Drinking Hot vs Cold Water… What are the Benefits?


The main purpose of drinking any liquid, water in particular, is to hydrate our body. Either hot or cold water will serve this purpose. Obviously, cold water sounds more tempting than hot water.

There is some evidence to suggest you can benefit from some extra calories being burned by drinking cold water. The body has to regulate its temperature to around 98.6 degrees. Drinking cold water forces the body to work a little harder to bring the temperature back up. Cold water is absorbed into the blood stream more easily. By being absorbed into the blood stream easier, it helps to keep your body better hydrated. Especially after heavy physical activity and a lot of sweating has occurred. So, with all these benefits of drinking cold water, what benefit could drinking hot water possibly have? Would purifying your body be a good enough reason? Drinking hot water is kind of like going to a sauna.

When you drink a glass or two of hot water, your body temperature will increase a little. Just like when you drink cold water, and your body had to regulate temperature by heating up, the hot water will cause your body to want to cool down. The way our bodies cool down is by sweating. When we sweat from drinking hot water, we are helping to purify our bloodstreams. We literally sweat out the toxins which have built up in our body.

Some evidence suggests that by drinking hot water, we remove built up deposits in our nervous system. These deposits are responsible for creating negative thoughts and emotions. By removing these build ups, we can help to purify our thoughts and put us in a better emotional state. Drinking hot water can also actually purify the toxins out of your body.

Hot Water Uses

It doesn’t take a lot of effort to gain the benefits of drinking hot water. To get the benefits of detoxification, you can drink hot water as little as 1-2 times a week. Of course, you can do it more often if you choose. The temperature of the water shouldn’t be so hot that it burns you, when you drink it. However, it has to be hot enough to cause you to sweat after drinking it. In fact, for maximum benefit, you should find yourself sweating profusely while drinking it. Once you stop sweating, be sure to wipe away your perspiration and then drink another glass of hot water. This will help to balance out your body temperature.

Drinking hot water also helps to cleanse the nasal cavities. This is especially useful when you are congested during an illness. The vapor from the hot water loosens up all the mucus buildup. This, in turn, will help you be less congested. The detoxification process is also more beneficial when you are sick. The hot water will make you sweat and remove some of the toxins in your body, and hopefully will allow you to have a quicker recovery.

All in all drinking or using Hot or Cold will make a beneficial difference in just how you use it for your everyday needs.

Source: amigas 4 my soul