Ebola deaths soar to 887 as Nigeria confirms 2nd case

Authorities in Nigeria on Monday announced a second case of Ebola in Africa’s most populous country, an alarming setback as the total death toll from the disease in several West Africa countries shot up by more than 150 to 887.

Most of the newly reported deaths occurred in Liberia, where on Monday night a special plane to evacuate a second American missionary who fell ill with Ebola landed in the capital. Nancy Writebol is expected to arrive in Atlanta on Tuesday, where she will be treated at a special isolation ward

Ebola deaths soar to 887 as Nigeria confirms 2nd case

Health authorities in Liberia ordered that all those who die from Ebola be cremated after communities resisted having the bodies buried nearby. Over the weekend, military police were called in after people tried to block health authorities in the West African nation from burying 22 bodies on the outskirts of the capital, Monrovia.

The World Health Organization announced Monday that the death toll has increased from 729 to 887 deaths in Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia and Nigeria.

Nigerian Health Minister Onyebuchi Chukwu said the confirmed second case in his country is a doctor who had helped treat Patrick Sawyer, the Liberian-American man who died July 25 days after arriving in Nigeria from Liberia.

Test samples are pending for three other people who also treated Sawyer and now have shown symptoms of Ebola, he said. Authorities are trying to trace and quarantine others.

“Hopefully by the end of today we should have the results of their own tests,” Chukwu said.

The emergence of a second case raises serious concerns about the infection control practices in Nigeria, and also raises the specter that more cases could emerge. It can take up to 21 days after exposure to the virus for symptoms to appear. They include fever, sore throat, muscle pains and headaches. Often nausea, vomiting and diarrhea follow, along with severe internal and external bleeding in advanced stages of the disease.
New York patient likely not infected

“This fits exactly with the pattern that we’ve seen in the past. Either someone gets sick and infects their relatives, or goes to a hospital and health workers get sick,” said Gregory Hartl, World Health Organization spokesman in Geneva. “It’s extremely unfortunate but it’s not unexpected. This was a sick man getting off a plane and unfortunately, no one knew he had Ebola.”

On Monday night, a doctor at Mount Sinai Medical Centre in Manhattan said a man who visited West Africa last month and is being tested for Ebola likely doesn’t have it.

“Odds are, this is not Ebola,” Dr. Jeremy Boal, chief medical officer at the hospital, said. He added he was expecting a definitive answer about the man’s condition within a day or two.

Two American aid workers infected with Ebola, Nancy Writebol and Dr. Kent Brantly, are improving. Both were infected while working in Liberia.

Brantly is being treated at a special isolation unit at Atlanta’s Emory University Hospital, and Writebol was expected to be flown there Tuesday in the same specially equipped plane that brought Brantly.
70 people under surveillance, Nigeria says

Doctors and other health workers on the front lines of the Ebola crisis have been among the most vulnerable to infection as they are in direct physical contact with patients. The disease is not airborne, and only transmitted through contact with bodily fluids such as saliva, blood, vomit, sweat or feces.

Sawyer, who was travelling to Nigeria on business, became ill while aboard a flight and Nigerian authorities immediately took him into isolation upon arrival in Lagos. They did not quarantine his fellow passengers, and have insisted that the risk of additional cases was minimal.

Nigerian authorities said a total of 70 people are under surveillance and that they hoped to have eight people in quarantine by the end of Monday in an isolation ward in Lagos. The emergence there is particularly worrisome because Lagos is the largest city in Africa with some 21 million people.

Health officials rely on “contact tracing” — locating anyone who may have been exposed, and then anyone who may have come into contact with that person.

Ben Neuman, a virologist and Ebola expert at Britain’s University of Reading, said that could prove difficult at this stage.

“Contact tracing is essential but it’s very hard to get enough people to do that,” he said. “For the average case, you want to look back and catch the 20-30 people they had closest contact with and that takes a lot of effort and legwork … The most important thing now is to do the contact tracing and quarantine any contacts who may be symptomatic.”

Source: cbc

Arthritis cases among Indian youngsters rising: Expert

Arthritis cases among Indian youngsters rising

There has been a rise in the number of young Indians diagnosed with knee arthritis and other problems of joints and ligaments, a health expert said.

“Arthritis or the damage that sets up in our body joints is considered a problem associated with ageing. Loss of cartilage, depleting calcium, wear and tear of the ligaments, or excessive weight have contributed to the onset of arthritis.

“However, we are now seeing a rise in the number of younger patients with osteoarthritis, Rajeev.K. Sharma, senior consultant and orthopaedic and joint replacement surgeon at Apollo Hospital, said here in a press conference on the occasion of the “National Bone and Joint Day” Monday.

Sharma highlighted on the need to create awareness among young people and having a healthy lifestyle.

“Obesity, lack of exercise, injury in bones or muscles, hereditary defects in alignment of legs, faulty lifestyle and absence of physical activity lead to early degeneration of muscles and cartilage around the joints,” he added.

According to experts, though the number of young patients with arthritis might be barely 10 percent, it is important to encourage youngsters to walk, cycle and perform regular exercise.

Source: yahoo news

Home Remedies for Bad Breath

Bad breath (halitosis) is a condition characterized by consistent unpleasant breath odor.

Many conditions, such as postnasal drip, chronic bronchitis, uncontrolled diabetes, respiratory tract infection, liver or kidney disease, and digestive disorders such as acid reflux can cause bad breath. In the majority of people with bad breath, however, the problem is in the mouth and is often caused by improper dental hygiene, periodontal disease or dry mouth.

What causes the actual odor? Food particles and dead cells in the mouth collect bacteria which thrive in enviroments that lack oxygen, such as the back of the tongue and deep gum pockets. These bacteria produce odor-causing volatile sulfur compounds such as hydrogen sulfide.


Home Remedies for Bad Breath

Brushing at least twice a day and flossing daily can help to remove odor-causing bacteria. Before trying any natural remedies for bad breath, it’s important to visit your dentist to have your teeth examined and cleaned. If a cause isn’t identified, consult your doctor for further investigation. Here are some home remedies to consider:

  • Drink tea. Preliminary research suggests that compounds in both green tea and black tea called polyphenols may stop the growth of bacteria responsible for bad breath. Polyphenols may also prevent existing bacteria from producing malodorous compounds such as hydrogen sulfide. Both green and black tea have polyphenols. Get some tips on how to brew green tea.
  • Try a mouthwash containing zinc ions. Zinc appears to directly neutralize malodorous sulfur compounds and improve breath. It’s found in several health food store mouthwashes as well as some drug store brands.
  • Try a mouthwash that contains essential oils. Preliminary studies suggest that essential oils, which are plant oils, may help to reduce bad breath. One study compared an essential oil mouthwash containing tea tree oil, peppermint oil and lemon oil to a standard mouthwash and found that the level of volatile sulfur compounds was significantly less after the essential oil mouthwash compared to the conventional mouthwash. It’s best to use a commercially-prepared product (check the health food store) rather than buying essential oils and making your own mouthwash. If in doubt, consult your dentist.
  • Use herbs to freshen your breath. Chew on a small sprig of fresh rosemary, parsley, spearmint, or tarragon for up to a minute.
  • Avoid mouthwashes with alcohol. Alcohol can dry out the mouth, which contributes to bad breath.
  • Use a tongue scraper, which helps to remove dead cells, food particles and bacteria from the tongue. A tongue scaper is a special plastic instrument found in drug stores and some health food stores, that costs several dollars. In Ayurveda, a thick coating on the tongue is called “ama” and is thought to be caused by improper or incomplete digestion. Tongue cleaning with a scaper is recommended as a daily regimen to remove ama. The key is to do it gently and to rinse your mouth thoroughly afterward. If you can’t find a tongue scraper, use a toothbrush to clean your tongue.
  • Drink plenty of fluids. Drinking water and other fluids will help keep your mouth moist. Another reason drinking fluids might help: In traditional Chinese medicine, bad breath is often the result of excess heat in the stomach. Water, soup and watery fruits and vegetables, such as cucumber, are thought to help to rebalance the body.
  • According to traditional Chinese medicine, bitter foods, such as Belgian endive and many dark green leafy vegetables are also believed to help stomach heat. Certain foods, such as coffee, alcohol, sugar, milk and fried or spicy foods are thought to worsen the problem.
  • Snack on crunchy fruits and vegetables such as apples, celery, carrots or jicama. Crunchy foods can help remove food, bacteria and plaque from teeth.
  • Get help managing stress. Many people have bad breath that doesn’t have a clearly identifiable cause. One small preliminary study found that in healthy young men with good oral hygiene and general health, stress increased the production of volatile sulfur compounds in the mouth. To learn specific relaxation techniques, go to my section on mind/body techniques. Also, find out about natural remedies for anxiety

Source: health digezt

‘Gluten-Free’ Food Labels May Deceive Consumers As Healthy: Is The Fad Dangerous?

Food labels can shape our perception of how we view products. Buzzwords like “gluten-free,” “natural,” “wholegrain,” and “antioxidant” have misguided customers into thinking they are buying a healthier food with some implied health benefit. While consumers have become aware of the need to choose healthier options, a recent study published in the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior has found dieters who consume gluten-free foods (without a wheat sensitivity), actually miss out on vital nutrients in exchange for unsupported claims of weight loss and healthier skin.

gluten free Food Labels

The belief that consuming gluten-free foods will lead to certain health benefits is not entirely based on research. The Internet has played a pivotal role in influencing consumers’ food choices by providing a variety of claims and convictions. “If I’m a college student, and I want to lose weight, and I read on the Internet that a gluten-free diet is the way to go, I may start avoiding products that contain essential nutrients such as those found in cereal grains fortified with folic acid,” said Karla Shelnutt, a University of Florida assistant professor in family, youth, and community sciences, in the news release.

In the U.S., celiac disease patients, or only one percent of the population, must adhere to a gluten-free diet because they have a wheat sensitivity, and it’s the only treatment for their condition. Gluten causes inflammation in the small intestines of these patients, says the Mayo Clinic, a gluten-free diet helps them control their signs, and symptoms, and prevent complications. However, gluten-free diets can lack essential nutrients if a person does not eat a balance diet and/or take a multivitamin supplement.

To determine if gluten-free food labels impact consumers’ perceptions of overall likeability, flavor and texture of two types of food products, and the beliefs about the healthfulness of gluten-free diets, Shelnutt and her colleagues recruited a small cohort from the University of Florida over a one-day period. A total of 97 participants were presented with two sets of paired items — cookies and chips — equaling four total products. All of the paired items were identical gluten-free products, with one item from each pair being labeled “gluten free” and one “conventional.”

Participants then rated each food on a nine-point scale for overall liking, flavor, and texture. This was followed by questionnaire to determine the participants’ health beliefs relating to gluten-free diets. Responses were recorded using Compusense software, and analysis of variance (ANOVA) to determine the impact of labeling.

The findings revealed a third of participants said they believed gluten-free foods to be healthier than those labeled “conventional,” a figure Shelnutt thought would be much lower. In regard to its health benefits, approximately 60 percent of the participants said they believed a gluten-free diet can treat adverse medical conditions, and 35 percent believed gluten-free could improve digestive health. When it came to overall health, 31 percent of participants believed gluten-free was “healthier” and 32 percent believed doctors prescribed gluten-free eating for weight loss.

These beliefs come as no surprise, as the $10.5 billion gluten-free industry has seen a rise in profits. Gluten-free food and beverage industry grew 44 percent between 2011 and 2013, according to market research company Mintel, the NY Daily News reported. The company estimates sales will reach $15 billion by 2016. Food companies are manipulating consumers’ desires to be healthy by marketing products as nutritious, when they are actually not.

The reason why eating gluten-free may lead to weight loss is because the diet reduces carbohydrate intake. Dieters who focus on eating more lean protein, fruits, and vegetables can achieve some initial weight loss. However, this can be done without having to go gluten-free, as weight loss is achieved by reducing your caloric intake, not eliminating gluten from your diet.

Gluten is found in grains such as wheat, barley, rye, and triticale — a cross between wheat and rye. While the protein gluten is not found in gluten-free products, they do contain extra sugar and fat to make them tastier, including extra salt. Nutritional food labels also show these foods contain fewer vitamins, less fiber, and more sugar. This has made some food makers to not make any health claims about this hot commodity.

Health experts have yet to find proven benefits of going gluten-free, with the exception of those whose small intestine cannot process the protein. The gluten-free craze may be unfounded, and just a fad diet for those without celiac disease.

Source: medical daily

Turn down your A/C when you sleep to boost your metabolism and lower diabetes risk

You may have never heard of the term “brown fat” before, but new research has been published which says brown fat is a good thing, and you should sleep in a “cooler” room regularly, so crank up the A/C, because a slightly higher power bill might be worth it to your health. By giving your metabolism a boost, you gain metabolic advantages, according to the new study, which tested five men for four months in climate-controlled rooms with “adjusted” temperatures. Researchers at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) found that subjects sleeping in rooms at a temperature of about 66°F had more brown fat, as opposed to white fat, in their bodies, which is key to metabolic improvements.

Turn down your AC when you sleep to boost your metabolism and lower diabetes risk

The term “brown fat” refers to adipose tissue which is active fat, unlike its counterpart white fat, which is more of a storage fat. The brown fat is the fat that burns calories so your body can maintain its core temperature, to protect all your vital organs. According to the National Institutes of Health, brown fat is more prevalent in babies because babies need it to stay warm. Adults, take note here, because we still retain some!

Metabolic changes that lower risk for diabetes found in “brown fats”

Researchers noted that, after four weeks of sleeping at 81°F, the metabolic enhancements come undone, as the men who volunteered to take part in the study had less brown fat than after their very first scan. Having more brown fat also means more effective disposal of glucose. This is good news. Even workplace environments kept “cooler” are sufficient to expand brown adipose tissue mass and activity for extended periods of time. People who work 40 to 50 hours a week in such environments are a good example of this.

The study was published just last month in the journal Diabetes. The tests were run on five healthy and lean men. All men performed normal activities during their days at the Clinical Research Center at NIH. The test started off with a first month of sleeping in 75°F, then it went to 66°F for the second month, then back to 75°F for the third month, and the fourth wonderful month was spent sleeping at 81°F. During the month of 66°F, the team of researchers noted double the volume of brown fat, not to mention that each man’s insulin sensitivity had improved.

Overweight and insulin-resistant humans to be tested next

According to lead author Francesco Celi, who is a staff clinician from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, people who are overweight or insulin-resistant may benefit from this procedure. This could be huge. A press release by Virginia Commonwealth University stated, “In previous work, the team analyzed the effects of acute cold exposure and identified crosstalk between skeletal muscle and brown fat tissue that is mediated by an exercise-induced hormone. This metabolic signaling may help the body more efficiently maintain its core temperature.”

The body is a very efficient machine, given the right “input.” So what input shall you give yours for maximum efficiency and metabolism? Will you eat healthy fats like organic avocados and organic coconut oil, or will you consume partially hydrogenated oils and animal fat? Will you pay closer attention to research that reveals ways to streamline your health and immunity, or will you watch TV and be brainwashed by lies? Investigate your own health with real research and find out how you might protect your body from corporate toxic foods and medicines, and how natural and holistic approaches to monitoring your insulin resistance and metabolism may be the key. Over time, turn everything you eat, drink and put on your skin into something that your body WANTS, and that’s organic

source: natural news

Home remedy for Back Pain

Home remedy for Back Pain

This is one of the oldest Home remedy for Back Pain and Discopathy

Home remedy for Back Pain

Back pain is a regular problem in the majority of the population. The pain can be caused by many reasons, but most common is discopathy. Degeneration of one or more intervertebral disc of the spine is called discopathy, a condition that can be painful and affect quality of life. The disease usually is associated with aging, but at some people can cause severe chronic pain if not treated promptly.


  • -chronic pain in the lower back which is spread on the hips,
  • -pain in thighs after a long walk,
  • -tingling and weakness in the knees, hands and fingers,
  • -chronic neck pain with pain in the head, shoulders and arms.

Ingredients needed for back pain home remedy:

  • – 3 garlic bulbs,
  • – 1 tablespoon of baking soda,
  • – 1 tablespoon of pure alcohol from pharmacy
  • – 1 tbsp of organic olive oil.

All ingredients are mixed and the mixture is placed on the gauze, and as a coating is applied to the sore spot. Let it stand for several hours or overnight.

The next day prepare a new coating and the treatment lasts for three days.

Source: secretly healthy

Why Packaged Foods Harm Your Health?

Why Packaged Foods Harm Your Health

In today’s world, a normal and healthy life with naturally cooked foods has been exchanged with convenience foods. The words “rush” and “time constraint” has become common to any man’s life dictionary. Convenience or packaged foods burn your pockets leaving a hole both in your finance and health front. You pay money to buy illness to yourself—all in a package!

If you are seriously concerned about your health and today’s unhealthy lifestyle, this is an intense custom-made article just for you. When fruits and vegetables are naturally and luckily yet available next doors, people compromise on these healthy stuff with processed, cut and canned fruits and veggies. When the dosa and idli flour can be grinded at home on your weekend spare time and refrigerated for a whole week’s use, we go in for packaged flour from the shop next door—all these to compromise and convince ourselves that we are still eating traditional and staple food!

We never realise that with price and the packaging comes illness as a free supplement. It is absolutely not wrong to go in for convenience foods to take that weekend off and pamper yourself with beauty sleep, but what is the final result—you pay for both the food you buy, and the hospital you end up landing once it has done all possible harm to you. Consider naturally cooked foods and change your lifestyle. Do not blame time for it; time is always the same for everyone, making use of it effectively is unto you.

Now, if you wonder what big harm the packaged foods bring to you, here is the list of the trio that can doom your own health and your family’s too. Read on about the factors and then decide if you really want to continue this “convenience lifestyle”.

BPA- Bisphenol: BPA, the food industries’ permanent ingredient is used in all packaged foods to keep the food away from reacting with the metal or plastic or paper it comes in. This food that helps prevent corrosion of metal from your food packaging, gives neural disorders to the embryo that’s growing in your womb if you are prego. Indirectly, you administer this harmful agent to your baby right from the stage of its formation until its lifespan is completed. For the adults, BPA brings along cardiovascular diseases, endocrinology problems, heart diseases and cancer. This is one major reason why you should stay away from processed and canned foods.

Sodium: Sodium that comes naturally with every veggie and the sodium that you add from your salt shaker do no harm to you. But the packaged foods do. They are loaded with double-triple the times of sodium than what’s normal. This is just to prevent the food from getting spoilt and for a longer shelf life. For example, there is 15 times more of sodium in canned tomatoes and you can imagine what goes into your stomach when you consume these. The bag of chips and such close to heart snacks of yours is packaged with 10 times sodium than what’s normally used to give it the crispiness and long shelf life. You spend for a pack and get your BP illness free along! High levels of sodium in your diet causes fluctuation in sodium levels in your blood and this can lead even up to a heart disease.

Sulphites: Sulphites are the sulphur based components that are the preservatives added to the nicely packaged favorite food of yours. Food labels on canned vegetables may not say “sulphites” per se, but look for any of these ingredients which have sulphites in them: sulphur dioxide, potassium bisulphites, potassium metabisulphites or sodium sulphites.

Choose fresh or frozen vegetables first and canned vegetables second!

Source: Divine herbs

Effects of Cold Water After Having Meal

Effects of Cold Water After Having Meal

For those who like to drink cold water, this article is applicable to you. It is nice to have a cup of cold drink after a meal. However, the cold water will solidify the oily stuff that you have just consumed. It will slow down the digestion. Once this “sludge’ reacts with the acid, it will break down and be absorbed by the intestine faster than the solid food. It will line the intestine. Very soon, this will turn into fats and lead to cancer. It is best to drink hot soup or warm water after a meal.

A serious note about heart attacks – you should know that not every heart attack symptom is going to be the left arm hurting. Be aware of intense pain in the jaw line.

You may never have the first chest pain during the course of a heart attack. Nausea and intense sweating are also common symptoms. 60% of people who have a heart attack while they are asleep do not wake up. Pain in the jaw can wake you from a sound sleep. Let’s be careful and be aware. The more we know the better chance we could survive.

A cardiologist says if everyone who reads this message sends it to 10 people; you can be sure that we ‘ill save at least one life. Read this & send the link to a friend. It could save a life. So, Please be a true friend and send this article to all your friends you care about…

Source; Ayurvedic health tips

Top 15 Foods for Kidney Health

Most of us know that eating a balanced diet is important for good health. Now scientists have pinpointed certain foods as super foods. In addition to promoting overall health, these are foods for kidney health as well.

To understand why they’re called super foods, we first have to understand oxidation and free radicals. Oxidation is a normal bodily process for producing energy and is part of many chemical changes in your body. However, it can sometimes lead to the production of molecules called free radicals.

Free radicals are unstable molecules that bounce wildly around inside your body, damaging proteins, genes and cell membranes. Free radicals are believed to contribute to aging and many chronic diseases, including cancer, heart disease and Alzheimer’s disease.


The good news is super foods contain antioxidants that help neutralize free radicals. Even in relatively low amounts, antioxidants can help slow or stop the rate of oxidation caused by free radicals. Examples of antioxidants include flavonoids, lycopene and vitamins C, E and beta-carotene.
Super foods for your kidneys

If you are on dialysis or have chronic kidney disease (CKD), you’ll be glad to know that there are lots of super foods, containing antioxidants and other health-supporting properties, included in the kidney diet. People with kidney disease experience more inflammation and have a higher risk of cardiovascular disease than those without kidney problems. If you have kidney disease, it’s important that you consult a renal dietitian and follow a kidney diet. Including super foods in your kidney diet eating plan can help you increase your intake of nutrients and antioxidants.

Here’s a list of the top 15 kidney-friendly super foods. These foods are good for everyone, not just people with kidney disease, so by using them in your family’s meals, you’ll be helping your loved ones enjoy good health too.

1. Red bell peppers
Red bell peppers are a good choice for those concerned about kidney health, because they’re low in potassium. In addition, they add color and taste to any dish, while packing a generous portion of vitamins A, C, B6, folic acid and fiber. They also contain the antioxidant lycopene, which protects against certain types of cancer.

If you’re following the kidney diet, it’s easy to add red bell peppers to your food plan. Mix them into tuna or chicken salad or eat raw with dip. Roasted, they’re great for topping sandwiches or green salads. Chop them up for use in egg dishes, such as omelets or scrambled eggs, add them to kabobs for grilling or stuff them with a ground beef or turkey mixture for a tasty baked entrée.

2. Cabbage
Crunchy cabbage is a cruciferous vegetable filled with phytochemicals, chemical compounds found in certain fruits and vegetables. Phytochemicals work to break apart free radicals. Many phytochemicals are believed to combat cancer and support cardiovascular health.

Inexpensive cabbage is a great addition to your eating plan, because it’s also high in vitamins K and C, high in fiber and a good source of vitamin B6 and folic acid, yet it’s low in potassium, so it’s especially kidney-friendly.

If you’re following the dialysis diet, add cabbage by turning it into coleslaw or use as a topping for fish tacos. Cabbage can be boiled, steamed or microwaved and then enjoyed with a touch of butter or cream cheese and a sprinkling of pepper or caraway seeds. Other nutritious meal options include cabbage rolls and stuffed cabbage.

3. Cauliflower
Another kidney-friendly super food is cauliflower. This cruciferous vegetable brings lots of vitamin C to your plate, along with folate and fiber. In addition it contains compounds that help your liver neutralize toxic substances.

Cauliflower can be eaten raw with dip or in salads. Steamed or boiled, it can be seasoned and turned into a great side dish. You can even mash cauliflower as a dialysis-friendly replacement for mashed potatoes.

4. Garlic
Garlic is good for reducing inflammation and lowering cholesterol. It also has antioxidant and anti-clotting properties. (Cooking garlic will not affect its antioxidant properties, but it will reduce its anti-clotting and anti-inflammatory effects.)
If you’re following the dialysis diet, use garlic powder instead of garlic salt to add extra flavor to your meals without adding extra sodium. Garlic can be used in cooking many dishes: meat, vegetables or tomato sauce, for instance. Once you start cooking with garlic, you’ll wonder how you ever got along without it.

5. Onion
Another popular food used for seasoning is the onion. Onion is full of flavonoids, particularly quercetin. Flavonoids are natural chemicals that prevent the deposit of fatty material in blood vessels and add pigmentation (color) to plants. Quercetin is a powerful antioxidant that is believed to help reduce heart disease and protect against many forms of cancer. It also has anti-inflammatory properties.

Low in potassium, onions are not only kidney-friendly; they also contain chromium, a mineral that assists your body with the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.
Onions can be enjoyed raw or cooked in a variety dishes.

6. Apples
An apple a day really does help keep the doctor away! High in fiber and anti-inflammatory properties, apples help reduce cholesterol, prevent constipation, protect against heart disease and decrease your risk of cancer.
Renal-friendly apples can be eaten raw or cooked. Or get their health benefits by drinking apple juice or cider.

7. Cranberries
Cranberries are great for preventing urinary tract infections, because they make urine more acidic and help keep bacteria from attaching to the inside of the bladder. They’ve also been shown to protect against cancer and heart disease.
Although we think of cranberries as a holiday side dish, cranberry juice can be enjoyed daily for added nutrition. Or toss a handful of dried cranberries into your cereal or salad.

8. Blueberries
These tasty berries get their blue color from antioxidant compounds called anthocyanidins. Blueberries get high marks for nutrition, thanks to natural compounds that reduce inflammation and lots of vitamin C and fiber. They also contain manganese, which contributes to healthy bones.
Use blueberries to top off your morning cereal, whip them up in a fruit smoothie or enjoy them in a baked treat, such as muffins or crisp.

9. Raspberries
Raspberries contain a compound called ellagic acid, which helps neutralize free radicals. The berry’s red color comes from antioxidants called anthocyanins. Raspberries are packed with fiber, vitamin C and manganese. They also have plenty of folate, a B vitamin. Raspberries have properties that help stop cancer cell growth and the formation of tumors.
Sprinkle fresh raspberries on cereal, or whip them up in a kidney-friendly fruit smoothie.

10. Strawberries
Strawberries are rich in two types of antioxidants, plus they contain lots of vitamin C, manganese and fiber. They have anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties and also help keep your heart healthy.
Like most berries, they’re wonderful on cereal or in smoothies. Add whipped topping for a quick dessert, or puree them for a fresh addition to pound or angel food cake.

11. Cherries
Cherries are filled with antioxidants and phytochemicals that protect your heart. When eaten daily, they have been shown to reduce inflammation.
Fresh cherries make a delicious snack. Of course, cherry pie is a popular dessert, but there’s also cherry crisp, cherry cheesecake and even cherry coffee cake. Cherry sauce makes a nice accompaniment to lamb or pork.

12. Red grapes
The color in red grapes comes from several flavonoids. These are good for your heart, because they prevent oxidation and reduce the chance of blood clots. One flavonoid in grapes, resveratrol, may boost production of nitric oxide, which increases muscle relaxation in blood vessels for better blood flow. Flavonoids also help protect you from cancer and prevent inflammation.
Choose those with red or purple skin grapes for the highest flavonoid content. Eat grapes as a snack. When frozen, they make a good thirst-quencher for those on a fluid-restricted diet. Add grapes to fruit or chicken salad. Or drink grape juice.

13. Egg whites
Did you know that egg whites are pure protein? They provide the highest quality protein there is, along with all of the essential amino acids. If you’re on the kidney diet, it’s good to note that egg whites have less phosphorus than other protein sources, such as egg yolks or meats.
Use egg whites for omelets or egg white sandwiches. You can also add them to smoothies or shakes. Hard boil eggs and use the whites to use in tuna or green salads.

14. Fish
Another high-quality source of protein is fish. Both the American Diabetes Association and the American Heart Association recommend that you include fish in your meal plan two or three times a week. Besides being a great source of protein, fish contains anti-inflammatory fats called omega-3s. These healthy fats help prevent diseases, such as cancer and heart disease. They also help lower LDL (the bad cholesterol) and raise HDL (the good cholesterol).

The types of fish that have the most omega-3s are salmon, albacore tuna, mackerel, herring and rainbow trout.

15. Olive oil
Research has shown that people in countries where olive oil is used instead of other types of oils tend to have lower rates of cancer and heart disease. This is believed to be due to olive oil’s many good components: oleic acid, an anti-inflammatory fatty acid which protects against oxidation and polyphenols and antioxidant compounds that prevent inflammation and oxidation.
Use virgin or extra virgin olive oil – they’re higher in antioxidants. Olive oil can be used in cooking or to make salad dressing, as a dip for bread and as a marinade for vegetables.

Source: health digezt

One more dies of Encephalitis in WB, toll mounts to 117

Encephalitis-ou39646One more dies of Encephalitis in WB, toll mounts to 117

One person died today from Encephalitis while five new cases were reported from north Bengal, a senior health department official said.

“The toll in West Bengal rose to 117 since January this year after a patient, who was admitted few days back, died today at the North Bengal Medical College (NBMC),” state Health Services director Biswaranjan Satpathy said.

Five new cases were reported from different hospitals in north Bengal, he said. Another person, hailing from Assam, was today admitted at the Calcutta School of Tropical Medicine here with signs of suspected Japanese Encephalitis, he said.

“We are suspecting it as a case of Japanese Encephalitis. Tests have been conducted and we are waiting for the results,” Satpathy added.

Source: business standard