Here Are The Miraculous Plants That Strengthen Your Immunity!



Herbal medicines consisting of various plants are dissolved in alcohol most efficient preparations to enhance immunity and to prevent diseases. Because each of us is already endangered by viral virosis more than ever, preventing them except vaccination, can be done by taking herbal products that increase immunity, because in a healthy organism, the risk for being affected by viruses is very small.

Iron, garlic, cinnamon, herb called cat claws, gooseberry, herbal medicine called propolis, aloe vera, are some products that affect the growth of the organism immunity.

Daily use of honey and cinnamon powder strengthens the immune system and protects the body from bacteria and viral attacks. Scientists have found that honey contains various vitamins and iron in large amounts. Constant use of honey strengthens the blood corpuscles to fight bacteria and viral diseases.

Garlic is a natural antibiotic that stimulates the immune system and enhances the effectiveness of white blood cells and cells of T. It blocks the toxin products with microbes. Garlic is undoubtedly key to achieving optimal immunity and protection against infections.

Aloe vera is another more effective product to increase the immunity of the organism. It contains more than 200 ingredients scientifically verified that activate and strengthen our capacity for self healing and has proven himself as one of the best medicinal plants. Scientific research proving that the main effect of aloe vera, namely activation of our immune system, based on the active ingredient akemanan (a complex carbohydrate), which is absorbed by the intestines and accumulates in the cell membranes. This compound increases the resistance of any particular cell against harmful viruses and bacteria.

Source: health on top

Almonds Milk Health Benefits


One of the finest milk who has a beneficial effect on the regulation of cholesterol levels in the blood and affect the strengthening of teeth and bones, and improves concentration.

As pointed out by many nutritionists , almond milk is one of the healthiest in the world , and can be made even at home in a very short time.

Eating almonds is usually recommended in cases of constipation , disturbances in the respiratory tract , coughing , heart problems , anemia , impotence , and diabetes .

They are a source of vitamin E ( which is essential for heart health ), calcium,phosphorus , iron,magnesium and vitamin B6 ( which is responsible for the proper functioning of the immune system ).

Almonds contain zinc , selenium , copper , niacin , omega 3 and omega 6 fats, and compared to other nuts, are in the category of the most nourishing. It is best to eat them on an empty stomach in order to ensure better absorption of nutrients.

Only 0.033 pounds of almonds satisfies as much as 50 percent of our daily requirement for all listed vitamins, and therefore they receive a superfood status, and they are perfect for our body for strengthening of the immune system and protection against many diseases.

That’s why nutritionists suggest almond milk as a perfect substitute for cow milk. It is easily made in the fridge can be kept for three to five days.Here you can find how can make homemade Almonds Milk.

Health Benefits
Almonds and almond milk , have positive implications for the brain and nervous system function, and is particularly recommended for children.

Beneficial effect on the heart because the monounsaturated fat from almonds is one of the healthiest.Protein and potassium that almonds contain is the reason why they are recommended for heart disease and regulation of cholesterol levels.

Regular consumption of almonds increase HDL – high density lipoproteins and reducing the level of LDL – low density lipoproteins. In this way, almonds affect regulation of cholesterol levels .

Also they are good in preventing sugar increased concentration of insulin in the blood after a meal, strengthen teeth and bones, and they are used as an important ingredient of cosmetic products for skin care.

Natural almond milk will help you lose weight by monounsaturated fats who provide the feeling of fullness and they can prevent overeating.

Almonds has probiotic properties which increase the level of good bacteria in the intestines and contribute to the proper functioning of the digestive system.

*However, like all foods, almonds have their drawbacks . They contain oxalates, so people who have kidney and gallbladder problems should avoid them.

Source: secretly healthy

10 Vitamin E Rich Foods You Must Have

vit e

Deficiency of vitamins can cause many health problems. So, for proper growth and development of the body it is crucial to eat vitamin rich foods. There are many vitamins like A, C, E, D, B12, B11 etc that have many health benefits. However, vitamin E is very important for your body.

Vitamin E is an anti-oxidising agent that helps overcome vitamin deficiency related health disorders. There are many health benefits of vitamin E. The powerful antioxidants in vitamin E rich foods removes free radicals on the body that can damage the body and lead to several diseases.

Vitamin E rich foods are also good for your skin. It reduces cellular ageing, prevents blood clotting and protect lungs from pollutants. Foods rich in vitamin E also benefits the health as it boost up immune system, fights cancer, diabetes and also protects the heart from cardiovascular diseases.

There are many vitamin E rich foods that are easily available in the market. Introducing them in your diet can be one of the best ways to get the required vitamin supplements. Green vegetables like broccoli, spinach, dandelion greens, fruits like mangoes, nuts like peanuts and pistachio are vitamin E rich foods that are healthy for you. Lets check the list of healthy vitamin E rich foods that you must include in your diet to overcome problems.

Source: bold sky

Top 11 health benefits of jackfruit


Jackfruit may not be one of those fruits that you can munch whenever and wherever you want. Its huge size and external thorny appearance might not exactly be pleasing but internally it’s delightfully sweet and equally beneficial as other fruits. Here are top 11 reasons you should not miss them.

1. Instant source of energy: Jackfruit is rich in carbohydrates or sugars like fructose and sucrose which provide instant energy. 92% content of jackfruits is made of only carbohydrates. About 1 cup of jackfruit bulbs contain 40 gm of carbohydrates, which is good enough to keep you energetic for the time between the meals. This nutritional benefit of jackfruits can especially help people who want to gain weight in a healthy way.

2. Prevents thyroid problems: Fruits are a good source of minerals required by the body in minute quantities. Jackfruit is highly rich in copper that plays a special role in thyroid functioning. It helps in regulation of thyroid hormones by helping in absorption and synthesis of hormones.

3. Boost immunity: Most fruits have their immune boosting function attributed to the presence of high levels of vitamin C. Jackfruits not only contain high amount of vitamin C but also have simple sugars that may have help in improving immunity. A study by Tan YF and colleagues analysed the immune stimulating function of sugars in jackfruit pulp and found that polysaccharides in jackfruit enhanced the function of phagocytic cells, a type of cells of the immune system, in mice.

4. Reduces blood pressure: About 14% of your daily potassium requirement can be met by a cup of sliced jackfruit pieces. This high potassium level in jackfruit makes it extremely good for regulating blood pressure and keeping you away from associated conditions like heart disease.

5. Good for digestion: Jackfruits are fairly rich in dietary fibre and water content, which helps in relieving constipation and improving digestion. But, according to Ayurveda, jackfruit (especially the smaller raw ones), might be difficult to digest for people who suffer from serious digestive problems.

6. Improves vision: Jackfruit is naturally rich in antioxidant compounds like flavonoids and phenols that remove free oxygen radicals known to damage cells at the DNA level. Free oxygen radicals can cause degeneration of the retinal cells and lead to chronic degenerative diseases like cataracts and macular degeneration. Jackfruit is also rich in vitamin A, offering about 10% of your daily requirement in just 165 gm.

7. Has anti-cancer properties: Being rich in antioxidants, jackfruit protects the cellular DNA from direct damage and induced mutations caused by free oxygen radicals. Due to it starchy and sticky nature, it acts like a cleanser for the colon to remove all the toxins from the digestive system which are linked to increased risk of colon cancer.

8. Cures anemia: Anemia can be caused due to deficiencies of minerals and vitamins required for the synthesis of red blood cells (RBCs) and hemoglobin. Jackfruit is rich in vitamin A, C, E and K as well as folic acid, niacin and vitamin B6. It also contains manganese, magnesium and copper required for production of red blood cells, thus helping to cure and prevent anemia.

9. Makes your bones stronger: We all know calcium is required for improving bone health. A handful of sliced jackfruit pieces will give you somewhere about 56.1 mg of calcium, accounting for 6% of your daily calcium requirement. It can be a natural supplement of calcium in people suffering from osteoporosis and weak bones.

10. Keeps your skin healthy: Like all other antioxidant rich foods, jackfruit helps in providing protection against skin damage and wrinkles due to early aging induced by free radicals.

11. Improves sperm count: According to Ayurveda, ripened jackfruit helps in increasing sperm motility and quality of semen in infertile men. Even in the traditional Chinese folk medicine, jackfruit ranks in the list of natural aphrodisiacs. It has been used to treat low libido, erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation in men since the ancient times.

Source: The health site

Summer special : Tips to prevent dehydration, heat stroke


In this scorching heat people are at high risk of dehydration and worse. A heat stroke occurs when a person faces prolonged exposure to high temperatures in combination with dehydration.

Without proper fluid intake, the body becomes dehydrated. If dehydration is untreated, it can lead to permanent brain damage and even death. So, it is necessary to be a little cautious and not to succumb to heat stroke.

Here area a few tips to avoid dehydration:

  • Drinking plenty of water is a must. If if you don’t feel thirsty, try drinking at least 7-8 glasses of water a day to prevent heat stroke.
  • Eat a lot of juicy fruits as they help maintain water balance inside the body. Watermelons, muskmelons, chikku, kiwi are a good cjoice as all of them have antioxidant properties and water content so eating them will help quench thirst and avoid dehydration.
  • Avoid eating a lot of spicy food and instead go for fresh green vegetables.
  • Limit caffeinated and alcoholic beverages as they increase your body’s fluid needs.
  • Wear light colour clothing as light colours absorb heat better during summers and allow sweat to evaporate.
  • Avoid heavy exertion and vigorous exercise specially during daytime as it makes your body work a lot and sweat a lot and might lead to dehydrtion.

Source: india vision

Control sugar: Limit fruit juice intake to once a day


The appalling diets of the nation’s teenagers have been exposed by a report which shows that many are already putting themselves at risk of diabetes, obesity and heart disease. And last night health experts warned that fruit juice – seen by many as a healthy option – should be drunk no more than once a day because of its high sugar content.

Girls and boys aged 11 to 19 typically eat 42 per cent too much sugar and 14 per cent too much saturated fat.

Only 10 per cent of teenage boys and 7 per cent of teenage girls manage to get their five portions of fruit and veg a day.
Adults do not fare a great deal better. Only a third get their five-a-day and the diet of the average adult exceeds recommended sugar limits by 10 per cent.

The report, the Government’s National Diet and Nutrition Survey, also shows that children aged ten and under typically exceed the recommended daily limit of sugar by 34 per cent.
Their main sources of sugar are fruit juice, soft drinks, cereal bars, biscuits and cakes.

It reveals that adults are eating half the recommended weekly amount of oily fish – which protects against heart disease, cancer and dementia – while teenagers and children only manage a fifth of this amount.

The survey, which involved 4,000 adults and children between 2008 and 2012, says 48 per cent of men and women have above-normal levels of cholesterol, putting them at higher risk of heart disease and strokes.
Simon Gillespie, chief executive of the British Heart Foundation, said: ‘This study paints a clear picture that too many people, especially children, are not eating healthily enough.

‘This puts them at greater risk of coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes and obesity now or in the future. There is no magic bullet to solve this problem. Parents, schools, restaurants, retailers and the food industry all have a role to play.

‘But the Government can fire the first shot by implementing a 9pm watershed ban on junk food marketing to stop children being bombarded with advertising about products high in fats, salts and sugars. We also need stringent regulation to protect children from online marketing tactics.’

There is also concern that policies such as the NHS’s Change4Life programme are having little effect because only healthy adults and children pay any attention.

The initiative, which has cost taxpayers £65million since its launch in January 2009, consists of television adverts, a website, a helpline and locally-run sports clubs all aimed at curbing the obesity epidemic.
The scheme also produces posters for schools, community clubs, GP surgeries and hospitals urging the public to eat their five- a-day, take regular exercise and cut portion sizes.

Dr Ian Campbell, of the National Obesity Forum, said: ‘In spite of a raft of measures designed to encourage us to eat a healthier diet we are, as a nation, failing miserably.

‘If we really care about the health of our children we need to take far more decisive action. ‘We need to regulate the food industry to make healthy choices easier, more attractive and cheaper.’

Dr Alison Tedstone, the chief nutritionist at Public Health England, the Government agency that released the report, said fruit juice was a good option as one of the recommended five fruit portions a day.
But she warned: ‘It should only be drunk once a day and with a meal because it can be high in sugar.’

In March, Dame Sally Davies, the Chief Medical Officer, said the Government may have to introduce a sugar tax to help make the nation’s diet more healthy.

Later that month the World Health Organisation urged the public to cut their sugar intake by half to six teaspoons a day.
Yesterday Labour MP Keith Vaz called for food labels to include the numbers of teaspoons of sugar in all products.

Source: daily mail

29 Amazing Benefits Of Amla Juice For Skin, Hair And Health


Amla or Indian gooseberry is popular since decades due to its nutritional benefits. In India, this fruit is used in making pickles, chutneys, jams and murabbas. Amla juice is a healthy drink as it is a storehouse of vitamin C and other nutrients which provide an array of health and beauty benefits. Amla fruit is greatly renowned and amla juice is also used in Ayurvedic medicine.

It is regarded as the juice of immortality or the magic potion which keeps you young and fit. Drinking amla juice twice a day can do wonders for your body and skin. It not only improves the appearance of your skin but also helps maintain proper body functions. It also makes your hair grow stronger.

Amla juice is a great drink to recharge your energy for the rest of the day. Being a storehouse of vitamin C and minerals like iron, it can prevent various diseases and improves your health. Regular intake of this juice provides you the following health benefits.

1. Relieves Asthma And Bronchitis:

Drinking amla juice with honey twice daily can relieve asthma and bronchitis complications. It also reduces the incidence of chronic cough, allergic asthma and tuberculosis.

2. Burns Fat:

Amla juice can cure obesity by increasing protein levels which in turn helps in reducing unwanted fat. It has the ability to create a positive nitrogen balance. It reduces the cholesterol levels, thus minimizing the risk of heart attacks.

3. Relieves Constipation And Piles:

Amla juice helps in relieving constipation caused due to piles. It also regulates the bowel movements and cures chronic constipation.

4. Treatment of Gastric Disorders:

Amla juice is great treatment for gastric disorders and hyperchlorhydria (burning sensation in abdomen).It is a good remedy for diarrhea and dysentery. Besides piles and constipation, it helps maintain healthy liver functions. Amla juice is effective in treating peptic ulcers and acidity. If you have acidity problems, you can take amla juice with pure ghee everyday twice a day. Read Also

5. Blood Purifier:

Amla juice acts as a blood purifier by flushing out toxins from the body. Regular intake of this juice purifies your blood as well as helps increase hemoglobin and red blood cell counts.

6. Eye Health:

Regular intake of amla juice helps in improving eyesight and nearsightedness as well as controls the onset of cataracts. It also minimizes intraocular tension. It counters problems like reddening, itching and watering of eyes.

7. Beneficial For Heart:

Amla juice is considered a great remedy for heart problems as it makes the heart muscles strong, thus enabling the heart to pump blood easily.

8. Controls Diabetes:

Amla juice taken with turmeric powder and honey helps in controlling diabetes.

9. Cooling Agent:

Amla juice contains 20 times more vitamin C than orange juice. This vitamin improves the tannins that are required to shield heat and light. During summer season, this juice keeps your skin cool by sorting out heat from the body. It also acts as a shield against radiation by protecting you against the harmful UV rays.

10. Soothes Inflammation:

The anti-inflammatory properties in amla juice help in reducing the swelling in the joints caused by arthritis. By reducing inflammation, it also protects and eases the tissues of the digestive tract.

11. Oral Health:

Daily intake of amla juice wards off bad breath and strengthens teeth. Gargling with a mixture of water and amla juice can provide relief from painful mouth ulcers.

12. Treatment of Insomnia:

Amla juice is effective in curing insomnia. All you need to do is take fresh amla juice with a mixture of coarse powder of nutmeg; and experience a sound and peaceful sleep.

13. Prevents Cancer:

Amla juice is rich in antioxidants, particularly superoxide dismutase (SOD), which protect against the formation of free radicals. Thus, regular intake of this juice helps in preventing cancer.

14. Bone Health:

Regular consumption of amla juice lowers the osteoclasts, the cells that are responsible for breaking down the bones.

15. Other Benefits:

Amla juice comprises of many minerals and vitamins such as carotene, phosphorus, calcium, iron and vitamin B complex; and hence, is a powerful antioxidant. It protects against oxidative stress by eliminating free radicals. It fortifies our liver, strengthens your lung, nourishes your brain, improves muscle tone, improves your urinary system and balances stomach acids. In fact, according to Ayurveda, regular consumption of amla juice promotes longevity.

Benefits Of Amla Juice For Skin

Amla juice works wonders for your skin as it is loaded with vitamin C and other antioxidants. Some of the benefits of amla juice for skin are as follows.

16. Lightens Complexion:

The antioxidants and vitamin C present in amla juice brighten your skin and impart a natural glow to it. Drinking amla juice with the addition of honey or applying it as a face pack is great for making your complexion lighter and brighter. It also keeps your skin free from blemishes.

17. Anti-ageing Benefits:

Amla juice helps to maintain the youthful look of your skin as it contains a lot of antioxidants. Vitamin C, in particular, acts to keep your skin young for a longer time. Thus, regular intake of amla juice delays the effects of premature ageing such as fine lines and wrinkles, dark spots etc.

18. Treatment of Pigmentation:

One of the benefits of drinking amla juice regularly is that it provides you with a glowing and flawless skin. It brightens your skin and reduces pigmentation. You can also apply amla juice on your face with a cotton wool and rinse off after a few minutes. Keep your eyes shut while doing so. Doing this regularly will lighten the marks and pigmentation.

19. Tones and Tightens Skin:

Decrease in the skin collagen causes your skin tissue to lose its firmness and softness, resulting in sagging skin. As stated earlier, amla juice is rich in vitamin C which boosts the production of collagen cells in the skin, thus making your skin soft, supple and youthful as well as tones and tightens your skin.

20. Treatment of Acne and Pimples:

Amla juice is perfect for the treatment of acne and pimple scars. Applying a paste made from amla for 10 to 15 minutes will heal the spots as well as decrease the acne and pimples. Moreover, since it is a natural blood purifier, it fights the microorganisms in the skin, thus keeping skin infections as well as acne and pimples at bay. Hence, drinking amla juice on a regular basis helps to keep your skin clear and flawless.

21. Exfoliates And Cleanses Skin:

Amla juice is an excellent cleanser whether ingested or applied topically. Being a mild exfoliant, it helps in removing the dead skin cells. If your skin is sensitive, you can dilute it with some water before applying.

22. Repairs Damaged Tissues:

Amla juice has good healing properties due to the presence of vitamin C and other antioxidants which can speed up the damaged tissue repair, thus providing you with a healthy and clear skin. It also combats the problem of dry and scaly skin.

Amla Juice Benefits For Hair

Amla has been considered as a hair tonic and so amla juice also plays an important role in making your hair healthier and stronger. It is an effective natural remedy for several hair problems. Some of its benefits in hair care are as follows.

23. Strengthens Hair:

Amla juice strengthens your hair follicles, thus encouraging hair growth. You can apply a mixture of amla and lemon juice on your scalp and leave it for 20 to 30 minutes. Rinse off with warm water. This will strengthen your hair from roots and make it shinier.

24. Prevents Premature Graying:

Amla juice is very beneficial for those suffering from premature graying of hair. This is because it is rich in antioxidants and vitamin C which prevent premature graying of hair.

25. Treatment of Dandruff:

Dandruff is a common problem these days and having amla juice is an effective way of getting rid of it. Regular consumption of this juice prevents accumulation of dandruff on your scalp.

26. Improves Pigmentation:

Amla juice helps to improve pigmentation and color of hair and makes it darker and thicker. It is used as an effective ingredient in hair dyes and other hair care products. It is great for the treatment of hair discoloration and graying hair.

27. Good Conditioner:

Amla juice acts as a great conditioner for dry and rough hair. You can mix some amla juice with henna and apply it on your hair. This will counteract the drying nature of henna, thus providing you with healthy and conditioned hair. You can also use it as a hair wash to add extra shine and bounce.

28. Scalp Cleanser:

You can mix amla juice with an egg, beat it and massage your hair with it. Amla juice will mask the smell of eggs and provide you with shiny, silky and squeaky clean nourished scalp.

29. Prevents Hair Problems:

Besides strengthening your hair, regular consumption of amla juice helps to deal with several hair problems like hair loss, split ends and frizzy hair.

Hence amla juice offers countless benefits for your skin, hair and health by enriching your body with vital nutrients. It deserves to be incorporated in your diet and can be a healthy alternative for various dietary supplements sans the negative effects.

Source: style craze

Five ways cherries make lives happier


A powerful punch in a compact red fruit, the cherry is a vital part of our health. According to Fox News, cherries have the ability to do everything from reducing inflammation to aiding in weight loss.

Antioxidants are Cancer Fighters

Cherries are stuffed with super food antioxidants that are believed to help fight off cancer by destroying cancerous cells. As noted in Livestrong, cherries remove free radicals from the body, which helps in reducing aging and disease. A 2009 study from the University of Michigan, as reported in Medical News Today, noted that eating one and a half cups of tart cherries had a significant increase in the levels of anthocyanins, which are antioxidants that give cherries their brilliant red glow.

Weight Loss Aid

This little red fruit features 2.7 grams of dietary fiber per cup. Fiber is essential for generating a full feeling when eating, and it fills up the stomach to reduce the instance of overeating. Additionally, since fiber is not absorbed in the body, but rather pushed through into the stool, a person will absorb less calories per serving. Furthermore, as noted by Huffington Post, a cup of cherries has only 100 calories, making for a low calorie snack that is packed with nutrients.

Skip the Vitamin Supplement

When you eat a cup of cherries, you are getting a substantial boost in iron, calcium, vitamin A and vitamin C. Cherries are also great sources of B vitamins including vitamin B6, riboflavin and thiamin. Additionally, this fruit contains no sodium or saturated fat, so you are getting all of the healthy benefits without any negative affects. Skip the bowl of sugar laden cereal for breakfast and instead get your vitamin fix from a bowl full of cherries.

Save Your Heart

High blood pressure is the leading cause of heart disease, which is the number one cause of death for Americans as noted by the CDC. Include cherries in your regular diet as a way to protect yourself from this debilitating disease. Fox News reports that a single cup of cherries has as much potassium as a banana, without the added starch and sugar. Potassium is essential for lowering blood pressure as it removes excess sodium from the body. Balancing sodium and potassium levels is priority for prevention of hypertension, aka high blood pressure.
Arthritis Relief for Dessert

If you suffer from arthritis, you’ll appreciate the ability of Bing cherries in reducing caustic uric acid. This acid causes painful inflammation that leaves arthritic individuals in misery. Eat two cups of Bing cherries in order to reduce the level of uric acid in the body by up to 15 percent. Additionally, cherries can reduce the levels of C-reactive protein produced by the body, which is another factor related to arthritis. Give your joints a boost with a bowl full of cherries after each meal.

Source: natural news

Alcohol kills millions a year, WHO says


The World Health Organization is calling on governments around the world to take tougher action, in a new report that says alcohol is killing or contributing to the deaths of 3.3 million people a year.

“More needs to be done to protect populations from the negative health consequences of alcohol consumption,” Dr. Oleg Chestnov, WHO’s Assistant Director-General for Non-communicable Diseases and Mental Health said in a statement Monday, to coincide with the release of a new report.

In its “Global status report on alcohol and health 2014”, the WHO notes that alcohol can not only lead to violence and injuries, it also increases the risk of more than 200 diseases, including liver cirrhosis and several types of cancers.

The report found that 7.6 per cent of men’s deaths around the world are related to alcohol, as are 4 per cent of women’s deaths. The authors say they are also concerned about the steady increase in alcohol among women.

Alcohol causes death and disability relatively early in life, the report says. Approximately 25 per cent of deaths among those aged age group 20 to 39 can be attributed to alcohol.

The report found that on average, every person in the world over the age of 15 drinks 6.2 litres of pure alcohol per year. But since less than half the world’s population drinks at all — 38.3 per cent — those who do drink consume 17 litres of pure alcohol a year, on average.

“We found that worldwide about 16 per cent of drinkers engage in heavy episodic drinking – often referred to as ‘binge-drinking’ — which is the most harmful to health,” explains Dr Shekhar Saxena, director for Mental Health and Substance Abuse at WHO.

Globally, Europe has the highest consumption of alcohol per capita. South-East Asia and the Western Pacific are seeing increases in consumption, while in the Americas and Africa, consumption trends are stable.

The report notes that some of the 194 countries it reviewed already have several measures in place to try to protect people from the risks of alcohol. But many don’t have national awareness activities to remind citizens of the risks of drinking. And many more don’t have national policies aimed at reducing the harmful use of alcohol.

The report says all governments have a responsibility to implement and enforce public policies to reduce the harmful use of alcohol, including:    regulating the sale of alcohol, in particular to younger people enacting drink-driving policies

  •     reducing demand through taxation and pricing
  •     raising awareness of public health problems caused by harmful use of alcohol
  •     providing affordable treatment for people with alcohol-use disorders

Source: ctv news

6 Simple and Relaxing Stretches

relaxWhen you’re feeling tense, a good stretch can go a long way toward helping you relax. But you may not always have time to drop into a yoga class or hit the mats at the gym. Learn a few simple stretches to do on your own time, whether at work or at home, to help improve flexibility and ease mental tension.

Before you stretch, take five to 10 minutes to warm up with some light, limbering activity, such as walking or jogging. Try to hold each stretch for about half a minute before switching sides and repeating.

Shoulder Stretch
You can do this easy stretch to take a break from the computer in your office, or any time you need to relax and loosen your upper body. Simply bring your right arm across your body, holding it tight with your left arm–you can grasp it either above or below your elbow. Hold the stretch for 30 seconds, then release and repeat on the other side.

Neck Stretch
This is another good way to relax when you need a break from deskwork or have been sitting too long on the sofa. Tilt your head slightly to the left, and a little forward, using your left hand to gently pull your head in a downward direction. If you’re doing this stretch properly, you should feel a gentle stretch along the back right side of your neck. Repeat on the other side.

Upper Back Stretch
You can use this stretch to help with your posture and to ease back tension: While standing in a relaxed pose, stretch both arms out in front of you. Your arms should be parallel to the floor. Then move your shoulder blades together, bending slightly at the elbows. Hold for 30 seconds, then relax and repeat.

Hamstring Stretch
To stretch your hamstrings, lie on your back near the outer corner of a wall. Lift your right leg up, with your knee slightly bent, and place your right heel against the wall. Your left leg remains on the ground. Then slowly straighten your right leg–you should feel a stretch in the back of your right thigh. Switch legs and repeat.

Calf Stretch
You can get a good calf stretch by standing in front of a wall at arm’s length. Use the wall for support, as you place your left food about a step’s distance behind your right foot. This will bring you into a gentle lunge. Bend your right leg forward in a controlled manner, while keeping your left knee straight, with your left heel flat on the floor. Your back should be straight and your hips should be forward. Switch legs and repeat.

Do What You Can
You may not always have time to make it to a yoga class, but you can usually find a few minutes each day to do some basic stretches. Not only will stretching help you feel more limber, it’s also a great way to put your mind at ease. Remember to avoid the temptation to stretch further than your bodily will allow. You shouldn’t feel any pain – if you do, you’ve stretched beyond your limits. Over time, you’re flexibility will improve, and you may notice that you can reach further than ever before

Source: health line