condoms consistently for a initial 6 months, afterwards both removing retested, as some diseases don’t uncover adult right away. That said, you’ll also have to trust that your partner is being totally monogamous and honest about their passionate health. For some-more information, check out a new website, Condomology, from ASHA and Trojan.

Source: health medicine