Paracetamol can slow brain development in kids

A new study has found that paracetamol can interfere with the brain development of children, and can even be dangerous for unborn kids.

Researchers at Uppsala University examined paracetamol, one of the most commonly used drugs for pain and fever in children, by giving small doses of it to ten-day-old mice. They later carried out tests on the behavioural habits of the mice in adulthood.

They found that the mice could be hyperactive in adulthood, could display behavioural disturbances, and could have lower memory capability compared to the mice that weren’t given the dose.

Researchers said that the exposure to and presence of paracetamol during a critical period of brain development can induce long-lasting effects on cognitive function and alter the adult response to paracetamol in mice.

They added that parents should be careful in administering the drug.

Researcher Henrik Viberg told the Upsala Nya Tidning newspaper that this shows that there are reasons to restrict the use of paracetamol at the end of pregnancy and to hold back from giving the medicine to infants.

The study was published in the online Toxicological Sciences journal.

Source: Zee news

5 fitness apps that actually get results


Looking for a new way to reach your fitness goals? Now’s the time to check out some of the hottest fitness apps for the new year. Getting fit no longer requires a pencil-and-paper workout plan or a hardback diet book. The latest apps can aid your fitness goals through interactive features, instant stats and tips, and GPS technology, as well as inspiration of the monetary variety. Reinvigorate your workout by downloading the following five fitness apps. Some are new to the market, while others are simply tried and true. Not only will these apps boost your health and wellness, they will give you a new burst of motivation.

1. Hot5
Hot5 is hands down one of my favorite apps for 2014. From abs and core to yoga and flexibility and everything in between, Hot5 contains pages and pages of 5-minute video workouts that are super easy to follow. You can find video workouts of all varieties and difficulty levels that will work you out with only five moves. While most fitness app videos look like they were filmed in the 1980s, Hot5’s are sleek and modern. The interface is also beautifully designed and user friendly. It is to the point and clear cut, saving you time by skipping the personal questionnaires and sign-up lag. I also love that this app can be used as an add-on to your fitness routine or as your entire workout. If you want to do 5-minute abs after a run, Hot5 is for you. If you want to do a full body workout, mix and match from their plethora of videos. This pick and choose system is great for beginners and fitness gurus alike. The best part? Hot5 is completely free. No hidden costs, no paid upgrades. Hot5 gives you the best of the best without costing you a penny

Compatibility: iPhone; Cost: Free

2. GymPact
We all need a little motivation when it comes to working out, and GymPact is the perfect way to get inspired. How does it work? Make a commitment to work out a certain number of times a week. Choose the amount of money you are willing to risk if you don’t reach your goal. If you don’t achieve your goal? Your credit card gets charged. Achieve your goal? You get paid! The days of being paid to work out have finally come!

Compatibility: iPhone and Android; Cost: Free

3. Weight Watchers Mobile
Sure, you’ve heard of Weight Watchers, but there’s a reason this company has been around so long. Their system gets great results –plain and simple. Weight Watchers Mobile is a great way to track your calorie consumption by using their point system. Not only can you enter and search for different foods in their database, you can scan barcodes for instant information about what you’re eating. The app counts down your available calories by day and also by week. Weight Watchers Mobile even has a section to find foods from your favorite restaurants, and info on portion control and healthy eating. Their clean-looking, easy-to-use interface makes dieting more manageable and straightforward.

Compatibility: iPhone and Android; Cost: Free, but you must be a Weight Watchers’ member to get full access.

4. RunKeeper
RunKeeper has been around for a while, but it’s still one of the greatest fitness apps out there. RunKeeper allows you to track your runs, walks, or bike rides by using the GPS system in your phone. You can view your detailed stats on its easy-to-use layout, and also track your progress over time. RunKeeper even allows you to connect with your friends so others can track your achievements and goals. My favorite feature on this app is the audio cue option. RunKeeper provides real-time coaching by giving you audible updates on your pace, time, distance, and more.

Compatibility: iPhone and Android; Cost: Free

5. Zombies, Run! 2
That’s right… the zombie craze has even reached the fitness arena. This action packed app adds an element that is sometimes missing from other workout apps – fun. Zombies, Run! and Zombies, Run! 2 mix games and stories into your run as you complete missions in a world laden with zombies. Whether you’re gathering supplies, saving a fellow human, or out-running a horde of the undead, this app amps up your normal jog with imagination and competition.

Compatibility: iPhone and Android; Cost: $2.99

Source: Fox News

20 Home Remedies to Get Rid of Dandruff

Home remedies for dandruff is a natural way to get rid of dandruff, a common scalp disorder. A person looking for dandruff treatment can cure dandruff at home with the aid of naturally available remedies. Dandruff is the result of excessive shedding of dead cells from the scalp. Dandruff can be cause of hair loss, acne, pimples and hair premature greying, so it should be treated before it gets severe and chronic.

Treatment of Dandruff is necessary as it is embarrassing and creates self esteem problems. Dandruff can be spread if you make use of common comb, hairbrush, soap and towel. Getting rid of dandruff is not as hard as perceived. Dandruff home remedies are natural and very effective. They can give you long term results keeping you away from harsh chemicals and expensive hair care products.

Here are some best ways to get rid of Dandruff at home with the assistance of home remedies:

Yogurt and Black pepper as a anti dandruff treatment
Yogurt reduces the intensity of scaling. Mix 2 teaspoon of black pepper powder in a cup of curd and blend it thoroughly. Then rub this mixture into dandruff affected scalp and after an hour, wash it with a mild shampoo.

Olive Oil Treatment for Dandruff
You can get rid of dandruff with the consistence use of olive oil. Olive oil is natural clarifying and moisturizing agent. It is one of the most admired home remedies for dandruff. A lukewarm oil treatment of olive oil can help you to treat your dandruff. Don’t make the olive oil too hot. Apply the olive oil to the problem scalp in circular motions before going to bed. Wash out your hair with a mild shampoo in the morning.

Lemon juice and Coconut oil
Blend together 1 tbsp. of lemon juice with 5 tbsp. of coconut oil. Apply to the scalp to get rid of dandruff. Lemon juice is a natural home remedy for dandruff and will clear away flakes from your scalp. There is a myth that lemon juice can lead to hair graying. However this is not true. Leave this remedy on the scalp for 20 to 30 minutes and then wash with a shampoo.

Vinegar to get rid of Dandruff
Vinegar is extremely effective for the treatment of dandruff as it is rich in potassium and enzymes which will help to cure an itchy scalp and dandruff. There are several ways you can make use of vinegar to prevent dandruff. You can massage apple cider vinegar into the dandruff scalp 5 to 7 minutes. Apple cider vinegar will help you to get rid of the dead skin cells, which are responsible in clogging the hair follicles and lead to dandruff flakes.  Another way to use vinegar to treat dandruff is to mix a tbsp. of vinegar in your last mug of water when you wash your hair.

Baking Soda to remove dandruff flakes
This may be surprising, but true that Baking soda is potential to clear excess flakes and clarifies the scalp from dandruff. You can add 1 tsp. of baking soda to a handful of shampoo and you will find that it can remove dandruff flakes even hiding in hair strands.

Aloe Vera gel to cure dandruff
Apply aloe Vera gel on the scalp to remove dandruff. Leave on for 15 minutes. Aloe is a natural home remedy, which clarifies and repairs damaged skin. It fights dandruff and let you get rid of dandruff flakes so the scalp can heal.

Apply Eggs to remove dandruff

Beat 2 eggs to apply it on scalp and rinse it off with in one hour to get dandruff free hair. Eggs help in the treatment of dandruff and falling hair. Egg acts as a good conditioner for dry hair giving them glow and shine.

Neem Leaves
Neem has the antiseptic property, which helps in getting rid of dandruff. Apply neem leaves paste on your scalp to fight dandruff as it is a very effective home remedy. Neem leaves is successful in treating lice, treating dandruff and many other eruptions on the scalp.

Warm Oil Massage on Scalp
Luke warm oil massage is considered as one of the best home remedy to get rid of dandruff. Luke warm almond oil, coconut oil, or olive oil is used to massage on scalp to prevent dandruff. Leave it on scalp overnight.

Onion is a natural anti dandruff solution
Apply the paste of onion into your scalp. Leave it on dandruff skin for one hour. Wash thoroughly. This will assist to get rid of dandruff. Apply lemon juice to remove smell of onion from your hair.

Fenugreek (Methi) Seeds and Oil to get rid of dandruff
Soak methi seeds in water for overnight and mash these fenugreek seeds in about half cup of warm coconut or olive oil. Apply all over the scalp. Leave it on for two to three hours. This home remedy will helps to get rid of dandruff naturally at home.

Besan and Curd to cure dandruff naturally at home
Mix 4 tbsp. Chickpea Flour also known as besan in curd to make thick paste. Apply on the scalp and leave it for an hour. You can few drops of lemon to get rid of oil of curd. This is a good home remedy to treat dandruff.

Reetha is natural dandruff treatment
Reetha, which is soap nut, is an ideal solution to get rid of dandruff. You can use powder of reetha and make a paste out of it. Apply for two hours and rinse it off. This way you can treat dandruff at home.

Apples to get rid of Dandruff
Apply 2 tbsp. of apple juice mix in water directly to the scalp. Apples have enzymes that eliminate dead skin cells that further causes scalp flakes. Leave this home remedy on the scalp 5 to 10 minutes before washing your hair.

Tea Tree Oil to treat dandruff
Tea tree oil is a natural home remedy for dandruff. Tea tree oil has natural antiseptic and antibiotic properties, which make it best to get rid of dandruff. You can apply tea tree oil directly to the scalp, or add few drops to your regular shampoo.

Lemon and Garlic
Mix 1 tbsp. of lemon juice with 2 tbsp. of garlic. Apply paste to the scalp. Lemon juice will help you to get rid of flakes. Garlic is a natural antibiotic and is best to kill the bacteria on the scalp. Leave this anti dandruff treatment on scalp for 20 to 30 minutes and then shampoo your hair.

Beetroot leaves and Henna
Crush beetroot leaves in heena powder to make a paste. Apply this mixture to remove dandruff.

Snake gourd
Juice of snake gourd should be rubbed on the scalp. This will help to get rid of dandruff

Aspirin as a home remedy to treat dandruff
Two aspirin dissolved in the shampoo can let you get rid of dandruff. Aspirin helps to fight dandruff.


Mix vinegar in oil of rosemary leaves (squeeze them). Use this home remedy for dandruff. You can also apply mixture of rosemary oil and coconut oil to your scalp to treat dandruff.

Dandruff can be prevented by washing your hair regularly or at every alternate day. This can help you to get rid of dandruff. Choose a home remedy for dandruff, which suits you and use it constantly to treat dandruff. I am sure once you try, you would love these natural home remedies.

Source: nehasadana

How to inspire your child to brush his/her teeth regularly

Children are often told that what they inculcate as habits now, will help improve the quality of their life later. However, lack of wisdom often makes them ignore this advice. Many kids have cavities and other dental issues because of inadequate brushing. These problems often magnify when they grow older. Inspiring your child to brush his/her teeth regularly may not be easy, but there are a few things you can do to make sure the child has good teeth.

Set an example
Children learn from their parents. Make it a point to seriously brush your teeth in front of your child twice every day. Not only will this rub into your child, it will also ensure good oral hygiene for you!

Buy him an electric toothbrush
Children love gadgets, especially in today’s times. Buy him/her an electronic toothbrush that will make brushing more effective and fun. Most of these toothbrushes even have a timer which tells you when to stop. They maybe a lot more expensive than a normal toothbrush, but compared to dental treatments they are quite cheap.

Use a toothpaste the child enjoys
Some toothpastes have a sharp taste which children do not enjoy. Thankfully, toothpaste manufacturers realise this and there are many toothpastes available in the market with different flavours. If required buy your child 3-4 flavors, and make him/her brush with one flavour every day. It will keep things interesting and make the routine a non-monotonous affair.

Set a time-limit
Ideally, your child should be brushing his/her teeth for 2 minutes. Buy an hourglass for the same instead of an electric stopwatch. The hourglass’ only purpose would be to time their brushing, and thus give it a sense of exclusivity. Also, using a historical device instead of a modern gadget will delight your child.

Make a reward system
If your child is slightly rebellious and fights on the topic of oral hygiene, do not go easy on him/her. Stop access to the things he/she enjoys like watching TV, playing games, etc. and tell him/her that brushing teeth for two minutes is a small price to pay for these luxuries.

Visit a dentist every six months
Even if your child’s oral health is good and there are no problems, make sure you make him go to a dentist every six months. This will inculcate certain seriousness about the issue in your child. Being in a clinic with so many equipments and a person whose job is to fix people’s teeth will stick as a image in your child’s mind. Regular visits will make sure that this image doesn’t go. Also, if the dentist says that your child’s oral health is good – he/she will feel extremely pleased about all the hard work done.

Tell him/her a story
If you are a good storyteller, tell your child a story about how cavities are like monsters that are out to destroy your teeth. And brushing is like a rifle that is used to knock them down. This will make brushing an enjoyable activity like playing. However, beware your child doesn’t brush his/her teeth every hour as that can do more harm than good. The monsters need to be killed just twice every day, for two minutes.

Buy him books related to oral hygiene
There are several books like Melvin the magnificient molar and I know why I brush my teeth which are illustrated with interesting characters and stories that inspire your child to brush his/her teeth. What more? It will also inculcate the extremely desirable quality of reading. (Read: Are you brushing your teeth right?)
Hopefully, these tips will ensure your child ends up with a great smile as an adult.

Source: dentistry IQ

6 yoga asanas to beat arthritis

Yoga for arthritis

If you suffer from arthritis and joint pain is making it difficult to do even the simplest of things, this series of yoga asanas is for you. Prescribed by yoga practitioners as one of the best and most natural methods to beat joint pain, stiffness and discomfort, this set of six asanas is your best bet against arthritis.

There are some rules though. Do not do these asanas if you experience too much pain, they are best done under the guidance of a trained professional. Also, it is essential that you do these asana in the order metioned below.

Trikonasana: This asana is known for its ability to relieve pain and any disorder of the neck and shoulder. It also strengthens your legs, knees, ankles and chest. It also helps improve digestion and improves one’s rate of metabolism. Apart from that it improves mental equilibrium making you more calm, reduces anxiety and stress, thereby helping you beat acidity and stress related stomach ailments like constipation. According to yoga practitioners this asana is perfect for people who suffer from stiffness of the joints, perfect to relieve arthritis.


Steps to do this pose:

Stand up straight, now spread your legs apart. Turn one foot outwards such that your toes are facing sideways and turn your other foot slightly inwards. Now, stretch your arms sideways. Bend at your hips and lower one arm towards the outward turned leg while allowing the other arm to rise up towards the sky. Make sure you distribute your body weight equally on both your legs. Now, breathe out when you bend down. Place your arm either on your ankle, shin or knee. If you are extremely flexible, try to touch the floor with your palm. Breathe in and out softly and allow your body to relax. Make sure your hips are straight and you are not bending backwards or forwards. Hold this pose for five breath counts. Now, exhale and come up to the standing position. Repeat this on the other side. It is recommended that you do not push yourself too much while doing this pose, take your time to gain some flexibility.

Tips to keep in mind: Do not do this pose if you have high or low blood pressure, a neck or back injury, suffer from migraines or have diarrhoea.

Veerasana: This asana is great to tone the muscles of the thighs, hips and arms. A remedy for arthritis, this pose helps in increasing circulation around the joints (knees, ankle and elbows) that are used, and helps in strengthen them. The increased circulation also helps to bring the joint back into equilibrium making them more flexible. It also has a significant effect on toning

Veera asana

the muscles of the chest and helps improve your lung capacity.

Steps to do this pose:

Sit comfortably on your yoga mat. Extend your legs outwards while keeping your back straight. Now, bend your left leg at the knees and place the toes of the foot under your left buttock. It will look like you have balanced yourself on the toes of one foot. Make sure you don’t put all your weight on this leg. Next, bend your right leg at the knees and place the sole of that foot on the thigh of the left leg.

Now, extend your hands in front of you, then raise them over your head. Bend them at the elbow and join your palms (such that they are in the Namaste position). Bring them down together and place your wrists on your head.

Tip: You might go off balance in the first few times you try this pose. But keep at it, you will eventually be able to hold the pose.

Gomukhasana: This asana is great for your fingers, elbows, shoulders , neck, spine and hip joint. When it is done properly it also helps in improving the circulation of blood in the knees and ankles. Gomukhasana is known to tone muscles and nerves, making them stronger and less stiff. Because of its innate ability to increase circulation in the joints, it also helps in the production of synovial fluid (fluid present between the joints) which helps to lubricate aching joints and reduces friction. Apart from helping your joints function optimally Gomukhasana also helps improve the functioning of your heart and lungs.


Steps to do this pose:

This pose is ideally done while putting all your weight on your knees. But if you suffer from severe arthritis, you can sit in padmasana to do this pose. If you would like to try doing this asana on your knees, bend them and place them on a yoga mat – such that your upper body is erect and your keens take all your weight. Make sure your toes are pointing downwards and are driving towards the ground.

Now take your right hand and bend it at the elbows and place it behind your back. Make sure your finger tips are pointing upwards and are close to your spine. Take your left hand above your head, while bending it at the elbow above your head. Now, while placing it at the nape of your neck, try to grasp your right hand with it. The aim of this asana is for you to be able to hold your hands behind your back. (Read: Stressed out? Try these yoga poses)

Breathe normally and get out of this pose by first sitting down and then bringing your hands back to their normal position.

Tip: You might not be able to place your hands together. This is only due to a lack of flexibility and it will improve with time.

Vriksha asana: Great for your joints and muscles, it is known to be especially great to tone up the muscles of the ankles, toes, knees, hip joints, shoulder joints, elbows, hands and fingers. It also increases the circulation of blood around the affected joints


reducing the amount of pain you feel. Apart from that it is great to tone the muscles of your stomach and abdomen. Apart from helping your core become stronger, it also tones the muscles of the thighs and arms and helps your mind focus and relax.

Steps to do this pose: Stand with your legs together. Now put most of your weight on one leg and a little weight on the other leg. Now raise the leg with the least weight such that your foot is facing inwards, towards your opposite knee. You can hold your ankle to help you pull up the leg. Place the heel of your foot on your inner thigh of the other leg, as close to the pelvis as possible. Now gently raise your hands above your head making sure your fingers are pointing towards the ceiling. Make sure you focus your mind and try to maintain your balance. Breathing steadily and focusing on one spot in front of your eyes helps in maintaining the pose and not falling over. In yoga, it is believed that an unsteady mind leads to an unsteady body. So the more you can control your mind the better you can do this pose. Do not try to hold a chair or wall for support while doing this pose. It will only reduce the intensity of the asana. Keep trying till you can get it just right.

Tip: If you have injured your knee or back please do this asana under the supervision of a trained expert.

Setubandhasana: This asana works exclusively on your spine and hip joints. It also helps relieve pain, stiffness and discomfort in these regions and helps resolve any disorders associated with the neck, arms and palms. This pose also helps keep your blood pressure under control, helps to relax the mind, improves digestion, relieves the symptoms of menopause in women relieves


respiratory problems.

Steps to do this pose:

Lie flat on your yoga mat, with your feet flat on the floor. Now exhale and push up, and off the floor with your feet. Raise your body up such that your neck and head are flat on the mat and the rest of your body is in the air. You can use your hands to push down for added support. If you are flexible you can even clasp your fingers just below your raised back for that added stretch. The key here is to not overexert or hurt yourself while doing this pose.

Tip: Avoid doing this pose if you have a neck or back injury.

Shavasana: Also known as the corpse pose, this is another relaxing pose that allows your body to recuperate. The slow and methodical breathing allows your mind to calm down, lowers your blood pressure and can reduce a headache.


It is also a great way to get a good night’s sleep and beat insomnia.


Beware — Using household bleach can ruin your skin!

Various forms of bleaching have been used for this purpose — from the natural ones like using lemon or potatoes to the various cosmetic bleaches. However, recently more women are using household bleach in the hope of making their skin glow. This is following a recent study at Stanford University School of Medicine where researchers tested mice with radiation dermatitis — a side-effect of chemotherapy and radiation treatments — by bathing them in a diluted bleach solution for 30 minutes a day. They found that ‘the inexpensive, widely available household chemical could provide a new way to treat skin damage caused by radiation therapy, excess sun exposure or ageing.’ However, a lot of doctors have warned against this trend saying it can do more harm than good.

Don’t confuse face and body bleach

Dr Amrapali Patil, founder Trim n Tone, says without human or clinical studies supporting them, animal studies cannot be solely extrapolated to the effects of any drug, substance or chemical in humans. ‘Bleach to some degree has a corrosive effect and in inflammatory conditions such as dermatitis it will aggravate the condition. This would set up the affected area to be superimposed by infection and more irritation not to forget about the carcinogenic potential of such a product. Also, the skin would become prone to hyper pigmentation and tanning thus becoming more cancer prone,’ she says adding that she doesn’t advocate the use of household bleach on the face. ‘Cream bleach is suitable for lightening dark facial hair. Face bleach has a different concentration than body bleach. Since the skin of the face is more sensitive, it is prone to irritation quicker than any other part of the body. Also, it is more exposed to the sun than any other part of the body. So use only face bleach for facial hair lightening

Be careful

Dr Satish Bhatia, dermatologist, Dermetics, warns that one must not blindly follow studies. ‘I absolutely do not agree with the study because diluted bleach solution causes cancer to the skin according to the US Journal. We should not always go by these studies. If you’re using bleach, apply 1:10 dilution of distilled water or more than that depending on the skin type and only use on the less sensitive parts of the body to be sure that it won’t irritate your facial skin.’ He adds, that while cream bleaches contain a low amount of bleach i.e. two or three per cent, they may cause eczema or acne depending on how sensitive the skin is

Some precautions by Dr Amrapali Patil

  • Use facial bleach for face and body bleach for body.
  • Always do a patch test of the bleach to be used before applying it directly on face. Such a test should be done on the arm. Wait for upto 24 hours before using on large areas.
  • Don’t use near the eyes, inside the nose or ears.
  • Don’t use bleach on scar tissue, warts, moles or near genitals.
  • Bleach shouldn’t be used over sunburnt, irritated, chapped skin, or an area that is freshly shaved.
  • Bleaching isn’t safe to use on areas where you are using chemical peels or substances such as Retinol.
  • Metal and bleach don’t go well. Therefore, don’t mix bleach in a metal container.
  • Avoid sun exposure after bleaching for a day

Source: newsr

6 gross side effects of chewing gum

Chewing gum can lead to symptoms of temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ), which includes jaw pain associated with the chewing muscles and joints that connect your lower jaw to your skull. Ouch. “Overuse of any muscle and joint can lead to pain and problems,” says Don Atkins, a dentist in Long Beach, California.

Many people end up with contracted muscles of the jaw, head, and neck, which can lead to headaches, earaches, or toothaches over time. Eat an apple instead, which satisfies the urge to chew and reduces your risk of cardiovascular disease at the same time.

For more healthy ways to de-stress, check out these 2-minute stress busters.

You could develop GI problems

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a GI disorder characterized by abdominal pain, cramping, and changes in bowel habits. “Chewing gum can contribute to IBS, as excess air can be swallowed, which contributes to abdominal pain and bloating,” says Dr. Patrick Takahashi, chief of gastroenterology at St. Vincent Medical Center, Los Angeles, California. In addition to swallowing air, artificial sweeteners such as sorbitol and mannitol can cause diarrhea in otherwise healthy people.

Here are natural diarrhea remedies and what could be causing your stomach woes.

You’ll rot your teeth

In an effort to avoid the laxative effect of artificially sweetened gum, switching to sugar-sweetened gum may sound logical, but it’s fraught with its own issues. “Sugar-sweetened gum bathes the teeth in sugar and is a source of tooth decay,” says Atkins.

You’re chewing a sheep by-product

Lanolin, an ingredient found in skincare products, keeps chewing gum soft. It doesn’t sound too bad until you find out it’s a yellow waxy substance secreted by the sebaceous glands of sheep. Known as “wool fat,” lanolin is harvested by squeezing the sheep’s harvested wool between rollers. “In the amounts utilized in chewing gum, it hardly poses a threat to one’s health, although the thought of digesting it may be a bit unsavory,” says Takahashi. Unsavory indeed.

You’re releasing mercury into your system

Silver fillings known as amalgam dental fillings consist of a combination of mercury, silver, and tin. And research shows that chewing gum can release the mercury from the fillings into your system. The problem? High levels of mercury can cause neurological issues as well as chronic illnesses and mental disorders. Fortunately, the small amount released through dental fillings isn’t likely to harm you, says Takahashi, as it typically passes easily through your intestinal tract. That said, do you really want metal in your body?

Source: fox news

New device may put DNA testing in doctors’ hands


It can take days for doctors to determine if a patient infected with malaria carries a drug-resistant version of the disease. The same is true of tuberculosis.

But a new testing device could reduce that time lag to 15 minutes, potentially helping to ensure that patients are correctly treated right away, says the company developing this device.

United Kingdom company QuantuMDX now has a working prototype for a device intended to quickly test a sample of blood, sputum (saliva mixed with mucus) or even tumor cells for genetic markers that provide information to guide a doctor’s decisions on how to treat a patient.

“We want to put a full diagnostic test into the palms of health professionals’ hands,” said Elaine Warburton, chief executive officer of QuantuMDX and the companys cofounder.

The prototype is about the size of an iPad 5, or 6.6 by 9.4 inches (17 by 24 centimeters), but thicker. In about six months, Warburton said she anticipates the device will be reduced to about the size of an iPad mini, 5.3 by 7.9 in. (13 by 200 cm).

The device, currently known as Q-POC (pronounced Q-pock), is still a long way from being used in the clinic. The company still has work to do on the cartridges for use with the handheld prototype, and it needs to run clinical trials testing the device, followed by regulatory approval from bodies such as FDA, Warburton told LiveScience in an email.

Earlier this month at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, Jonathan O’Halloran, inventor of the technology and the company’s cofounder, announced plans to launch a crowdfunding campaign. The campaign is expected to begin on Feb. 12 on the site, to support further development of the Q-POC. The company is also interested in suggestions for a new name and design for the device, Warburton said.

If all goes well, QuantuMDX anticipates commercially launching the device and malaria test cartridge in Africa in 2015, she said.

Source: Fox news

Belgian researchers use groundbreaking surgery to repair bones


Belgian medical researchers have succeeded in repairing bones using stem cells from fatty tissue, with a new technique they believe could become a benchmark for treating a range of bone disorders.

The team at the Saint Luc university clinic hospital in Brussels have treated 11 patients, eight of them children, with fractures or bone defects that their bodies could not repair, and a spin-off is seeking investors to commercialize the discovery.

Doctors have for years harvested stem cells from bone marrow at the top of the pelvis and injected them back into the body to repair bone.

The ground-breaking technique of Saint Luc’s centre for tissue and cellular therapy is to remove a sugar cube sized piece of fatty tissue from the patient, a less invasive process than pushing a needle into the pelvis and with a stem cell concentration they say is some 500 times higher.

The stem cells are then isolated and used to grow bone in the laboratory. Unlike some technologies, they are also not attached to a solid and separate ‘scaffold’.

“Normally you transplant only cells and you cross your fingers that it functions,” the centre’s coordinator Denis Dufrane told Reuters television.

His work has been published in Biomaterials journal and was presented at an annual meeting of the International Federation for Adipose Therapeutics and Science (IFATS) in New York in November.


“It is complete bone tissue that we recreate in the bottle and therefore when we do transplants in a bone defect or a bone hole…you have a higher chance of bone formation.”

The new material in a lab dish resembles more plasticine than bone, but can be molded to fill a fracture, rather like a dentist’s filling in a tooth, hardening in the body.

Some of those treated have included people recovering from tumors that had to be removed from bones. One 13-year-old boy, with a fracture and disorder that rendered him unable to repair bone, could resume sports within 14 months of treatment.

“Our hope is to propose this technology directly in emergency rooms to reconstitute bones when you have a trauma or something like that,” Dufrane said.

A spin-off founded last year called Novadip Biosciences will seek to commercialize the treatment, initially to allow spinal fusion among elderly people with degenerated discs.

It may also seek to create a bank of bone tissue from donors rather than the patients themselves.

IFATS president Marco Helder, based at Amsterdam’s VU university medical centre, said the novelty was the lack of solid scaffold.

“It is interesting and it is new, but it will have limitations regarding load-bearing capacity and, as with other implants, it will need to connect to the blood vessels of the body rapidly to avoid dying off,” he said, adding:

“Any foreign object can cause irritation and problems, so the fact that this is just host tissue would be an advantage.”

Source: Top News Today

Traditional Chinese medicine may reduce risk of diabetes

Diabetes Definition

New research shows Chinese herbal medicine may hold promising solutions for people with pre-diabetes, reports a study in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism.

A prediabetes diagnosis indicates that an individual has elevated blood sugar levels, but his or her glucose levels are not high enough to have developed Type 2 diabetes.

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) focuses on establishing balance in the body in order to treat disease, according to study author Dr. Chun-Su Yuan, director of the Tang Center for Herbal Medicine Research at the University of Chicago.

“It’s a more holistic approach, using medicine to change the overall body function instead of very specifically on symptoms and organs [like Western medicine],” Yuan, who is also the editor-in-chief of the American Journal of Chinese Medicine, told

For this study, researchers combined TCM’s traditional principles with modern medicine by identifying herbs that have proven effective in treating people with diabetes.

In a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study, 389 participants with impaired glucose tolerance (a risk factor for Type 2 diabetes) were tested every three months to monitor whether they had developed diabetes – or if they had experienced a restoration of normal glucose tolerance (NGT), meaning they were no longer at risk for diabetes.

Half of the participants were treated with a Chinese herbal mixture called Tianqi. Tianqi is a capsule containing 10 Chinese herbal medicines including Astragali Radix and Coptidis Rhizoma, which have been previously shown to improve glucose levels. All subjects received dietary education and were advised to maintain their usual physical fitness routines.

Overall, the study found that Tianqi appeared to reduce the risk of diabetes among study participants by 32.1 percent, compared to the placebo group. At the end of the study, 125 subjects (63.13 percent) in the Tianqi group had achieved normal glucose tolerance, compared to only 89 (46.6 percent) in the placebo group. Among the participants who went on to develop diabetes, 56 subjects (29.32 percent) were in the placebo group, compared to only 36 (18.18 percent) in the Tianqi group.

There were no reported severe adverse side effects from Tianqi.

“We are excited about this,” Yuan said. “It’s an advantage that we did not observe bad side effects.”

Furthermore, researchers believe Chinese medicine may be almost as effective as Western drugs used to tread diabetes.

“The data from our study showed that Chinese medicine has comparable effects ,” Yuan said.

However, Yuan noted that because the study was conducted in China, further research may be needed in order to prove the effectiveness of Tianqi for patients in other countries. Future research will also need to focus on quality control issues surrounding the use of herbal medicines in clinical studies, Yuan said.

“It’s not easy to do controlled trials of herbal medicine and this study did it and showed promising effects,” Yuan said. “But we need to do more studies with the possibility that in five to seven years TCM has better utility in the U.S.”

Source: Fox News