HRW Finds Toxic Lead Danger in Kenya

HRW Finds Toxic Lead Danger in Kenya

A Human rights organization says thousands of people in a poor district on the outskirts of Mombasa, Kenya, face serious health problems from toxic lead at a former battery recycling plant. The group says at least three workers at the smelter have died and more than 3,000 people are affected by contamination.

As Kenya hosts the first U.N. Environment Assembly attended by global environmentalists, government officials and lobby groups – a community in Kenya’s second largest city, Mombasa, is facing health and economic challenges from poisonous lead.

Speaking in Nairobi, Human Rights Watch senior environment researcher Jane Cohen said a whole community is under threat because Kenyan authorities have not acted to enforce the law.

“It should not go unnoticed that not far away from Nairobi, the situation in Owino Ohuru Community, which is a tragic example of what happens when economic development is unregulated,” said Cohen.

Lead Danger in Kenya,

Clean-up needed

At issue is a battery recycling plant that opened in 2007. The New York based Human Rights Watch says the plant closed its operations earlier this year and moved elsewhere, but the lead remains in the community and needs to be cleaned up by the government swiftly.

A former office worker at the plant, Phyllis Omido, started organizing protests and writing to relevant authorities asking to move the plant or shut it down.

She said she started her campaign after her son got sick and doctors confirmed he had lead poisoning, a devastating neurological illness that causes severe developmental problems in small children and broader health concerns in adults.

Omido said her campaign was able to prove the battery plant was the source of the contamination.

“We went to the government laboratory and convinced them to run [tests] on some of the children and we picked them randomly,” said Omido. “We could not afford it ,so we took three children randomly from the community all of them tested very high lead levels. And that was in 2009 and we took this to government, the recommendation of the government laboratory that these children were exposed to lead poisoning.”

Human Rights Watch says a government investigation in 2009 found the battery plant had violated regulations. The smelter was briefly shutdown and reopened, but environmental activists say the problems were not addressed.

Former plant workers said they had no protective clothing or gear to deal with the poisonous lead.

Human Rights Watch notes Kenya has strong environmental laws to protect its citizens, but they need enforcement.

Source: all africa

Sunscreen that protects DNA from UV rays

Sunscreen that protects DNA from UV rays

The experiment at the Department of Energy’s SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory focused on thymine, one of four DNA building blocks.

Ever heard of a molecular sunscreen? It is a defence mechanism that the molecular building blocks that make up DNA mount to prevent the damage by ultraviolet rays, reveals new research.

The DNA forming molecules absorb ultraviolet light so strongly that sunlight should deactivate them. But a “relaxation response” protects these molecules and the genetic information they encode from UV damage, the researchers said.

The experiment at the Department of Energy’s SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory focused on thymine, one of four DNA building blocks.

Researchers hit thymine with a short pulse of ultraviolet light and used a powerful X-ray laser to watch the molecule’s response.

A single chemical bond stretched and snapped back into place within 200 quadrillionths of a second, setting off a wave of vibrations that harmlessly dissipated the destructive UV energy.

Researchers had noticed years ago that thymine seemed resistant to damage from UV rays in sunlight, which cause sunburn and skin cancer.

Theorists proposed that thymine got rid of the UV energy by quickly shifting shape.

But they differed on the details, and previous experiments could not resolve what was happening.

“As soon as the thymine swallows the light, the energy is funnelled as quickly as possible into heat, rather than into making or breaking chemical bonds,” said lead researcher Markus Guehr from Stanford University in the US.

“It is like a system of balls connected by springs; when you elongate that one bond between two atoms and let it loose, the whole molecule starts to tremble,” he explained.

The findings appeared in the journal Nature Communications.

Source: Khaleej times

Prevent development of heart disease and cancer by eating cauliflower

Prevent development of heart disease and cancer by eating cauliflower

Delicious and nutritious vegetables that are easy to prepare in different ways and there’s a market almost throughout the year.

Head (rose, lump) cauliflower, depending on the variety and growing conditions, it can be bigger or smaller, less firm and compact, usually ribbed and grained, cream to yellow. It contains a lot of water (about 90%), and most of the nutrients have carbohydrates (4.9%), protein (2.4%), and some fat (0.2%), and no cholesterol.

There’s a lot of fiber. 100 g of raw cauliflower provide 23 calories and 10 calories cooked. Most of the vitamin is vitamin C (70 mg), and some of thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), and some vitamin A. Contains some of the most prevalent minerals as potassium, iron, calcium and phosphorus. Cauliflower is vitamin food, as far as the content of vitamin C, as 100 g cauliflower contains more vitamin C than the RDA for this vitamin, briefly boiled cauliflower and still has about 55 mg of vitamin D, which is equal daily requirement of a healthy person . It can be eaten raw in salads (which keeps the maximum vitamin C), and if you cook it, it is best to briefly steaming which largely preserves beneficial substances that contain cauliflower.


  • -Prevent development of heart disease and cancer by eating cauliflower
  • -Reducing the risk of cancer, particularly cancer of the colon and stomach.
  • -According to research by the American Cancer Society for the fight against cancer, cauliflower and other vegetables from the family of cruciferous vegetables (cabbage, kale, radishes), rich in vitamins A and C and fiber, may reduce the risk of cancers of the digestive and respiratory organs and the prostate. Cauliflower is even ranked highly on the list of the patron of cancer, according to estimations of experts from different countries. Scientists believe that the ingredients of cauliflower as indole and others, stimulate natural defenses and detoxification of the body, allowing it to neutralize or prevent carcinogenic substances that attack the tissue and turn it into a carcinogen. Since contains something carotene and chlorophyll, has some effect on the prevention of lung cancer, which are particularly exposed to smokers.

cauliflower 3

Protects against breast cancer
Cauliflower has estrogen activity – affects the levels of estrogen,female hormone, which plays a major role in the development of hormone dependent breast cancer. Women who regularly consume cauliflower and other cruciferous vegetables (cabbage, broccoli) have a lower risk of developing breast cancer.

There are studies that show that eating large amounts of cauliflower may help reduce fibrocystic breast changes. Acceleration of the metabolism of estrogen affect its removal from the body and prevents the growth of nodules.

Purifies the body
Content of a large number of antioxidants released organisms from harmful substances (detoxification) caused by bad food and the effects of harmful substances from the environment

Prevent development of cancer by eating cauliflower
It is rich in antioxidants that prevent cell mutations that can lead to cancer. Particularly examined the effect on colon cancer. Due to the content of dietary fiber reduces the effect of carcinogenic substances, antioxidants and other anticancer substances (especially indole) reduces cell proliferation and the formation of polyps that lead to colon cancer. By eating cauliflower can prevent the onset of polyps and cancer.

Reduces cholesterol
A good source of soluble fiber, which reduces cholesterol absorption and its level in the blood. Reduces atherosclerosis, decrease the risk of heart disease, primarily heart disease and stroke.

The Fat loss Factor see here!!!
Other medicinal properties
Reduces damage to nerve cells and regular intake reduces the risk of Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis. It is beneficial in a number of inflammatory diseases, rheumatism and asthma. It contains a lot of potassium and if consumed without salt effect on blood pressure.

There is plenty of calcium and bone strength gives. Favorable ratio of phosphorus and calcium, with low sodium to calcium absorption and preventing osteoporosis. It has a low calorific value, and long to digest and is recommended for people who want to lose weight.

Prolonged cooking destroys some pharmaceutical properties of cauliflower. Eat it raw, partially cooked or stored in a microwave oven. Cauliflower can exacerbate the symptoms of Crohn’s disease patients.

Source: secretly healthy

Top 5 health benefits of Buttermilk (Chaas)

Top 5 health benefits of Buttermilk (Chaas)

With its distinctive texture and tangy taste, buttermilk is one drink which has to be a part of your meal specially during summers. Buttermilk is a probiotic food and has great health benefits.

Here are a few health benefits of the drink:

  • – Buttermilk has acid in it which fights germs and bacteria and helps clear stomach and aid digestion.
  • – It is very helpful for those who are looking to lose weight.
  • – It is a rich source of Vitamin B12 and so is believed to help fight anaemia and stress.
  • – Since it contains electrolytes and lots of water, it is the best treat to give to your body to fight dehydration.
  • – After having a heavy, oily and spicy meal, buttermilk works best to drain out excessive fat from the body and making your stomach light.
  • – Buttermilk also works as one of the best remedies to treat acidity.

Source: Zee news

Sunbathing ‘may be addictive’ warning

Sunbathing 'may be addictive' warning

Spending time basking in the sun’s warming rays may have addictive properties, claim researchers in the US. Their study, published in the journal Cell, showed that sunlight led to the production of endorphins in the skin.

The Harvard Medical School team said their experiments on mice showed repeated UV exposure led to addiction in the animals.

Other scientists said describing it as “addiction” was a step too far. There have been previous suggestions that people can get addicted to the sun.

A study of university students using tanning salons suggested around one in three met the definition for addiction. Other trials showed withdrawal symptoms could appear, including nausea, jitteriness and shaking, when enthusiastic tanners were given a drug used to treat addiction.

Happy chemical
Researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School were exploring how such addiction might occur.

Mice with a shaved back were exposed to the equivalent of half an hour of midday Florida sun every day for six weeks.

They showed UV radiation led to the production of a protein in the skin called proopiomelanocortin. This is broken down into the pigment melanin, which gives you a tan, but the team showed pleasure chemicals, or endorphins, were also produced.

The chemicals act on the same systems in the body as other opioids such as heroin and morphine. Giving the mice drugs to block opioids, which are used in rehab clinics, led to withdrawal symptoms including shaking and tremors.

The mice then started to avoid the place where the drugs were being administered, which the researchers said was a hallmark of addictive behaviour.

But their experiments do not show the mice actively seeking out the UV light in the same manner as a drug addict.

Dr David Fisher, one of the researchers from Massachusetts General Hospital, told the BBC: “I would say at this stage, with reasonable confidence, that this pathway really does exist and is probably present in everybody.

“People who may have no intention of using any drugs may just think they’re going out to enjoy a great day outdoors and may be becoming addicted and exposing themselves and their children to UV in a fashion which could elevate their risk of developing skin cancer.

“It sounds like a cruel joke to be addicted the most ubiquitous carcinogen in the world, it is plausible that there is an evolutionary advantage and we suspect that may relate to vitamin D.”

However, other scientists are not convinced.

‘Not supported’
Dr David Belin, who researches addiction at the University of Cambridge, said: “I’m not disregarding the interest of looking into addiction to UV light, I think this is a very interesting field and their study is going to be seminal even though their conclusions are not supported by their results.”

He said UV-addicted mice would show a preference for spending time under a UV lamp to the expense of everything else, even eating – something the researchers do not report.

If people were sun-addicted then: “You would have people giving up their family lives to get access to sunshine, you would have people who lose their jobs because they spend their day on the beach, people would maintain UV-seeking behaviour to the detriment of their everyday life.

“British people would go on holiday to the south of France and would never come back.” He added that other tan-is-beautiful social pressures may be behind addict-like behaviour in some people using sun beds.

However, he said the study itself was “outstanding” and showed that “lying on the beach recruits your opioid system and on its own it might be something you really like.”

Dr Clare Stanford, a reading in experimental psychopharmacology at University College London, said: “This study does not provide the sort of evidence needed to show addiction to UV light in mice and it is even less certain that the work predicts addiction in humans.

“This would require testing whether the mice preferred UV light or non-UV light, which was not done in this paper.”


Dr Fisher said he was motivated by the “remarkable embarrassment” of rising rates of skin cancer in the US despite widespread knowledge of the dangers of UV radiation.

He said using a suncream which blocked both UVA and UVB would probably prevent addiction. However, he did say there should be more thought about tanning salons.

His report concluded: “It may be necessary to more proactively protect individuals, including teens, from the risks of an avoidable, potentially life-threatening exposure and to view recreational tanning and opioid drug abuse as engaging in the same biological pathway.”

‘Fake it’
Sarah Williams, a senior health information officer at Cancer Research UK, said: “With most cases of skin cancer linked to too much exposure to UV from the sun and sun beds, it’s important that people know the dangers and how to protect themselves.

“While we all need some sun for strong and healthy bones, when the sun is strong it’s important to spend time in the shade and cover up with clothing.

“Sunscreen with at least SPF15 and a high star rating can help protect the parts you can’t cover and avoid using sun beds. “We’d like to see more people celebrating their natural skin tone, but if you really want a tanned look, it’s safer to fake it.”

Source: bbc news


Uganda: Prevent Dental Diseases With Good Hygiene, Diet

Prevent Dental Diseases With Good Hygiene Diet

Taking good care of your teeth is a good way to avoid toothaches, expensive trips to the dentist and tooth loss.

But poor oral hygiene, health and care can affect the health of your whole body. For some, it has caused oral cancers and others, bad breath. Sarah Nassozi’s journey through tooth decay is a tale to tell. Over the years, two premolars on her left side of the mouth became brown and their enamels (hard outer layer of the teeth) started chipping off.

Then once, while having dinner, food got stuck in a hole between her teeth, large enough for the tip of her tongue to reach. This was the beginning of her nightmare. Soon, her teeth hurt so bad that it brought her fever.

“I was hospitalized and could not eat anything for three days until my tooth was gouged out,” she recalls.

Nevertheless, the teeth trauma did not end at that. Two years after removing her first tooth as an adult, Nassozi, 26, is back at Mulago hospital’s dental unit, removing yet another decaying tooth. Although tooth decay or cavities are largely preventable, Dr Isaac Okullo, dean of the Makerere University school of Health Sciences, says they remain the most common chronic disease of those who present with tooth problems.

They are commonly among children aged six to 11 years and adolescents aged 12 to 19 years.

“When sugar sticks onto or between teeth, it holds bacteria which break down foods and produce acid that destroys tooth enamel. This causes tooth decay,” Okullo says.

He advises people not to eat sugary foods in between meals because it is unlikely that one will clean his or her mouth. Snacking should also be limited.

Additionally, excessive intake of soft and energy drinks such as sodas and red bull respectively should be avoided as these contain acids and artificial sugars which are harmful to the teeth.

Preventing gum disease

Associated with the sugar and bacteria action on teeth, is gum disease. It occurs when the gums holding the teeth are affected by dental plaque: a colorless substance that sticks on the teeth which will hold bacteria and sugars to the teeth. Dr Okullo says if this plaque is left unchecked, it causes redness and inflammation of the gums. As a result of this irritation, the gums can begin to pull away from the teeth and the gaps which have been created become infected.

“If gum disease is not treated quickly, the bone which supports the teeth can be destroyed and teeth can be lost. Gum disease is a major factor in tooth loss as we age,” says Okullo.

Also, some teeth end up being held by the gum around them which means that a small force and take the tooth out. Dr Louis Muwazi, a dental surgeon at Makerere University, says one is at risk of gum disease if he or she is a smoker, has diabetes, crooked teeth as they are harder to clean.

Muwazi says important signs and symptoms for one to look out for in regard to gum disease include gums that are red and tender, gums that have pulled away from your teeth, pus coming from between your teeth and gums and teeth which look longer than before, because of gum recession.

To avoid gum disease, Dr Muwazi advises people to brush their teeth at least twice a day (morning and when going to bed) using fluoride toothpaste in order to remove plaque. If the plaque is not eliminated, it can continue to build up, which will then feed on the food fragments left behind and can cause tooth decay and gum disease.

However, ‘over-brushing’ the teeth may cause gums to bleed.

“It is vital to change your toothbrush every two to three months or sooner if the filaments become worn. When the bristles become weak, they no longer clean properly and may even damage your gums,” Dr Muwazi notes.

Dental visits every six months are recommended for oral examinations and professional cleaning of teeth. Mulago hospital’s dental unit charges Shs 20,000 for teeth cleaning.

Source: all africa

GlaxoSmithKline, flu vaccine maker, gets warning from U.S. FDA

GlaxoSmithKline, flu vaccine maker, gets warning from U.S. FDA

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has sent a warning to the company that makes most of Canada’s annual flu vaccine. The U.S. regulator sent a letter to GlaxoSmithKline about conditions at the company’s manufacturing facility in Ste-Foy, Que.

FDA investigators “documented deviations from current good manufacturing practice requirements” in the manufacture of the FluLaval vaccine and its intermediates,” the regulator said in a letter dated June 24.

The regulator said the company had failed to take appropriate steps to prevent sterility and microbial contamination of products. The FDA also has concerns about the company’s purified water systems. The FDA warned that the company’s licence to produce vaccine for the U.S market could be suspended or revoked if the problems are not fixed quickly.

GSK makes seasonal flu vaccine for the Canadian and U.S. markets. The company has 15 days to notify the FDA in writing about how it is correcting the violations.

GSK, regulators work together GSK said it’s working with the agency to resolve the issues.

“We are making progress addressing these concerns, and we are committed to working with the agency to fully resolve all outstanding issues,” GSK said in a statement.

“Patient safety is our first priority and we are confident in the safety of the influenza vaccines we have provided to patients. Every batch of GSK vaccines is subject to extensive review before it is released. Vaccines that do not pass this rigorous review are discarded.”

Health Canada said it is aware of the issues identified by the FDA. “Seasonal flu vaccines on the market currently are not impacted by these manufacturing issues,” a spokeswoman for Health Canada said in an email.

“The government maintains contracts for vaccine production with a number of other companies and can request additional supply if needed,” the email said. Health Canada said it is working closely with the company and the FDA to determine the next steps.

Source: cbc news

Parents Should Read to Kids Starting in Infancy, Docs Say

Parents Should Read to Kids Starting in Infancy, Docs Say

Parents should read to their children often, and start well before the kids enter school, according to a new statement from the nation’s largest group of pediatricians.

The statement from the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that pediatricians advise parents to read regularly to their children, beginning in infancy and continuing at least until the child enters kindergarten. Reading to children at a young age fosters parent-child bonding and encourages the development of early literacy skills needed in school, the statements says.

The AAP also recommends that pediatricians provide books at health check-ups to low-income children who are at high risk of having low reading proficiency.

Source: live science

Lentil cheap and healthy food

Lentil cheap and healthy food

The low rate of cardiovascular ailments at residents of Spain and Italy is directly connected to the food-rich in lentil, writes British “Telegraph”. Lentil helps at losing weight, because it contains very few calories.

Lentil belongs to the group of grain legumes vegetables, along with beans, peas, green beans. Around 40 lentil varieties are known that vary in color, size and shape.

It is grown since the Stone Age, and presumably originated from southwestern Asia, from where it is brought ??in Europe.

It is assumed that the lentil is the first commodity that man began to grow. It is found in archaeological sites from 8000 years ago in the Middle East, and is found in the tombs of Egyptian pharaohs .

Cultivated by the ancient Greeks and Romans, and is mentioned in the Bible. For centuries lentil, jointly with barley and wheat, were a basic human necessities. It is rich in protein and fiber (100 grams dry lentils contains 48 % protein and 46 % of the recommended daily fiber needs) . Other legumes are the best source of protein .

Lentil cheap and healthy food2

The healing properties of the lentil

  • -helps digest food and maintain proper stool
  • -important source of carbohydrate for diabetics
  • -pectins and rubber in dried lentil or beans lower cholesterol levels, thus providing indirect protection against heart disease
  • -Lentils and beans are digested very slowly, causing a gradual increase in blood sugar .For that the body needs less insulin to regulate blood sugar after consuming lenses and beans than when consumed potatoes or bread wich is quickly digested and raise blood sugar levels
  • -It does not contain saturated fat, doesn’t contain cholesterol and is an excellent source of soluble and insoluble fiber.
  • -Soluble fiber reduces blood sugar and cholesterol levels , while insoluble fiber may boost metabolism of digestion and shorten the retention time of food in the intestines. Thus reduce the risk of colon cancer .

The lentil contains a high percentage of B vitamins , which positively affects the nervous system, skin and hair, while the high amount of iron in it helps in anemia.
When cooking , put the lentils in boiling water because it will cook faster . Depending on the type of lentil, cooking takes 20 to 40 minutes.

Source: secretly healthy

Chemotherapy likely to get less painful

Chemotherapy likely to get less painful

Saint Louis University professor of pharmacological and physiological sciences Daniela Salvemini found a molecular pathway by which a painful chemotherapy side effect happens and a drug that may be able to stop it.

“The chemotherapy drug paclitaxel is widely used to treat many forms of cancer, including breast, ovarian and lung cancers,” said Salvemini.

“Though it is highly effective, the medication, like many other chemotherapy drugs, is frequently accompanied by a debilitating side effect called chemotherapy induced peripheral neuropathy, or CIPN,” she added.

In addition to causing suffering to patients, CIPN is often a limiting factor when it comes to treatment. Salvemini and her colleagues studied paclitaxel, which is also known as Taxol, and discovered that the pain pathway is dependent on activation of S1PR1 in the central nervous system.

This engages a series of damaging neuro-inflammatory processes leading to pain. By inhibiting this molecule, they found that they could block and reverse paclitaxel-induced neuropathic pain without interfering with the drug’s anti-cancer effects. The study appeared in the Journal of Biological Chemistry.

Source: post