Tips To Repair Split Ends


Split ends means your hair is not getting enough nourishment and lacks moisture. Harsh shampoos, sun exposure , blow drying, straightening, dyes and bleaches dry out the hair and damages the amino acids in your hair. Dry and damaged hair breaks easily while styling or brushing. If you think your hair is not growing fast then split ends could be the possible reason.

Here are some easy tips to cure split ends:

Alcohol Free Shampoo :

Avoid using shampoos that contain alcohol as it dries out hair. Use shampoos that contain natural ingredients. Also, Excessive washing with harsh shampoos makes your hair ends dry. You should not shampoo more than 3 times a week. It is better to wash your hair every alternate day than everyday. ALso, do not use hot water to wash your hair.

Let It Dry Naturally :

Avoid heat as much as possible. Heat is the worst enemy for your hair but its hard to completely avoid hair dryers and flat iron. It is best to apply a heat resistant serum to your hair before using heat. Towel dry your hair before drying, this way you minimize the damage of heat on wet hair. Also, use flat irons and curlers occasionally instead of everyday.

Get a Trim:
The best solution for split ends is to get a trim. You get split ends when you dont trim your hair for a long time. Always trim your hair once every 6-8 weeks to get rid of dry & weak parks and promote hair growth.

There are many treatments available which repair hair damage and provide moisture and nourishment. They can seal the split ends but not completely cure them so its better to use them with regular trimming to keep off split ends and help prevent future damage. Use a deep conditioner twice a week after you shampoo your hair. There are many easy homemade treatments that you can do to repair split ends.

Here are some easy homemade treatments for split ends :

Egg Mask :
Mix egg yolk in 3 tbsp olive oil and 1 tbsp honey. Gently massage this mask in your hair and cover with a shower cap. Leave it on for half an hour and wash it with a mild shampoo.

Oil :
Message your scalp with oil. Oiling regularly can restore moisture of your hair. Use olive oil, almond oil, coconut oil or a combination of these oils. Apply oil on your hair and message gently. Leave it on for about an hour then wash with shampoo.

Papaya Mask :
Papaya is rich in proteins which your hair needs in order to maintain its shine, moisture and growth. Mash 2 medium slices of papaya with a fork or in a blender. Mix 2 tbsp yogurt in it, apply it your scalp and hair.Cover your hair with a shower cap to lock the moisture. Leave it on for 30 minutes then wash with shampoo.

Honey rinse :
Another easy homemade conditioner for hair is honey. Mix 2 tbsp honey in 4 cups warm water and apply it to your hair after you shampoo/ condition your hair. Leave it in your hair. It will control hair dryness/frizz.

Source: 7beauty tips


8 Ways Aloe Can Be Used For Everday Health And Beauty

The Aloe plant is part of the genus, succulent plants, which comprises of over 500 different types of species. It has been cultivated for many years because of its pharmaceutical uses. Dating back 5,000 years to ancient Egypt, aloe was known as a powerful herbal medicine. The plant produces gel and latex, which are both used for medicinal purposes. The gel is the clear gooey substance that is found when you break the plant, and the (yellow) latex comes from right under its skin. Many beauty experts and other health care professionals list aloe as an important plant curing many skin ailments. Here are a few of its suggested uses:

Applying aloe cream to the skin might help to heal certain burns. A 2009 study found that 30 patients with second-degree burns, who applied aloe cream, healed in areas with minor wounds in less than 16 days.

High cholesterol and Hyperlipidemia
According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), preliminary evidence suggests that taking 10 to 20 milliliters of aloe orally daily for 12 weeks can reduce total cholesterol by about 15 percent, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol by about 18 percent, and triglycerides by about 25 to 30 percent in people with hyperlipidemia.

Cold Sores
Research suggest that aloe gel speeds up canker sores and helps to alleviate some of the pain

Some research has shown that aloe helps to heal present acne and acne scars because of its antimicrobial properties. It’s also moisturizing without being greasy.

Dry Hair
The inside of the plant makes a great hair conditioner because of the its hydrating properties. Use the plant’s “juice” and gel in your hair, then rinse and apply your normal conditioner.

The NIH says that, while it’s inconclusive aloe may reduce blood sugar in people with diabetes. “Two studies indicate that taking aloe gel by mouth can reduce blood sugar in women with type 2 diabetes. But another study did not show the same benefit.”

Due to the cooling effect aloe has on the skin, it’s often an over-the-counter recommendation by physicians and pharmacists for minor sunburns.

Weight Loss
Aloe Vera juice made its way last year as a health drink. According to the Daily Mail, aloe contains a number vitamins “including A, C, E, folic acid, B1, B2, B3, B6, and it is one of the few plants that contains vitamin B12, which helps with brain and nervous system function.” As a super food it helps with digestion and clears your skin from the inside.

Source: Medical daily